Found occurrences of 417 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
England (United Kingdom) 2 0 Browse in all documents
James N. Clark 2 0 Browse in all documents
Dickens 2 0 Browse in all documents
Shorts 2 0 Browse in all documents
Franklin 2 0 Browse in all documents
Robert H. Davis 2 0 Browse in all documents
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Levy 2 0 Browse in all documents
Ruffin 2 0 Browse in all documents
Doswell (Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Duff 2 0 Browse in all documents
Slidell 2 0 Browse in all documents
Dublin (Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Cherry 2 0 Browse in all documents
L. D. Isbell 2 0 Browse in all documents
Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Cumming's Point (South Carolina, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
House 2 0 Browse in all documents
Holladay 2 0 Browse in all documents
Collier 2 0 Browse in all documents
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Bisbie 2 2 Browse in all documents
Phillippi 2 0 Browse in all documents
St. George Peachy 2 0 Browse in all documents
Boreas 2 0 Browse in all documents
Alexander Nott 2 0 Browse in all documents
William H. Holcombe 2 0 Browse in all documents
Cash 2 0 Browse in all documents
Barbour 2 0 Browse in all documents
Bellot 2 0 Browse in all documents
William B. Burrill 2 0 Browse in all documents
Robinson 2 0 Browse in all documents
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wise 2 2 Browse in all documents
Pendleton 2 0 Browse in all documents
Elwood Fisher 2 0 Browse in all documents
Faraday 2 0 Browse in all documents
Lucretia Mott 2 0 Browse in all documents
New England (United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Hopkins 2 0 Browse in all documents
Hill 2 0 Browse in all documents
C. M. Hunter 2 0 Browse in all documents
Jonathan T. Thornton 2 0 Browse in all documents
M. Dressed Flooring 2 0 Browse in all documents
Christ 2 0 Browse in all documents
L. S. Courtney 2 0 Browse in all documents
Surry 2 0 Browse in all documents
Pryor 2 0 Browse in all documents
Johanna Miller 2 0 Browse in all documents
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