Found occurrences of 94 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity ⇩ Max. Freq. Min. Freq.
Washington (United States) 10 0 Browse in all documents
Velia (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Velia 2 0 Browse in all documents
Veii (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Veii (Italy) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Utica (Tunisia) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Urbino (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Tusculum (Italy) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Tralles (Turkey) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Tibur (Italy) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Tiber (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Thessaly (Greece) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Teanum Sidicinum (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Syria (Syria) 26 0 Browse in all documents
Syracuse (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
St. Paul (Liberia) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Spain (Spain) 16 0 Browse in all documents
Smyrna (Turkey) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Sicily (Italy) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Scauri (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Saguntum (Spain) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Rome (Italy) 78 0 Browse in all documents
Rhegium (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Ravenna (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Puteoli (Italy) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Pontus 2 0 Browse in all documents
Pollentia 2 0 Browse in all documents
Phoenicia 2 0 Browse in all documents
Pesaro (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Patavium (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Parma (Italy) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Paphos (Cyprus) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Numantia (Spain) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Narbonne (France) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Mylasa (Turkey) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Mutina (Italy) 58 0 Browse in all documents
Modena (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Misenum (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Marseilles (France) 10 0 Browse in all documents
Mars (Pennsylvania, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Manlius (New York, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Macedonia (Macedonia) 32 0 Browse in all documents
Lenti (Hungary) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Laodicea (Syria) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Jupiter (Canada) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Julian (West Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Italy (Italy) 102 0 Browse in all documents
Interamna (Italy) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Illyria 14 0 Browse in all documents
Hannibal (Ohio, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
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