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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Philippus V. (search)
t himself up within the walls of Apollonia; and meanwhile the Epeirots, by their intervention, succeeded in bringing about a peace between the two parties. A preliminary treaty was concluded between Philip and Sempronius at Phoenice in Epeirus, B. C. 205, and was readily ratified by the Roman people, who were desirous to give their undivided attention to the war in Africa. (Liv. 29.12; Plb. 11.4, 7; Appian. Mac. Exc. 2.) It is probable that both parties looked upon the peace thus concluded asica, who fought at Zama under the standard of Hannibal. (Liv. 30.26, 33, 42, 31.1.) Meanwhile, his proceedings in Greece were stained by acts of the darkest perfidy and the most wanton aggression. The death of Ptolemy Philopator, king of Egypt (B. C. 205), and the infancy of his successor, at this time opened a new field to the ambition of Philip, who concluded a league with Antiochus against the Egyptian monarch, according to which the Cyclades, as well as the cities and islands in Ionia subje
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
convey the joyful news of the defeat and death of Hasdrubal. It was mainly owing to his services in this war that he was elected consul in B. C. 207, with Q. Caecilius Metellus, who had shared with him in the glories of the campaign. The two consuls received Bruttii as their province, in order to prosecute the war against Hannibal; but their year of office passed by without any important occurrence, and Philo returned to Rome to hold the comitia, while his colleague remained in Bruttii. In B. C. 205 Philo was magister equitum to his former colleague Metellus, who was nominated dictator for the purpose ot holding the comitia. Finally he accompanied Scipio to Africa, and after the battle of Zama, B. C. 202, was sent to Rome to announce the glorious news of the defeat of Hannibal. (Liv. 27.6, 7, 22, 28.9-11, 38, 29.11, 30.38, 40; Cic. Brut. 14.) PHILO'CHARES, a distinguished painter, as is evident from the way in which he is mentioned by Pliny, who says that Augustus fixed in the wall
Q. Plemi'nius propraetor and legatus of Scipio Africanus, was sent in B. C. 205, against the town of Locri, in southern Italy, which still continued to be in the possession of the Carthaginians. He succeeded in taking the town, of which he was left governor by Scipio; but he treated the inhabitants with the greatest cruelty, and not contented with robbing them of their private property, plundered even the temple of Proserpine. The Locrians accordingly sent an embassy to Rome to complain of his conduct; and the senate, upon hearing their complaints, commanded Pleminius to be brought back to Rome, where he was thrown into prison, B. C. 204, but died before his trial came on. According to another account preserved by Clodius Licinius, Pleminius endeavoured to set the city on fire, but being detected was put to death in prison by command of the senate. (Liv. 29.6-9, 16-22, 34.44; V. Max. 1.1.21; Dio Cass. Frag. 64, ed. Reimar.; Appian, Annib. 55.)
ut of the war between the Romans and Philip, king of Macedon, Prusias lent his assistance to the latter ; and besides supplying him with an auxiliary squadron of ships, rendered him a more important service by invading the territories of his own neighbour and rival Attalus, whom he thus recalled from Greece to the defence of his own kingdom, B. C. 207. (Liv. 27.30, 28.7.) The name of the Bithynian monarch was, in consequence, included in the treaty of peace between Philip and the Romans in B. C. 205 (Liv. 29.12), and we subsequently find the two kings uniting their forces to besiege Cius in Bithynia, which, after it had fallen into their hands, was sacked by order of Philip, the inhabitants sold as slaves, and the city itself given up to Prusias. (Plb. 15.21, 17.5; Liv. 32.34; Strab. xii. p.563.) It does not appear that the latter, though he was connected by marriage with the Macedonian king, took any part in the decisive struggle of Philip with the Roman power (B. C. 200-196): but
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemy Philopator or Ptolemy Philopator (search)
of the reign of Ptolemy to preside over the chief administration of the state ; and as he had been the instrument of Ptolemy in the murders which disgraced the early part of his reign, so he again lent him his assistance in putting to death his queen Arsinoe, who had become obnoxious to her profligate husband. (Plb. 14.11, 12, 15.25, 33; Just. 30.1,2.) After her death Ptolemy gave himself up without restraint to the career of vice which probably contributed to shorten his life. He died in B. C. 205, after a reign of seventeen years, leaving only one son, a child of five years old. (Euseb. Arm. p. 114 ; Just. 30.2.) The character of Ptolemy Philopator-feeble, effeminate, and vicious-is sufficiently attested by ancient authorities; and from his reign may be dated the commencement of the decline of the kingdom of Egypt, which thenceforth proceeded by rapid strides. Externally, however, its decay was not yet visible : it still retained all its former possessions and commanded the respe
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemaeus Epiphanes (search)
Ptolemaeus V. or Ptolemaeus Epiphanes (*Ptolemai=os), king of EGYPT, surnamed EPIPHANES, was the son and successor of Ptolemy IV. He was a child of between four and five years old at the death of his father, B. C. 205; and the reins of government were immediately assumed in his name by the favourite and minister of the late monarch, Agathocles. The death of Philopator was even kept a secret for some time by the favourite, in order that he and his sister Agathocleamight possess themselves of the treasures in the palace, and concert measures for defending their power. Tlepolemus, their chief adversary, was absent from Alexandria, but notwithstanding this advantage, they were unable to face the indignation of the populace, and a violent sedition arose, in which Agathocles, his mother and sister, and all their chief supporters, were put to death [AGATHOCLEA]. After this Sosibius (son of the late minister of that name) obtained possession of the young king's person and the custody of hi
Regillus 1. M. Aemilius Regillus, had been declared consul, with T. Otacilius, for B. C. 214, by the centuria praerogativa, and would undoubtedly have been elected, had not Q. Fabius Maximus, who presided at the comitia, pointed out that there was need of generals of more experience to cope with Hannibal, and urged in addition, that Regillus, in consequence of his being Flamen Quirinalis, ought not to leave the city. Regillus and Otacilius were therefore disappointed in their expectations, and Fabius Maximus himself was elected, with M. Claudius Marcellus, in their stead. Regillus died in B. C. 205, at which time he is spoken of as Flamen Martialis. (Liv. 24.7, 8, 9, 29.11.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
n, Annib. 52, 53; Oros. 4.18; Eutrop. 3.18 V. Max. 4.2.2, 7.2.6, 7.4.4, 9.3.1). In the battle Livius vowed a temple to Juventas, which was dedicated sixteen years afterwards. (Cic. Brut. 18; Liv. 36.36.) In the same year, B. C. 207, Livius was appointed dictator for the purpose of holding the consular comitia. Next year, B. C. 206, he was stationed in Etruria, as proconsul, with an army of two legions of volones, and his imperium was prolonged for two successive years. Towards the end of B. C. 205 he advanced from Etruria into Cisalpine Gaul, in order to support the praetor Sp. Lucretius, who had to oppose Mago, who had landed in Liguria. They succeeded in shutting Mago up in Liguria, where he remained for two or three years [MAGO, No. 7]. (Liv. 28.10, 46, 29.5, 13.) In B. C. 204 Livius was censor with his old enemy and former colleague in the consulship, C. Claudius Nero. The long-smothered reseintments of these proud and haughty men burst forth again in their censorship, and occa
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Sci'pio Africanus (search)
ns, and went over to the Romans. Mago had quitted Spain and crossed over into Liguria to effect a diversion in favour of his brother Hannibal, and there was therefore now no longer any enemy left in Spain. Scipio accordingly surrendered the Roman army, in B. C. 206, to the proconsuls L. Lentulus and L. Manlius Acidinus, who had been appointed as his successors, and returned to Rome in the same year. Scipio now became a candidate for the consulship. and was elected for the following year (B. C. 205) by the unanimous votes of all the centuries, although he had not yet filled the office of praetor, and was only thirty years of age. His colleague was P. Licinius Crassus, who was pontifex maximus, and could not, therefore, leave Italy. Consequently if the war was to be carried on abroad, the conduct of it must of necessity devolve upon Scipio. The latter was anxious to cross over at once to Africa, and bring the contest to an end at the gates of Carthage; but the oldest members of the s
Se'rgius 1. M. Sergius, tribune of the soldiers, was sent by P. Scipio to Rhegium, and was there slain shortly afterwards by the soldiers of Pleminius, B. C. 205. (Liv. 29.6, 9.)
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