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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
U. S. Grant 2,686 0 Browse in all documents
William T. Sherman 907 5 Browse in all documents
John A. McClernand 543 7 Browse in all documents
Henry W. Halleck 511 7 Browse in all documents
James B. McPherson 400 2 Browse in all documents
Pemberton 351 3 Browse in all documents
A. E. Burnside 308 0 Browse in all documents
W. T. Sherman 300 0 Browse in all documents
Braxton Bragg 251 1 Browse in all documents
W. S. Rosecrans 246 0 Browse in all documents
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 216 0 Browse in all documents
James Longstreet 209 1 Browse in all documents
Ulysses S. Grant 209 17 Browse in all documents
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) 203 5 Browse in all documents
Don Carlos Buell 175 3 Browse in all documents
Joseph E. Johnston 174 2 Browse in all documents
George H. Thomas 164 2 Browse in all documents
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) 156 0 Browse in all documents
Joseph Johnston 153 1 Browse in all documents
Hooker 152 2 Browse in all documents
Banks 147 23 Browse in all documents
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) 132 0 Browse in all documents
Mississippi (United States) 132 0 Browse in all documents
Jackson 128 0 Browse in all documents
H. W. Halleck 126 0 Browse in all documents
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) 122 0 Browse in all documents
Hovey 121 1 Browse in all documents
Logan 121 1 Browse in all documents
Porter 115 53 Browse in all documents
Milliken 110 0 Browse in all documents
Haine 110 0 Browse in all documents
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) 110 0 Browse in all documents
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) 108 4 Browse in all documents
Frank Blair 103 1 Browse in all documents
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) 100 0 Browse in all documents
Raymond (Mississippi, United States) 97 1 Browse in all documents
C. F. Smith 96 0 Browse in all documents
Port Gibson (Mississippi, United States) 90 0 Browse in all documents
Osterhaus 84 2 Browse in all documents
E. O. C. Ord 84 2 Browse in all documents
S. B. Buckner 83 1 Browse in all documents
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) 80 2 Browse in all documents
Tennessee River (United States) 80 0 Browse in all documents
Lewis Wallace 76 4 Browse in all documents
Hurlbut 76 2 Browse in all documents
Steele 75 3 Browse in all documents
Yazoo River (United States) 74 0 Browse in all documents
Gordon Granger 70 2 Browse in all documents
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) 64 0 Browse in all documents
Clinton (Mississippi, United States) 62 0 Browse in all documents
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