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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
out from Macon, with a number of other fugitives, and while waiting for Fred and Mr. Toombs to hunt up conveyances, we amused ourselves getting acquainted and exchanging experiences with our fellow sufferers. Among the ones I liked best, were Mrs. Young and Dr. Morrow, from Marietta. Mrs. Walthall introduced us to her escort, Col. Lockett, an old bachelor, but as foolish about the girls as if he was a widower. Our pretty girl from Montgomery was there, too, but I did not learn her name, and s were running riot, filling the air with fragrance and the earth with beauty. On the colonnade were a number of guests whom the hospitality of our host had brought together, and among them we were delighted to meet again our fellow travelers, Mrs. Young and Dr. Morrow. Mrs. Harris met us with such a warm, motherly welcome that I felt like throwing myself on her breast, but remembering how dirty and draggled out I was, I practiced the Golden Rule, and did as I would be done by. We were shown a
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
Bankhead called for me in their ambulance at 5 P. M., and they drove me to see the source of the San Antonio, which is the most beautiful clear spring I ever saw. We also saw the extensive foundations for a tannery now being built by the Confederate government. The country is very pretty, and is irrigated in an ingenious manner by ditches cut from the river in all directions. It is thus in a great degree rendered independent of rain. At San Antonio spring we were entertained by a Major Young, a queer little naval officer,--why a major I couldn't discover. Mrs. Bankhead is a violent Southerner. She was twice ordered out of Memphis by the Federals on account of her husband's principles; but-she says that she was treated with courtesy and kindness by the Federal General Sherman, who carried out the orders of his government with regret. None of the Southern people with whom I have spoken entertain any hopes of a speedy termination of the war. They say it must last all L
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
warm as summer almost. Another dispatch from Bragg: Augusta, November 28th, 1864.-On the 26th instant, the enemy started a heavy cavalry force in this direction, from his main body near Sandersville; Gen. Wheeler promptly following, leaving a portion of his force to confront Sherman. Kilpatrick reached vicinity of Waynesborough yesterday, where Wheeler overtook and attacked him. A runnTng fight has continued to this time; the advantage with us. We are driving them toward Millen. Young's command has just arrived, and will go forward to Wheeler, who will, I hope, be able to mount most of them from his captures. Devastation marks the enemy's route. Hear nothing from the movements of the enemy's infantry, since Wheeler left their front. I fear they may cross the Savannah, and make for Beaufort. It is perfectly practicable. The number of deserters, under General Order 65, received here and sent to Abingdon, Va., is 1224 men. Senator Waldo P. Johnson, Missouri, told
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
n Lee. A writer in the Sentinel suggests that if we should be hard pressed, the States ought to repeal the old Declaration of Independence, and voluntarily revert to their original proprietors-England, France, and Spain, and by them be protected from the North, etc. Ill-timed and injurious publication! A letter from G. N. Sanders, Montreal, Canada E., asks copies of orders (to be certified by Secretary of War) commanding the raid into Vermont, the burning, pillaging, etc., to save Lieut. Young's life. I doubt if such written orders are in existence-but no matter. It is said the enemy have captured Fort McAlister, Savannah Harbor. Mr. Hunter is very solicitous about the President's health-said to be an affection of the head; but the Vice-President has taken his seat in the Senate. It was rumored yesterday that the President would surely die,an idle rumor, perhaps. I hope it is not a disease of the brain, and incurable. December 16 Clear and pleasant; subsequen
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
en torn away b a shell, and at the dark spot seen between the two windows in the sketch, was the fracture made by a round shot that passed through the house. to the vicinity of Auburn, the residence of John Minor Botts, Mr. Botts's beautiful seat, called Auburn, was about a mile from Brandy Station, on a very slight elevation, with a little depression between his house and gentle cultivated ridges at a little distance. The writer and his friends already mentioned (Messrs. Buckingham and Young), visited this stanch Virginia Unionist, when on our way homeward from Staunton, mentioned on page 401, volume II. We had passed the preceding night and part of the day before at Culpepper Court-House and in visiting the battle-ground at Cedar Mountain. See page 448, volume II. At Culpepper Court-House we hired a carriage to convey us to Brandy Station, and our route lay across Mr. Botts's estate. We found him at home, and were very cordially received. The region just about him was a so
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
ited in praise of the young leader, and there was joy in every loyal heart because of his achievements. Art and song celebrated Sheridan's ride from Winchester to the front; and when, less than three weeks afterward, General McClellan resigned, Nov. 4, 1864. and thereby created a vacant major-generalship in the regular army, the victor in the Shenandoah Valley was substantially rewarded by a commission to fill his place. The writer, with friends already mentioned (Messrs. Buckingham and Young), visited the theater of Sheridan's exploits in the Shenandoah Valley, from the Opequan and Winchester to Fisher's Hill, early in October, 1866. See page 400, volume II. We left Gettysburg in a carriage, for Harper's Ferry, on the morning of the first, and followed the line of march of the corps of Howard and Sickles, when moving northward from Frederick, in the summer of 1863. See page 59. We passed through the picturesque region into which the road to Emmettsburg led us, with the Sou
y of the Army, he retired and abandoned the attempt. Major L. Perot, adjutant of Ector's brigade, has informed me by letter that our troops were in possession of these stores during several hours, and could easily have destroyed them. If this assertion be correct, I presume Major General French forbade their destruction, in the conviction of his ability to successfully remove them for the use of the Confederate Army. Our soldiers fought with great courage; during the engagement Brigadier General Young, a brave and efficient officer, was wounded, and captured by the enemy. General Corse won my admiration by his gallant resistance, and not without reason the Federal commander complimented this officer, through a general order, for his handsome conduct in the defence of Allatoona. Our presence upon his communications compelled Sherman to leave Atlanta in haste, and cross the Chattahoochee on the 3d and 4th of October with, according to our estimate at that time, about sixty-fi
f the West, at Memphis, Tenn. artillery Brigade. composition not stated. Col. M. L. Clark. McCown's Division. Maj. Gen. J. P. Mccown. First Brigade.Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. L. Hogg.Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill. McCray's (Arkansas) battalion. 1st Arkansas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Harper. ----Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Locke. 2d Arkansas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Embry. ----Texas Cavalry, Colonel Crump. 4th Arkansas, Colonel McNair. ----Texas Cavalry, Colonel Young. Turnbull's (Arkansas) battalion. Good's battery.Provence's battery. Third Brigade. Commander not indicated. 14th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Johnson. 15th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Sweet. 16th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Fitzhugh. 17th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Moore. Battery. Circular.]headquarters Army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., April 29, 1862. The commander of the forces [desires you] to hold your corps in conditi
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
enemy, saw Cumming's Georgia brigade, commanded by Colonel Henderson, on its way to the left, and directed it toward Bentonvilie. It reached the point in the road toward which the enemy was marching just as he appeared. Lieut.-Gen. Hardee galloped up at the same time, followed by the Eighth Texas cavalry regiment which he had found on the way. He instantly directed Henderson to charge the enemy in front, and the Texans their left flank; Lieut.-Gen. Hampton coming up on the other side with Young's brigade, commanded at the time by Colonel Wright, threw it against Mower's right flank; and Maj.-Gen. Wheeler, at a considerable distance from this point, assailed the rear of the Federal column in flank with a part of Allen's Alabamians. These simultaneous attacks were so skillfully and bravely made, that in spite of the great disparity of numbers, the enemy was defeated in a few minutes, and driven back along the route by which the column had advanced. In the Eighth Texan regiment, Lie
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 14 (search)
ment. The Mississippi River was very high and rising, and we began that system of canals on which we expended so much hard work fruitlessly: first, the canal at Young's plantation, opposite Vicksburg; second, that at Lake Providence; and third, at the Yazoo Pass, leading into the head-waters of the Yazoo River. Early in Februar, to work on the canal. So high was the water in the beginning of March, that McClernand's corps was moved to higher ground, at Milliken's Bend, but I remained at Young's plantation, laid off a due proportion of the levee for each subdivision of my command, and assigned other parts to such steamboats as lay at the levee. My own hs thus: Parkes's two divisions from Haines's Bluff out to the Benton or ridge road; Tuttle's division, of my corps, joining on and extending to a plantation called Young's, overlooking Bear Creek valley, which empties into the Big Black above Messinger's Ferry; then McArthur's division, of McPherson's corps, took up the line, and r