Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John B. Young or search for John B. Young in all documents.

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trayed no emotion. It is stated that his health is considerably impaired. John B. Young, Esq., was present, on behalf of the Commonwealth. Two witnesses were examicited in his testimony. He did not see the knife nor hear any threats. Mr. Young submitted a statement made before the inquest, by A. Thornton Carter. After h the negro man, put him in the buggy and drove off. A. Thornton Carter. Mr. Young made a statement in effect that on the night of the 11th January his overseeylor say he must die, he asked him for a statement of the whole affair, which Mr. Young wrote down. After it was finished, he asked Mr. Taylor to say, as a dying man, whether the statement was true. Mr. Taylor replied that it was. Mr. Young made a request that the paper be again read to Mr. Taylor before his death, and he now literally true — he had nothing to add to, nor anything to take from it. Mr. Young then read the Dying statement of Mr. Taylor. "Bernard came there to