Found occurrences of 263 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
United States (United States) 24 0 Browse in all documents
Abraham Lincoln 18 0 Browse in all documents
Pope 13 1 Browse in all documents
James Brown 10 0 Browse in all documents
S. S. Lee 9 1 Browse in all documents
T. J. Jackson 8 0 Browse in all documents
Jefferson Davis 8 0 Browse in all documents
Caesaraugusta (Spain) 8 0 Browse in all documents
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) 8 0 Browse in all documents
Samuel Houston 8 4 Browse in all documents
Stonewall Jackson 8 0 Browse in all documents
Williams 7 1 Browse in all documents
Goldsborough 6 2 Browse in all documents
John Morgan 6 0 Browse in all documents
Edwin M. Stanton 6 0 Browse in all documents
James Madison 6 0 Browse in all documents
James S. Negley 6 0 Browse in all documents
Nassau River (Florida, United States) 6 0 Browse in all documents
McClellan 6 2 Browse in all documents
Charles S. Winder 5 1 Browse in all documents
Riddick 5 1 Browse in all documents
July, 8 AD 4 4 Browse in all documents
OSGOOD 4 0 Browse in all documents
Chowan River (United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Monticello (Virginia, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Richmond (Virginia, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
J. E. Morgan 4 0 Browse in all documents
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Fort Pillow (Tennessee, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Stevens 4 0 Browse in all documents
Southwestern States (United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
William W. Lamb 4 0 Browse in all documents
Charles Clark 4 2 Browse in all documents
Albert Pike 4 2 Browse in all documents
A. O. P. Nicholson 3 3 Browse in all documents
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) 3 1 Browse in all documents
William Allen 3 1 Browse in all documents
Dorn 3 1 Browse in all documents
A. P. Hill 3 1 Browse in all documents
9th 3 3 Browse in all documents
Stuart 3 3 Browse in all documents
Ewell 3 1 Browse in all documents
T. J. Mackey 3 1 Browse in all documents
William H. Morgan 3 1 Browse in all documents
August 8th, 1862 AD 3 3 Browse in all documents
Francis Craven 2 0 Browse in all documents
Smith Wallett 2 0 Browse in all documents
Austin (Mississippi, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Garnett 2 2 Browse in all documents
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