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Home Guards Repudiated by ladies.--The following resolutions were passed at a meeting of the young ladies in Logansport, Ind., on the 30th of Sept.: Resolved, That we deem it to be the duty of every young unmarried man to enlist and fight for the honor of his country, his flag, and his own reputation. That the young men, in this time of our country's peril, have but one good excuse for not being a soldier, and that is cowardice. That the young man who now fails to respond to the call of his country is not worthy the kind regrets or the smiles of the young ladies of our native State, and that none but ladies of doubtful age will smile on such men. That we will have nothing to do with young men who refuse to go to the war, and that Home Guards must keep their distance. That the young man who has not pluck enough to fight for his country has not the manliness to make a good husband. That we will not marry a man who has not been a soldier. That we will not marry t
he large portion of General Ruggles' brigade. Orders were issued requiring all troops to concentrate for this move, stating it to be of the greatest importance. True, Breckinridge's division had suffered somewhat from disease, but not in any degree as ours had suffered. The other troops had been quietly camped and drilled at Camp Moore and elsewhere for months. On the 30th of July he moved from Baton Rouge with his full force. In his report, which he did not render until the 30th of September, he makes every attempt to belittle his force, although he denominates the battle a victory. The War Records show that he had forty-six different organizations of some sort present. Van Dorn had ordered him to attack on the 5th of August at daybreak, supported by the ram Arkansas, which had been sent down there. He says he intended a surprise. General Williams, in command of the department, learned when the attack would be made. On the 4th he called together his several comman
h the brigade back to Centre Creek to protect the train. I arrived at camp about ten o'clock A. M. of this first instant. I found every thing safe. Respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Hall, Colonel Fourth Cavalry, M. S.M., Commanding Brigade. General rains's report. Headquarters in the field, Elk horn, October 4, 1862. To Major-General T. C. Hindman: General: Colonels Cooper and Shelby repulsed the enemy, four to five thousand strong, at Newtonia, on the thirtieth September, killing one hundred and fifty; captured one hundred and fifteen prisoners; number of wounded not known. The enemy, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Salomon, fell back to Sarcoxie, a distance of fifteen miles, which place they now occupy in considerable force, having been reenforced from Kansas. The entire command at Sarcoxie is from Kansas. The prisoners taken are of the Wisconsin Ninth, Salomon's brag regiment. The enemy still occupy Springfield and Mount Vernon, with two thousand at C
retain possession of St. John's River as far as Jacksonville. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. Godon, Captain Commanding South-Atlantic Squadron. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington City. Account by a participant. steamer Ben Deford, St. John's River, Fla., Saturday, October 4--P. M. The military portion of the expedition, under command of Brig.-Gen. J. M. Brannan, embarked at Hilton Head, on the afternoon of September thirtieth, on the steamers Ben Deford, Cosmopolitan, and Boston, accompanied by a smaller steamer, the Neptune, which transported scows and boats for landing purposes. Before leaving the wharf the troops listened to a few pithy words from Gen. Mitchel, in which he reminded them that this was the first movement of his planning in this department, and that they were complimented in being chosen to carry it out. He expected them to accomplish all that they under-took, and, no matter how insignifi
cipate in this ceremony. A Baptist, the straitest of his sect, thoroughly imbued with the idea of close communion, was seen to hesitate; but the occasion, and the man who presided, overcame his scruples, and thus it has happened that the prospect of a fight and the eloquence of Jackson made a Baptist forget that baptism is the door into the church. In all Jackson's army an oath is rarely uttered. A religious enthusiasm pervades it, which makes every man a hero. Conscious of the justice of our cause, and imbued with the strongest convictions of patriotism, his men are irresistible. In this incident we have an explanation of General Jackson's invincibility, and we are thus enabled to understand why his men are all heroes, and why they endure without a murmur the severest hardships to which any troops have been subjected during the war. When peace is restored it will be honor enough for any man to say: I belonged to the army of Stonewall Jackson. --Knoxville Register, September 30.
f the respective commands. I also enclose a list of the killed, wounded, and missing. I am, Colonel, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John B. Villepigue, Brigadier-General, commanding. Report of Brigadier-General Maury. headquarters Maury's division, camp on Tippah, October 10, 1862. Captain J. M. Loughborough, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captain: I have the honor to report that this division of the Army of the West moved from Ripley towards Corinth on the thirtieth September, numbering three thousand eight hundred and ninety infantry, five light batteries of four guns each, and eight hundred and eightyone cavalry. On the morning of October third we moved, at daylight, from our camp near Chewalla to attack the enemy in Corinth. The division was formed in line of battle near Walker's house, north of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Moore's brigade, with its right resting near the railroad; Phifer's brigade was formed on Moore's left, extending to Heb
s in one regiment. You never heard such yelling. Did I tell you that Lawrence Williams has been promoted and leaves my staff? I do not in the least doubt his loyalty. I enclose a card just received from A. Lincoln ; it shows too much deference to be seen outside. No date. The enemy were stampeded this morning, and while they were in terror I rapidly occupied all their positions and had the satisfaction of going out with our advance and seeing the last of their cavalry. No date (Sept. 30?) A most unhappy thing occurred last night among some of W. F. Smith's raw regiments. They three times mistook each other for the enemy and fired into each other. At least six were killed and several wounded, besides two horses were killed. It is dangerous to make night — marches on that account; but Smith's march was delayed by causes I could not foresee, and it was necessary to advance at all hazards. The manoeuvring in advance by our flanks alarmed the enemy, whose centre at Muns
tacked, and, moreover, in position to advance on Centreville if necessary. On the north of Washington, Buell's division held Tennallytown and the other important points (supported by Casey's provisional brigades), the reserve artillery and the cavalry depots; while Stone's division at Poolesville, and Banks's division at Darnestown, observed the upper river and were in position to retire upon Washington if attacked by superior forces. Hooker was in the vicinity of Budd's Ferry. By the 30th of Sept. several of the principal works were pretty well advanced, but a great deal still remained to be done to complete the system. I shall refer elsewhere to the inconveniences resulting from the position of Washington and the nature of the frontier formed by the Potomac; in this place it will suffice to say that as the Potomac is often fordable, and many of the inhabitants on the Maryland side were favorable to the enemy, it was a very necessary and difficult task to guard it properly.
und before a strong line of earthworks mounting heavy guns, and protected by a battery on the crest of a hill. The troops charged fourteen hundred yards across a deeply plowed field in the face of a galling fire of artillery and musketry. After a pause at the foot of a hill, the head of the column carried the parapet of the Fort and planted the flag on one of its massive traverses. In an attempt to drive the Confederates entirely from the position General Ord was severely wounded. On September 30th the Confederate General R. H. Anderson, commanding Longstreet's Corps, attacked the captured fort, making three separate charges, but was repulsed with a loss of some two thousand men. Where Ord crossed the James Palisades and parapet at Fort Harrison May 23-28, 1864: North Anna River, Jericho Ford or Taylor's bridge, and Totopotomoy Creek, Va. Union, Second, Fifth, and Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Meade; Confed., Army of Northern Virginia, Gen. R. E. Lee.
latter place, while Wheeler remained in command of the cavalry with Bragg in front of Chattanooga. When Bragg consulted Wheeler in regard to an expedition north of the Tennessee to break Rosecrans' lines of communications, Wheeler informed him that few of the horses were able to stand the strain of such an expedition. He was, however, ordered to do the best he could, and a few days after the battle all the best mounts were assembled for the raid. We reached the Tennessee River on September 30th, at or near Cottonport, about forty miles east of Chattanooga, and although our crossing was opposed by some squadrons of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, posted in the timber which lined the north bank, under cover of two 6-pounder Parrott guns, we succeeded in fording the river, which here was not more than two or three feet deep at this dry season of the year. From this point, without meeting with any material opposition, we made our way rapidly across Walden's Ridge and descending into the
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