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ship. The Australasian has been chartered to carry troops and a battery of artillery to Canada. She was to sail on the 12th. The Latest. Queenstown, Dec. 5th. --The excitement in reference to the Slidell and Mason affair continues unabated. The Paris Temps repeats the statement that Napoleon had tendered his per cent on the 3d. Appearances indicate that the French papers have been instructed to write in an anti-American tone. Commercial advices. Liverpool, Dec. 5. --On the 3d, flour ad- vanced 6d, wheat, 2d, corn, 6d, Sales to-day were steady at the advance. Provisions closed quiet. Consols for money 90½ a 90½, ex-dividends. Very Latest.the tone of the French press Moderating — a peaceful solution of the question Thought not impossible. London, Dec. 5, --The tone of the French press is changing. The Moniteur considers that a peaceful solution of the question is not impossible. It says that public opinion in United Stat
Smith O'Brien on a war with England.[from the Dublin Freeman, Dec. 5. In a letter addressed by Mr. William Smith O'Brien to Mr. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, we find the following allusions to recent events: By the recent seizure of the Confederate Commissioners on board of a British mail steamer the Government of Mr. Lincoln has incurred a fearful responsibility. I take for granted that this act will not be disavowed. I take for granted that it was intended as a deliberate affront to the English nation. I take for granted that it was designed as a bold and defiant answer to the insolence which has been directed against the American nation by every organ of British opinion ever since the civil war broke out in the United States. However this may be, it is assuredly an act which is fraught with consequences that may hereafter become most disastrous to both parties who are now contending with each other. Unless England consent to forego all claims to ma
hat private letters from Rio Janeiro state that General Webb, the American Minister, has sent a demand to the Brazilian Government that the Governor of Maranham be superseded for having allowed coal to be supplied at that port to the privater Sumter. The Fashville under repair in England.[from the London news, Dec. 6.] The Confederate war steamer Nashville went into the graving dock at Southampton yesterday to be repaired. The Federal armed mail steamer Arago will, it is expected, come up Southampton Water on Wednesday next, instead of remaining at Cowes, so that the two ships will be "within shot" of each other. Slidell's dispatches officially received. The Weucellists De Rouen, of December 5, asserts that Mr. Slidell's dispatches, which the New York journals pretend were seized on board the Trent, have been safely brought to Paris by his Secretary, Colonel Leinat, an American of French origin, and that they were delivered with the seals unbroken to M. Thouvenel.
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1861., [Electronic resource], Letter from W. G. Brownlow — his Treatment. (search)
wed to publish them. I left home about the 5th of November, with a view to collect some claims due my office for advertising, and to relieve the fears of my family, who were daily annoyed with the calls of drunken soldiers, calling before my house, and flourishing their side-knives and pistols, and making threats of violence. The last week in November I received a letter from Brigadier-General Carroll, inviting me to return, and promising me protection from personal violence. On the 5th of December I received a brief letter from Major Gen. Crittenden, inviting me to his headquarters in Knoxville, promising me passports into Kentucky, and a military escort to conduct me safe. At the same time I was furnished with the copy of a letter to the Major-General from J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War, advising him to give me passports and a safe conduct beyond the Confederate lines. Supposing the head of the War Department, and the Major-General commanding here, to be acting in good f
they were going on an expedition to work the silver mines of Sonora. --They came down to Mazatlan on the steamer, and thence traveled across Northern Mexico to the Rio Grande. The journey was made on mules, in company, for a portion of the distance, with a merchant's train. The route lay through a difficult and dangerous country, in which they were beset with perils of various kinds; having often to encounter bands of banditti, which now roam the country at will — and sometimes the ferocious Apaches and Lipaus. They came through the several States of Sonora, Durango, New Leon, and Tama plisas taking in the towns of Durango, Parras, Stitillo, Monterey, Serralvo and Mier, in their route, and finally crossing the Rio Grande at Roma. Their overland journey extended to a distance of 1,700 miles. They left San Francisco on the 5th of December, and arrived here yesterday, having been at days on the road. We believe it is the desire of these gentlemen to enter the Confederate service.
. Oct. 15, schr. J. W. Anderson, Black, Savannah, naval stores. Oct. 15, schr. Adeline, Smith, Savannah, naval stores. Nov. 4, schr. Lucy R. Waring, Smith, Savannah, naval stores. Nov. 6, schr. John R. Wilder, Gardener, Savannah, rice. Nov. 7, schr. H. F. Willing, Gill, Savannah, rice. Nov. 7, schr. Gen. Ripley, Phillipe, Charleston, rice. Nov. 8, sloop Mary, Baker, Savannah, rice. Nov. 10, schr. Garibaldi, Bettilini, Jacksonville, naval stores. Dec. 5, schr. Prince of Wales, Adair, Charleston, cotton. Dec. 6, sloop Belle, Moore, Charleston, rice. Dec. 7, steamship Elia Warley, Swasey, Charleston, cotton. Dec. 10, steamship Theodora, Lockwood, Charleston, cotton. 1862 Jan. 16, schooner Garibaldi, Bettilini, Jacksonville, naval stores. Jan. 18, steamship Kate, Lockwood, charleston, cotton. Jan. 20, schooner Col. McRae, Perry, Georgetown, S. C, naval stores. Jan. 29, schooner Arrow, Dennis, St. Johns, F
rnals in Paris announced the fact in terms which would have been offensive to any Government but that of the United States. The correspondent says that although indications are that while better feeling is growing up towards us in England the contrary is true of France. Smith the Secretary of the Interior, has resigned and gone home. Rumor says that Lincoln was shot at, and his coachman wounded, while riding through the streets of Washington on New Year's evening. A grand reception was given by the President on New Year's day, which was largely attended by Congressmen and foreign Ministers. The Inquirer says that the whole movements of the rebel armies in the West show that they made desperate exertions to cut Grant's army off. It says the movements were planned by Jeff. Davis himself but signally failed. The Captain of the bark Trent reports the destruction of his vessel by a new rebel privateer on the 5th of December. Himself and crew were sent adrift.
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy. (search)
four weeks. His command of 400 men are distributed in detachments in various counties in Northwestern Texas. Their business seemed to be to act as spies on the people, hold the county in subjection, arrest deserters, kill suspected Union men, and plunder indiscriminately. Provisions and forage are plenty in the valley of the Red river and in Eastern Texas. Disposition of Federal vessels-of-war off Charleston. A correspondent of the Boston Traveller writing off Charleston, December 5th, furnishes the following statement in regard to the movements of the Federal vessel-of-war: Another attempt by our army to surprise Sumter was frustrated by the watchfulness of the rebel sentries. November 23d the Lehigh arrived at Port Royal for repairs and a general overhauling, preparatory to the approaching final attack on Charleston. A few changes have taken place in this fleet off late. Capt. Wm. Gibson, of the Seneca, takes command of the Cattskill. The Patapsco goes
The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina will meet in Raleigh on the 5th of December next.
remarked that, should there be a repetition of the peace rumors from America, a considerable decline is likely to take place, although the end of the war is considered to be far off. The ship Great Western has finally quitted Liverpool for New York, taking with her a large number of the alleged Federal recruits and the agents who engaged them. The law officers of the Crown did not see sufficient ground for legal proceeding. The case of the Rappahannock has been fixed for the 5th of December, before the Queen's Bench. The Times "city article" replies to Mr. Cobden's remarks on the American finances, and justifies its own predictions. David Roberts, the artist, is dead. The Paris Constitutionnel has published a paragraph warning against pirates and corsairs. It is supposed to have reference to the alleged letter of marque stated to have been granted by Juarez. The Opinione Nationale attacks the Constitutionnel for the warning, and taunts it with having u
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