Found occurrences of 1,143 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
Abraham Lincoln 914 0 Browse in all documents
Ulysses S. Grant 317 1 Browse in all documents
Washington (United States) 300 0 Browse in all documents
Robert E. Lee 293 1 Browse in all documents
George B. McClellan 253 1 Browse in all documents
United States (United States) 236 0 Browse in all documents
John Sherman 196 0 Browse in all documents
Illinois (Illinois, United States) 182 0 Browse in all documents
Stephen A. Douglas 180 0 Browse in all documents
Henry W. Halleck 175 1 Browse in all documents
A. Lincoln 172 0 Browse in all documents
Jefferson Davis 154 0 Browse in all documents
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 138 0 Browse in all documents
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 124 0 Browse in all documents
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) 124 0 Browse in all documents
William H. Seward 118 2 Browse in all documents
John C. Fremont 108 0 Browse in all documents
Buell 97 7 Browse in all documents
Willie Lincoln 94 0 Browse in all documents
Salmon P. Chase 92 0 Browse in all documents
Maryland (Maryland, United States) 90 0 Browse in all documents
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) 86 0 Browse in all documents
Joseph E. Johnston 81 1 Browse in all documents
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) 80 0 Browse in all documents
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) 72 0 Browse in all documents
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) 66 0 Browse in all documents
Indiana (Indiana, United States) 64 0 Browse in all documents
David G. Farragut 61 1 Browse in all documents
Rosecrans 60 4 Browse in all documents
James Buchanan 60 0 Browse in all documents
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) 60 0 Browse in all documents
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) 58 0 Browse in all documents
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) 56 0 Browse in all documents
S. Grant 54 0 Browse in all documents
Ambrose E. Burnside 54 2 Browse in all documents
England (United Kingdom) 54 0 Browse in all documents
George G. Meade 53 1 Browse in all documents
Dred Scott 52 0 Browse in all documents
Edwin M. Stanton 52 0 Browse in all documents
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) 50 0 Browse in all documents
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 50 0 Browse in all documents
Joseph Hooker 49 1 Browse in all documents
Bragg 48 4 Browse in all documents
Kansas (Kansas, United States) 44 0 Browse in all documents
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) 44 0 Browse in all documents
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) 44 0 Browse in all documents
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) 44 0 Browse in all documents
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) 42 0 Browse in all documents
E. D. Taylor 42 0 Browse in all documents
Pope 42 4 Browse in all documents
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