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real ability, grasp, and steady purpose. Brigham Young, one of his earliest converts and chief cor- Day Saints until his death in 1877. Brigham Young was born in Vermont, June 1, 1801, whence ultitude in their passage over the desert, Brigham Young appears at his best. He showed great enerof that gentleman that the charges against Brigham Young's Christian morality were unfounded. A juf State, Almon W. Babbitt, having offended Brigham Young, started across the Plains, but was murderractised, including incest. Heber C. Kimball, Young's associate in the first presidency, declared hipped, ducked, or even worse maltreated. Brigham Young taught that to love thy neighbor as thysele 14th of September; and, on the next day, Brigham Young issued a proclamation of the most inflammarselves, he concludes: Therefore, I, Brigham Young, Governor, etc.-1. Forbid all forces of eces, Amen! ). . . .Do as you are told, and Brigham Young will never leave the governorship of this [6 more...]
on is concerned, I would freely partake of Brigham Young's hospitality, but I can accept of no presr to send. I can hold no intercourse with Brigham Young and his people. I have nothing to do withhich remains unsettled to the present day. Brigham Young must have submitted unconditionally, with y in March. When Colonel Kane arrived, Brigham Young was already virtually conquered. The army they had been fired on by the picket. Brigham Young, whether as a measure of diplomacy and conatly prejudice the public interest to refuse Mr. Young's proposal in such a manner at the present tt, and I have on another occasion informed Brigham Young of that fact, and that peace or war is in ce I shall meet it with force. It becomes Brigham Young to consider before he so acts as to bring No new result was arrived at, nor was Brigham Young without friends and allies at Washington. out overthrowing the officer assailed. Brigham Young renewed his effort to patronize the army b[18 more...]
he was respected and feared as the Great chief. Washki, the chief of the Snakes, the white man's friend, was invited by the colonel, when near South Pass, into camp, and feasted and smoked for a talk. This resulted in the disclosure that Brigham Young had sent to him and his young men, to induce them to make war on the United States army; and that he (Washki) had turned the Mormons from his country, telling them that his tribe did not meddle in white men's quarrels, and never against the Uier the location of a railroad route to the Pacific. The Union Pacific Railroad now runs some distance east and west of Fort Bridger over the route laid down, and much of it opened, by Colonel Johnston; and, had not the local interests of Brigham Young prevailed over the interests of the road and of the Government, its better location would have carried it down the Provo River to the bench-lands of the valley, and thence with the main trunk south of the lake, and with a branch to Salt Lake
Ten minutes later he fell a corpse while trying to rally his men, who had momentarily given way at the first assault of the enemy. He was killed instantly, a bullet having pierced his brain. Hampton, with his brigade, was now sent in the direction of Harper's Ferry, and had several encounters on the way with the Federal cavalry, against which the Georgia regiment of his command made a most brilliant and successful charge near the little town of Burkettsville, led by the gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Young, who was unfortunately wounded. General Stuart and his Staff rode to Boonsboroa, which we reached at nightfall, and where we rejoined a portion of Fitz Lee's brigade. Here we were greatly distressed at learning that the leader of our horse-artillery, Major Pelham, who had marched with Fitz Lee, had been cut off, and was a prisoner in the enemy's hands. He turned up, however, the next morning, having cut his way through the Yankee lines, and saved himself by his never-failing coo
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 18: (search)
ass was not excluded, I took refuge with these cheerful companions, from whom I knew I could always reckon on a warm welcome. Quickly did these pleasant evenings pass away, as we related the incidents by flood and field within our experience, or occasionally broke into song. In the latter respect Captain Rodgers was our chief performer; and when he was in thorough good-humour, he would enliven us with reminiscences of his stay among the Mormons, interspersed with select specimens of Brigham Young's psalmody. Whenever Latrobe's party fell short of liquor, the doctors were sure to be in a condition to supply the void; and when Kitt was sent over to them, with a polite invitation, it was generally answered by the simultaneous appearance of the three doctors in person, mounted one behind the other on the brave little mule, and bringing along with them the necessary materials for our social enjoyment. My return from these camp assemblies was invariably at an advanced hour of the nig
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 23: (search)
commanded by General Perry Windham, an Englishman in the Yankee service, who, by taking a circuitous route along an unguarded bridle-path, had succeeded in taking us in the rear, so causing all the confusion and panic which had very nearly decided the fate of the day. But just when the danger was at the highest and the stampede in full career — namely, at the very crisis I was unfortunate enough to witness — the Georgia regiment of Hampton's old brigade, under its commander, the gallant Colonel Young, and the 11th Virginia, under Colonel Lomax, had come up to the succour, and, throwing themselves with an impetuous charge on the temporary victors, had completely routed and driven them to flight, many killed and wounded, as well as prisoners, besides a battery, being left behind. General Windham himself was shot through the leg during the short melee, and had a narrow escape from capture; and several colonels and other officers were among the dead. The flight of the Federals had been
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Extemporizing Parties. (search)
affered for and cheapened by cliques? stuffed full of other men's opinions? completely exenterated as to their own? Ah! but we are all to be graciously allowed the Chicago Platform! We should much like to know who has asked for anything else — except, indeed, Mr. Crittenden, who, in the new arrangement, is to be allowed, we presume, a private platform of his own. And if he, why not other people who may fall into the regenerated ranks? Why not insert a polygamical plank, and rope in Brigham Young! Really, since these gentlemen are to take possession of us, of our souls, our bodies, our President, our Congress, our constituencies, our clubs, and our newspapers, it behooves us to be enquiring, with all due civility, what we are to believe after all the arrangements have been completed? Will the reconstructors leave us our name? or will they filch it from us? or will they call themselves the Reformed Republican Party? Has not that word, Reformed, an ugly sound? to say nothing
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The necessity of Servility. (search)
palatial residences and live in wigwams without chimneys and without windows — they may be content with subsisting upon the uncertain supplies of the chase. Brigham Young has nine wives or ninety, we forget which; and very much is he censured for an impropriety which, some will think, must carry with it its own punishment. But this may with perfect truth be said for the Polygamous Prince of Utah — that he has the ancients upon his side. In comparison with Solomon, President Young is a model of moderation, and in plurality of ribs, he is unquestionably far below Darius, Xerxes, or the Grand Turk. Was n't Persia a great nation? All polygamy, sir? Was nothing of his mistresses, sir! Pray, if our Pro-Slavery sages may argue in their way from the past, in support of their favorite wickedness, why should n't poor Mr. Young be allowed a similar logic? It does not seem to occur to the philosophical doughfaces that there may be danger in their passion for other histories of forgettin
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The Twin Abominations. (search)
nd multitudinous concubinage. Rothschild, in such a display, might rival the traditional glories of Solomon. But the Synagogue has discarded an institution inconsistent with the social phenomena of the age to the bastardized Christianity of Brigham Young; while the Christian Slaveholder, contemptuously overleaping the gap which divides the Old and New Dispensations, claims, as an extenuation of his crime, the authority and example of Moses and the Prophets. Polygamy is an offence against rer. Brigham's polygamous institution is bad enough at the best; but it is free from that taint of remorseless and calculating selfishness which makes Southern Slavery an almost unmitigated evil. Nobody can calculate how many children call Brigham Young by the endearing title of father; but we must say this for him, that however numerous they may be, he has brought none of them to the auction-block. He keeps no market for the sale of his own flesh and blood. He does not advertise the bone
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 1: from the U. S.A. Into the C. S.A. (search)
hen we got into the mountains we found it necessary to leave the 6th Infantry in camp, and to go ahead with our company to make a practicable road. We also had to ferry, using iron wagon bodies as boats, the Laramie, the North Platte, and Green rivers. Fort Bridger was reached on Aug. 1— 86 days, 970 miles. The new route proved to be 49 miles shorter than the South Pass road. Without mails for six weeks, it was only on arrival at Fort Bridger we learned that the Mormon War was over. Brigham Young, on seeing the large force prepared to install his rival, Gov. Cumming, had wisely concluded to submit and forego his dream of independence. Perhaps he was the wisest leader of a people seeking freedom, of all his generation. At first, the Mormons deserted their homes, and proposed to burn them and migrate to Mexico. Neither Confederate nor Boer was more devoted to his cause than the Mormons to their own. But Brigham Young knew when the time to surrender had come, and he deserves a mo