Found occurrences of 666 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity ⇩ Max. Freq. Min. Freq.
York (United Kingdom) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Hugh Worthington 1 1 Browse in all documents
Worcester 2 0 Browse in all documents
Woolston 6 2 Browse in all documents
Woodhouse 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wood Street (United Kingdom) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Withers 4 4 Browse in all documents
Winder 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wiltshire 2 0 Browse in all documents
Willis 1 1 Browse in all documents
Daniel Williams 2 0 Browse in all documents
Willets 3 3 Browse in all documents
Wildman 1 1 Browse in all documents
Edward Wightman 4 0 Browse in all documents
Wiche 1 1 Browse in all documents
Whitehaven (United Kingdom) 10 0 Browse in all documents
N. White 13 1 Browse in all documents
Whiston 12 4 Browse in all documents
Westminster (Maryland, United States) 6 0 Browse in all documents
West Indies 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wells 2 2 Browse in all documents
Weld 1 1 Browse in all documents
Watts 4 0 Browse in all documents
Watson 2 2 Browse in all documents
Warrington, Fla. (Florida, United States) 14 0 Browse in all documents
Warrington 2 0 Browse in all documents
Warren 2 0 Browse in all documents
Ward 3 1 Browse in all documents
Warburton 2 0 Browse in all documents
Walrond 1 1 Browse in all documents
Robert Walpole 3 3 Browse in all documents
Walker 3 1 Browse in all documents
Wakefield, Washington County, Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wakefield 4 2 Browse in all documents
Wake 1 1 Browse in all documents
Vicar 2 0 Browse in all documents
H. Vane 2 2 Browse in all documents
Usher 1 1 Browse in all documents
Unitarian 44 0 Browse in all documents
Maximus Tyrius 4 0 Browse in all documents
W. Turner 2 0 Browse in all documents
G. Turnbull 1 1 Browse in all documents
Trowbridge (United Kingdom) 4 0 Browse in all documents
G. Trosse 1 1 Browse in all documents
Trent 2 0 Browse in all documents
George Treby 9 1 Browse in all documents
Brindley Treby 4 0 Browse in all documents
Trajectum (Netherlands) 10 0 Browse in all documents
George Townsend 9 1 Browse in all documents
Towgoodshews 1 1 Browse in all documents
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