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The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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nterruption. The traffic is legitimate and cannot be carried on in the fetters of permits and certificates from the United States legation.--English merchants cannot go as suppliants to foreign ministers for licenses to transact business. The whole proceeding is monstrous, whether as a calculation or a blunder." The Times's city article gives further particulars of the affair. It says: "The gentlemen named in the pass by Mr. Adams are Mr. Howell, an American contractor, and Gen. Zirman, of the Mexican army; and it was the agents of these who attempted to effect the insurance. Mr. Adams in a letter said he granted the certificates on account of the creditable object in view. That object was to ship arms and ammunition for the Mexicans in the war against France. The insurance proposed was £80,000 on the arms and £30,000 on the ship's freight." The Globe reports: "Mr. Adams felt so chagrined at the publication of his letter to the Federal Admiral that he vis