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rom Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 148, Oct. 14, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Wells, Captain C. B., Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for meritorious services in his department during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Wells, Colonel G. D., of the 34th Mass. Infantry, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., to date from Oct. 12, 1864. G. O. 15, Feb. 6, 1865. Wells, Captain T. R., Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department, to date from Dec. 9, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. West, E. W., late Lieut. Colonel of the 33d N. J. Infantry, to be Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious services during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 67, July 16, 1867. — Brevet Colonel E. W.,
ice received. One horse died—worn out. Nov. 16. Notice received of the discharge of James Peach, private, by Maj. Gen. Augur, on surgeon's certificate of disability Nov. 10, 1864. Monthly inspection of Battery by C. A. Clark, 1st Lieut. and A. I. G., Artillery Brigade, 2nd Corps. Nov. 18. John Maynard, a recruit received from Draft Rendezvous, Galloup's Island, Mass. Private Henry Murphy returned to duty from Galloup's Island, agreeably to a letter A. G. O., Washington, D. C., Oct. 12, 1864. Nov. 19. Privates Thayer and H. Orcutt excused from duty. Privates Terbriggen and Quimby in brigade hospital. Nov. 20. Private H. Orcutt reported to duty. J. L. Thayer and J. F. Baxter excused from duty. Nov. 21. One horse died—stoppage. Nov. 23. One horse died—fit. Private Baxter reported to duty. Nov. 24. Private Thayer reported to duty. Nov. 25. One horse died—Blind Staggers. Private Thayer excused from duty. Corp'ls J. H. Stevens and R. Goldsmith and Private
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
He was relieved September 5, 1862, by Acting Rear-Admiral Lee, who retained the squadron for two years. The later blockade of Wilmington was brought to a remarkable state of efficiency, through the untiring efforts and zeal of the officers of the squadron. In the last year of the war, when the expedition against Fort Fisher was decided on, the command of the North Atlantic Station was offered to Farragut, and, upon his declining it, Porter was appointed. Porter entered upon his duties October 12, 1864, and Lee was transferred to the Mississippi. The first step in the conversion of the blockade of the North Atlantic coast into a military occupation was the capture of the forts at Hatteras Inlet, by Stringham, with a small body of troops under General Butler, August 29, 1861. This was followed, in February, 1862, by the expedition of Goldsborough and Burnside against Roanoke Island, and the active operations conducted subsequently by Rowan in the Sounds. The most important points
Stevenson, Corinth, November 8, 1863. (619, 806, 888) In Roddey's brigade, Wheeler's corps, October to December, 1863. No. 58—(590) In Roddey's brigade, Wheeler's corps, January 20, 1864. No. 59—(429) Mentioned by Colonel Rowett, Bailey's Springs, April 18, 1864. (735) Mentioned, March 26th, as being near Moulton. No. 77—(231) One killed, 5 wounded, at battle of Tishomingo Creek, June 10, 1864. (345) Reconnoissance near Tupelo, July 14th. No. 79—(817) Mentioned by General Forrest, October 12, 1864. No. 93—(1233) In Roddey's brigade, district of North Alabama, November 20th No. 94—(634) In Roddey's brigade, North Alabama, December 1st. No. 99—(1150) Mentioned by Maj. John G. Devereux, February 10, 1865, as having belonged to Hannon's original command. No. 104—(830) Paroled at Iuka, May 18, 1865. Stuart's battalion, Alabama cavalry. Stuart's battalion, commanded by Maj. James H. Stuart, served in north Alabama from the summer of 1864 until the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 33 (search)
quantities of these and dispose of them to the founderies, getting eight cents a pound for the iron and ten for the lead. Five or six passed me during the day loaded down with fragments. The shelling of yesterday, where we were, was brought on by one of our Whitworth guns opening upon the Yankee train as it came in sight about three and a half miles distant. On the right the Yankees have destroyed all of the houses in front of their lines. * * * * [X.] near Petersburg, Va., October 12, 1864. See Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume IX, page 355.—History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. * * * Many of the Yankees in their flight in the recent fight cut the straps to their knapsacks and let them drop as they heeled it back. The battle-field was a rich one, and my brigade bears me out in the assertion, as they have a great many sugar-loaf hats, blue overcoats, oil-cloths, shelter-tents, &c., &c. It is said that one green Rebel went up to a dying Yankee, and stoop
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
tts, Thomas; Whiting, A. T.; West, Arthur W., wounded at Kelley's Ford, March 17, 1863, dead; West, W. D., dead; Williams, John, captured at Aldie, June 17, 1863; Young, Wash, killed at Kelley's Ford, March 17, 1863. The following joined after organization: Blacks, Edward; Crofton, G. J. B., captured 1863, dead; Curtis, R. K., wounded near Bernsboro, Md., 1863.; Dauougherty, W. T., captured at Front Royal, August 16, 1864; Davis, Barlow; Davis, Eddie, dead; Davis, P. P., captured October 12, 1864; Downey, J. W., dead; Drewry, R. W., captured at Front Royal, August 16, 1864; Gammel, Nat., promoted to lieutenant; Hudgins B. F., dead; Hall, John, dead; Height, Wiley, killed at Haw's Shop, May 28, 1864; Jones, B. F., wounded at Trevillian, July 12, 1864; Laws, William, killed at Tood's Tavern, May 6, 1864; Marrow, D. G.; Mears, Levin, died in Richmond in 1863; Moreland, Alphonzo, dead; Murry, John, died in 1864; Phillips, C. Hopkins, dead; Peddicord, Alexander; Parramore, John, dead
d Regiment Heavy Artillery. (three Years.) Name.Co.Age.Term of service. 181Michael W. CoughlinC19Aug. 18, 1864, to June 26, 1865. 182William ColemanD19Aug. 15, 1864, to June 26, 1865. 183Joseph FosterD22Jan. 2, 1864; deserted July 2, 1865. 184Edmund JoyceD20Aug. 15, 1864, to June 26, 1865. 185Lewis MartinE21Aug. 18, 1864, to June 26, 1865. 186David H. PierceE20Aug. 18, 1864, to June 26. 1865. 187Peter JohnsonF18Aug. 23, 1864, to June 26, 1865. 188John KellyF42Aug. 19, 1864; died Oct. 12, 1864, at Newbern, N. C. 189Daniel CreamerG24Aug. 15, 1864, to Sept. 3, 1865. Third Regiment Heavy Artillery. (three Years.) Name.Co.Age.Term of service. 190Otis K. WilberM21Aug. 17, 1864, to June 17, 1865. First battalion Heavy Artillery. (three Years.) Name.Co.Age.Term of service. 191George N. LaddD29Aug. 9, 1864; deserted Sept. 13, 1864. 192Samuel NasonD37Aug. 9, 1864, to Sept. 12, 1866. 193Leander T. GilceasE18Aug. 11, 1864, to June 28, 1866. First Regiment o
l contributed to its construction by the removal of one of the banks to grade over the new structure, as shown in Mr. Buchanan's drawing and record. The slopes of the old Middlesex Canal have been cut down as far as the conduit is built so as to make a four-foot fill on the center and eight feet wide on top, and from the outer edge of the canal to the inner edge of the back filling it is graded off like the following section. [Then follows drawing.] The conduit was finished on October 12, 1864, and on October 31 water was let in as far as the waste-gate near the river and all loose dirt washed out, and on the following day to the pumping station. Two years and a half had elapsed since the engineers began work. The entire system, of which this was but an essential part, was also complete and ready for service. At one time three hundred and fifty men were employed, making a scene of busy activity along its course through Medford. The completed works supplied not only Ch
ation. It was ascertained that the rebels have, on the extremity of their right wing, at Stony creek, seven thousand cavalry and infantry, strongly entrenched. Some deserters from our lines below Richmond having made oath before Beast Butler that eighty Yankee negro soldiers were taken out of Castle Thunder and carried down to work in the trenches, has sent the following letter to Commissioner Ould: Headquarters Department of Virginia and North Carolina, Army of the James, October 12, 1864. Sir: I enclose herewith an affidavit showing the employment of one hundred and ten (110) United States colored soldiers by the military officers of the Confederate forces in the trenches near Fort Gilmer--a practice justified by no rule of war or claim heretofore made by the Confederate authorities. I have ordered a like number of the officers and soldiers captured by us (preferably, as many of the Virginia reserve forces — by whom this outrage is being done — as I have capt
Treasury Department, Confederate States of America, Richmond, October 12, 1864. Non-Taxable bonds. Five hundred-Million Loan.--.--Numerous applications having made for bonds at the established price of and thirty-five dollars and interest, cumstances that entitle them to favorable it has been determined to continue the at the above price until further notice. Agents for the sale of these. Bonds are to act in accordance with this order, and the of disbursing officers of the Government, called to it. G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of the Treasurer. oc 12--ts
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