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The Persian Government is about to build a telegraph line from Bagdad to Teheran which will place that city in telegraphic communication with the cities of Europe. Dr. Quisenberry has been elected to supply the vacancy in the Virginia Senate, caused by the death of F. W. Coleman, of Spottsylvania. The Bank of Kentucky has made a donation of $500 for the relief of the poor of Louisville. The Fire Department of Baltimore, last year cost $50,783. The United States frigate Congress, and gunboat Seminole were at Rio Janeiro Nov. 24.
with a Fredericksburg certificate of freedom, was released on proving himself in Government employ; Joe, slave of Jefferson Porters, was ordered to be punished for trespassing on Thos. G. Peachy — Joe hid himself under Mr. Peachy's steps; case of Phila Shaffer, for beating Jacob Rich, was continue until to-day; John A. Faris acknowledge himself guilty of an assault on Zarah Barham, and was held to bail in the sum of $15 $500 security to appear before an examining Court, to be held on the 2d of November next and answer for making a malicious assault and battery on Alex. Harwood; Ann Winker who keeps a grocery in Solitude, on Capt street, was fined $16 for selling liquor without a license and $5 for permitting an unlawful assembly of slaves; case of John Cook, for beating a son of Mrs. Frances Wrean, we continued until to-day; R. A. Fish, a decent appearing person, was examined on suspicious of being a spy. Defendant, who represent himself as an Abolition Captain of a so-called "Californ
nness and lying on a sidewalk. Which Hughes was brought up on the charge of unlawfully shooting at Peter F. Paoli. The evidence was given in broken English of an interesting kind. Nevertheless. His Honor learned enough to justify him in sending Hughes on to the Hustings Court for examination, and requiring bail in $150 for his appearance. He was sent to jail for want of a surety, and the witnesses were recognized to appear and give evidence before the above named court on the 2d Monday in November. William Jones, free negro, jailed, and case continued. James Hamilton, charged with having up place to stay, and with belonging to the 13th Louisiana regiment, which latter is certainly a singular and significant accusation, was turned over to the care of Gen. Winder. Armstrong McGuire, lately turned out of the Penitentiary was arraigned for drunkenness and trespassing on James Cary, and was allowed to go at, large upon condition that he would leave the city forthwith.
shington, Oct. 29. --The body of Col. Baker, who was killed in the battle near Leesburg, has been embalmed, and will be exhibited in state in Philadelphia previous to its removal to California. The engagement near Savannah. Savannah, Nov. 2 --The engagement near Savannah was caused by an attempt of the Federal fleet to burn a schooner which was aground at Warsaw beach. The attempt failed, and the Federal frigate disappeared yesterday. Death of Gen. Cam. Houston. Fort Smith, Ark., Nov. 2. --Mr. Dowle has just arrived, who reports the death of Gen. Sam Houston, of Texas. Northern Financial affairs. Baltimore, Tuesday.--Railway shares are improving. In Bank stocks nothing is doing. Boston, Tuesday.--The specie reserve in the Banks, after paying the Government 10 per cent. on the national loan, shows an increase of $250,000. Philadelphia, Tuesday.--The banks are responding to their quota of the National loan. Boston, Tuesday--The
Affairs at the North. Billy Wilson's official report — a Yankee account of the Losses sustained during the war--Northwestern Virginia not yet Subjugated, &c. The following extracts are made up from late Northern papers received in this city.--Our contemporary of the Enquirer being more favored than any other of the city papers, received their Northern files in time for publication on Saturday last: Bill Wilsons official report. From the Baltimore Patriot, of Nov. 2d, we copy the following: Colonel ("Billy") Wilson, of the New York Zouaves, writes to Gen. Arthur that in the recent brush with the rebels on Santa Rosa Island, his loss was 20 killed, with 15 wounded and 20 prisoners. He adds: "Our new clothes are all destroyed, I have lost everything I had; my men also. They burned us out completely. Our papers and books are burned. My commission is safe. I sent it to the post-office the day before the fight. My men did well. They have smelt gun
General of England on the crisis, &c. From the tone of the English press, there is little room for doubt that, before many weeks shall have passed over our heads, the recognition of the Southern Confederacy by these two powerful nations will be a settled question. We submit the following extracts, which we think worthy of the attention of our readers: Prince Napoleon reports in favor of a recognition of the Southern Confederacy.[Paris correspondence of the New York Herald, November 2] Paris Oct. 18. --I was not mistaken in the information I gave you in my last, as to the favorable report Prince Napoleon had given to the Emperor of what he conceived to be the chances of success of the South. The fact is now notorious, and the language he has held to more than one of the Ministers here makes it evident that, in his belief, the Union is broken forever. It is easy to see that the Government journals have become more Southern in their views since his return. The
Joseph Jersey, a prominent citizen of Caroline county, Va., and for many years a Magistrate of that county, died at his residence, near Milford, on Saturday, Nov. 2, of typhoid fever.
vant and ninety- eight steerage passengers. The third officer of the steamship North Briton has arrived at Farther Point, in a schooner. He reports that the North Briton struck on Parsquet Island at one o'clock on the morning of the 5th. It was then blowing a gale. She was totally wrecked, but no lives were lost. The passengers and crew were landed at Port Mingan. One boat with seven hands, had not been heard from since it left the ship. The North Briton sailed Saturday, November 2, at ten A. M., with fifty-one cabin and thirty-eight steerage passengers, for Liverpool. Saturday and Saturday night were the times of the heavy storm. The following is the statement of Mr. Brown, the third officer When the ship struck it was blowing a gale, and the weather was very thick, The ship confined str ing very hard on the roof Tuesday night and all Wednesday, and it was expected she would go to pieces every moment. A boat, with crews, broke away from the wreck before
ubt — with the same falling off in the other staple article of farm produce — wheat — and a barely average oat crop, which has been but very imperfectly saved, it will be with great difficulty the small tillage farmers will struggle through the coming year. The prospects of the poor in the towns, in the absence of employment, especially it the winter should turn out to be a severe one, are miserable to contemplate. The Catholic clergy give Warning to the Government. On Saturday, November 2, the clergy of the Deanery of Casdebar met at Armstrong's Great Rooms, Castlebar, the venerable Archdeacon Browne in the chair. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the disastrous effects of the present inclement season, in the destruction of the potato crop, have created among the people of this district the most alarming anticipations of an impending famine, vitally affecting the interests of all classes in the community. That we have carefully inv<
Ran away --On the 2d of November inst., Randall, a negro boy, belonging to Mr. James Duvall, of Caroline county. Said boy is about 18 or 19 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, of brown or "ginger-bread" complexion, dull expression of countenance, and slow to answer when spoken to. In supposed to be lurking about the camps near the city. If secured so that I can get him, I will give a suitable reward, and any information concerning him will be thankfully received Alfred L. Holladay. de 11--3t*
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