Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for York or search for York in all documents.

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e Emily Ann, the Mary Willis, and the Delaware Farmer, belonging to and bound to Baltimore from Richmond. They surrendered to the Harriet Lane, and were ordered to Philadelphia by the flag officer of the Minnesota. Outside of Cape Henry the Mary Willis broke loose, and as the Yankee turned round to recover her, the Emily Ann got a lurch and sprung her mainmast. Her foremast had to be cut away to save her. The Emily Ann arrived at the wharf, leaking badly, and is being unloaded. Lieut. Bryant, of the Navy, who had the prizes in charge, stated that the ship North Carolina, in ballast, from Havre, and another ship, the Argo, had been seized and taken to New York. Twenty vessels had been detained by the fleet, including five tobacco schooners.--Philadelphia Ledger, May 19. An expedition of Now York troops sent to recapture the lightship, taken by the secessionists, brought it up to the Washington Navy Yard to-day.--They were fired into, but nobody was hurt.--N. Y. Herald, May 19.
lly incapable of doing military duty, are enlisted, and three-tenths of the whole are to be mustered into the field. The names are placed in one box, and as many numbers — from one to ten (repeated)--are placed in another box. When a name is drawn forth a number is also drawn; and if it be either No. 1, 2, or 3, the person is elected a soldier into the disunion army. Otherwise he escapes immediate service.--Washington Star, June 6. The Ninth Regiment N. Y. V., Colonel Hawkins, left Net York for Fortress Monroe.--(Doc. 235.) The Richmond Whig (Va.) of to-day announces that after to-day no passports will be issued to persons leaving the State, and no one will be admitted to the State except for reasons of peculiar force; also, that the Tennessee volunteers in Virginia are authorized to vote on the ordinance of the secession of Tennessee, although stationed in Virginia.--A Bank Convention, held at Atlanta, Ga., recommended that all the Southern banks, railroads, and tax collec
ars this afternoon for transportation to Rhode Island.--(Doc. 104.) The new Cabinet of President Davis was confirmed by the rebel Senate this morning, as follows: Secretary of State,J. P. Benjamin, La. Secretary of War,Geo. W. Randolph, Va. Secretary of the Navy,S. R. Mallory, Fla. Secretary of the Treasury,C. G. Memminger, S. C. Attorney-General,Thomas H. Watts. Postmaster-General,Mr. Reagan, Texas. President Davis declared martial law over the counties of Elizabeth City, York, Warwick, Gloucester, and Matthews.--Norfolk Day Book, March 24. Three hundred privates and fifty-eight officers, the first detachment of prisoners taken at Pea Ridge, arrived at St. Louis, Mo. This day Gen. Parke's brigade of Gen. Burnside's division, took possession of Morehead City, N. C., finding it evacuated by the inhabitants. Lieut. Flagler, ordnance officer, and a member of Gen. Parke's staff, crossed over to Fort Macon, a distance of two miles across Rogue's Sound, with a
Clellan and the officers and men under his command, and to Governor Curtin and the militia of Pennsylvania, for the prompt expulsion of the rebel army from Maryland; also thanking the Maryland troops engaged in the battles. A brigade of cavalry, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Karge, made a successful reconnoissance from Centreville, Va., to Warrenton, capturing and paroling sixteen hundred rebels, a portion of whom were on duty, and the remainder in hospital. On their return, Lieutenant York, when between Manassas and Bull Run, took a captain and twenty men of the Seventeenth South-Carolina regiment prisoners, and paroled them. In the rebel House of Representatives, at Richmond, Va., Mr. Semmes, of Louisiana, submitted a joint resolution declaring President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation to be a gross violation of the usages of civilized warfare, as well as an invitation to an atrocious civil war, and therefore should be counteracted by such severe retaliatory mea
October 26. The schooner Crenshaw of New York, Captain Nelson, from New York for Glasgow with a cargo of flour, was this day captured in latitude 40°, longitude 64°, by the rebel privateer Alabama, and burned. Indianola, Texas, surrendered to the United States gunboats Clifton and Westfield without firing a shot.-A party of Unionists attempted to land at Saint Mary's, Georgia, but were repulsed. The gunboats then shelled and completely destroyed the tow