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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 13: (search)
f his belief that all information seemed to indicate that Beauregard (Hood) would attempt to work against Nashville: I can hardly believe that Beauregard would attempt to work against Nashville from Corinth as a base at this stage of the war, but all information seems to point that way. Why General Thomas did not turn on Hood at Franklin appears from the following field dispatches from General Schofield, who was fighting a splendid battle at that place: Franklin, Tenn., November 30, 1864, 12 M. Major-General Thomas, Nashville. Your dispatch of 10:25 A. M. is received. I am satisfied that I have heretofore run too much risk in trying to hold Hood in check while so far inferior to him in both infantry and cavalry. The slightest mistake on my part, or failure of a subordinate, during the last three days, might have proved disastrous. I don't want to get into so tight a place again. I will cheerfully act in accordance with your views if you think it expedient to
neral Sherman, published in the same work, shows that Hood was not far wrong in the supposition that Sherman would follow the movement made on his line of communication; the only error was that he could thus draw him beyond the limits of Georgia. After my return to Richmond, a telegram from General Beauregard informed me of the change of program. My objection to that movement remained, and, though it was too late to regain the space and time which had been lost, I replied promptly on November 30, 1864, as follows: General Beauregard, care of Colonel W. M. Browne, Augusta, Georgia. Yours of 24th received. It is probable that the enemy, if short of supplies, may move directly for the coast. When that is made manifest, you will be able to concentrate your forces upon the one object, and I hope, if you can not defeat his attempt, that you may reduce his army to such condition as to be inefficient for further operations. Until Hood reaches the country proper of the enemy,
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 3: fall and winter of 1861 (search)
cavalry regiments, and common sense and experience gradually forced a recognition of the value of a heavy fire. By 1864, the Spencer breech-loading carbine had been adopted as the regulation arm for the Federal cavalry, and by the fall of that year brigades of infantry began to appear with it. On October 7, 1864, on the Darbytown road, Field's division was easily repulsed by two brigades armed with Spencers, with severe loss, including Genls. Gregg killed and Bratton wounded; and on Nov. 30, 1864, at Franklin, Tennessee, Casement's, brigade with these arms decided that battle with terrific slaughter, It was written of this fight that never before in the history of war did a command, of the approximate strength of Casement's. in so short a period of time kill and wound as many men. There is reason to believe that had the Federal infantry been armed from the first with even the breech-loaders available in 1861 the war would have been terminated within a year. The old smooth-b
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XI (search)
t the time, as to have rendered admissible any change in those orders. Nashville, [November] 30, [1864,] 4 A. M. Captain W. J. Twining, Franklin: Your despatch of 1 A. M. to-day is receivefrom me, as follows, I having arrived at Franklin between 4 and 5 A. M.: Franklin, November 30, 1864, 5 A. M. Have just seen your despatch to Captain Twining of 4 A. M. If Smith is not nee could at least cover my wagon-train if I have to fall back from here. Franklin, November 30, 1864, 5:30 A. M. I hope to get my troops and material safely across the Harpeth this morninis time to concentrate, reorganize his cavalry, and then try Hood again. Nashville, November 30, 1864. Major-General Schofield, Franklin: General Smith reported to me this morning that onelace on the north side of the Harpeth, rendered necessary by the battle. Nashville, November 30, 1864. Your despatch of 3 P. M. is received. Send back your trains to this place at once, a
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
317, 318; Oct. 31, 198; Nov. 1, 320; Nov. 7,199; Nov. 11, 321, 322; Nov. 12, 288, 301: Stanley, D. S., Nov. 8, 1864, 284, 290; Nov. 13, 166, 167: Stanton, E., 277, 279; Dec. 31, 1864, 280: Steedman. J. B., Nov. 25, 1864, 197: Twining, W. J., Nov. 30, 1864, 220: Wharton. H. C., Nov. 29, 1864, 228 Thomas, James L., letter from S. to, Nov. 1, 1863, 102 Thomas, Maj.-Gen., Lorenzo, Adjutant-General of United States, orders the raising of negro troops, 99 Thompson, Brig.-Gen., M. Jeff., th252, 345, 543; stopped in march to Pulaski, 282; operations in North Carolina, 346 Twining, Capt. William J., aide-de-camp to S., 174; famous ride in North Carolina, 174; scours the Franklin turnpike, 174; death, 174; despatch from Thomas, Nov. 30, 1864, 220 U Umatilla, Ore., a trip to, 430 Union County, reported expulsion of Union families from, 93 Union Pacific Railroad, proposed strike on, 509, 510 United States, the government of law in, 5; the Seminole troubles, 23-25; t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battles. (search)
a.; Smith's Attack)June 16, 1864 Weldon Road (Va.)June 21 and 22, Kenesaw (Ga.)June 27, 1864 Peach-tree Creek (Ga.)July 20, 1864 Decatur (Ga.)July 22, 1864 Atlanta (Ga.)July 28, 1864 Petersburg (Va. ; Mine Explosion)July 30, 1864 Mobile BayAug. 5, 1864 Jonesboro (Ga.)Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, 1864 Atlanta (Ga.; Captured)Sept. 2, 1864 Winchester (Va.)Sept. 19, 1864 Fisher's Hill (Va.)Sept. 22, 1864 Allatoona Pass (Ga.)Oct. 6, 1864 Hatcher's Run (Va.)Oct. 27, 1864 Franklin (Tenn.)Nov. 30, 1864 Fort McAllister (Ga.)Dec. 14, 1864 Nashville (Tenn.)Dec. 15 and 16, Fort Fisher (N. C.; First Attack on)Dec. 24 and 25, Fort Fisher (N. C.; Capture of)Jan. 15, 1865 Hatcher's Run (Va.)Feb. 5, 1865 Averasboro (N. C.)Mar. 16, 1865 Bentonville (N. C.)Mar. 18, 1865 Five Forks (Va.)Mar. 31 and April 1, 1865 Petersburg (Carried by Assault)April 2, 1865 Appomattox Court-House (near)April 9, 1865 Mobile (Capture of)April 8-12, 1865 War with Spain. Destruction of Spanish fleet in M
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cleburne, Patrick Ronayne 1828- (search)
Cleburne, Patrick Ronayne 1828- Military officer; born in County Cork, Ireland, March 17, 1828; came to the United States and settled at Helena, Ark., where he later practised law. When the Civil War broke out he entered the Confederate army; in March, 1861, planned the capture of the United States arsenal in Arkansas; in 1862 was promoted brigadier-general; took part in many important engagements in the war; and in recognition of his defence of Ringgold Gap received the thanks of the Confederate Congress. He originated the Order of the Southern Cross, and was known as the Stonewall of the West. He was killed in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Franklin, battle of. (search)
ief. At Franklin, Schofield disposed his troops in a curved line south and west of the town, his flanks resting on the Harpeth River. He cast up a line of light intrenchments along his entire front. His cavalry, with Wood's division, were posted on the north bank of the river, and Fort Granger, on a bluff, commanded the gently rolling plain over which Hood must advance in a direct attack. Schofield had about 18,000 men. At four Battle-field of Franklin o'clock on the afternoon of Nov. 30, 1864, Hood advanced to the attack with all his force. A greater part of his cavalry, under Forrest, was on his right, and the remainder were on his left. The Confederates fell fiercely upon Schofield's centre, composed of the divisions of Ruger and Cox, about 10,000 strong. Their sudden appearance was almost a surprise. Schofield was at Fort Granger, and the battle, on the part of the Nationals, was conducted by General Stanley. By a furious charge Hood hurled back the Union advance in u
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McClernand, John Alexander 1812- (search)
ohn Alexander 1812- Military officer; born in Breckenridge county, Ky., May 30, 1812. His family removed to Illinois while he was a small child. He was admitted to the bar in 1832 served in the Black Hawk War: engaged in trade and journalism; and was in the Illinois legislature at different times between 1836 and 1842. He was in Congress in 1843-51 and 1859-61, when, the war breaking out, he resigned and, with others, raised a brigade of volunteers. He distinguished himself at Belmont (q. v.), and was made brigadier-general. After the battle of Fort Donelson (q. v.) he was promoted major-general; commanded a division at the battle of Shiloh; succeeded General Sherman in command of the army engaged in the Vicksburg expedition in January, 1863; distinguished himself in the battles that followed; commanded the 13th Army Corps till July, 1863; and resigned his commission Nov. 30, 1864. Subsequently he engaged in law practice in Springfield, Ill., till his death, Sept. 20, 1900.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
v. 8, 1864 At the general election, Lincoln and Johnson, Republican, carry twenty-two States; McClellan and Pendleton, three (New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky); eleven not voting......Nov. 8, 1864 Atlanta burned, and Sherman begins his March to the sea......Nov. 14, 1864 Blockade of Norfolk, Va., Fernandina, and Pensacola raised by proclamation of President......Nov. 19, 1864 Confederate incendiaries fire many hotels in New York......Nov. 25, 1864 Battle of Franklin......Nov. 30, 1864 Second session convenes......Dec. 5, 1864 Fourth annual message of President Lincoln......Dec. 6, 1864 Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Ll.D., born 1793, dies at Washington, D. C.......Dec. 10, 1864 Fort McAllister, Savannah, Ga., captured by Hazen's division of Sherman's army......Dec. 13, 1864 Thomas defeats Hood at Nashville, Tenn......Dec. 15-16, 1864 President Lincoln calls for 300,000 volunteers to make up deficiency in call July 18, 1864. If not obtained before Feb. 15,
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