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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
James Trask Woodbury 19 5 Browse in all documents
William Adams 19 1 Browse in all documents
England (United Kingdom) 18 0 Browse in all documents
Harrison Gray Otis 18 0 Browse in all documents
James T. Austin 18 0 Browse in all documents
Caleb Cushing 18 0 Browse in all documents
James Russell Lowell 18 0 Browse in all documents
W. H. Channing 18 0 Browse in all documents
William Channing 18 0 Browse in all documents
1834 AD 18 18 Browse in all documents
Jonas Preston 18 0 Browse in all documents
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 18 0 Browse in all documents
Quaker (Missouri, United States) 18 0 Browse in all documents
Peleg Sprague 18 0 Browse in all documents
Glasgow (United Kingdom) 18 0 Browse in all documents
India (India) 18 0 Browse in all documents
Edward G. Prescott 17 1 Browse in all documents
Sutherland 17 1 Browse in all documents
John Bowring 17 1 Browse in all documents
Henry Grafton Chapman 17 1 Browse in all documents
Leonard Bacon 17 1 Browse in all documents
Edward Everett 17 1 Browse in all documents
William Bassett 16 0 Browse in all documents
Thankful Southwick 16 2 Browse in all documents
Europe 16 0 Browse in all documents
E. G. Loring 16 0 Browse in all documents
Nov 16 0 Browse in all documents
Seth Sprague 16 0 Browse in all documents
Luther Lee 16 2 Browse in all documents
Sunday Budget 16 0 Browse in all documents
Nathaniel Baptist 16 0 Browse in all documents
Calhoun 16 0 Browse in all documents
James L. Homer 16 0 Browse in all documents
Dec 16 0 Browse in all documents
William M. Chace 16 0 Browse in all documents
E. Quincy 16 0 Browse in all documents
James S. Gibbons 16 0 Browse in all documents
James Boyle 16 2 Browse in all documents
Fanny Lloyd 16 0 Browse in all documents
Charles Burleigh 16 0 Browse in all documents
Joseph T. Buckingham 16 0 Browse in all documents
William H. Ashurst 16 0 Browse in all documents
Hubbard Winslow 15 3 Browse in all documents
Henry Chapman 15 1 Browse in all documents
Quiquechan River (Massachusetts, United States) 15 1 Browse in all documents
September 15 15 Browse in all documents
May 15 15 Browse in all documents
Charles W. Denison 15 1 Browse in all documents
Ralph Randolph Gurley 15 1 Browse in all documents
John Gulliver 15 1 Browse in all documents
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