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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil rights bill, (search)
0. An appeal was permitted to the Supreme Court. Charles Sumner, the distinguished Senator from Massachusetts, was exceedingly anxious to secure the adoption of an amendment to the original bill, which, among other things, should prevent common carriers, inn-keepers, theatre-managers, and officers or teachers of schools from distinguishing blacks from whites; should prevent the exclusion of negroes from juries; and should give federal courts exclusive cognizance of offences against it. In 1872 he offered a bill covering these grounds as an amendment to the amnesty act, but it failed of passage by a single vote. Later in the same year it was introduced in the House. On April 30, 1874, the measure was adopted in the Senate, but rejected in the House, and in February, 1875, it was adopted in both Houses, becoming a law March 1. On Oct. 25, 1883, the Supreme Court of the United States, through Justice Bradley, decided that the supplementary civil rights bill (Sumner's) was unconstit
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cody, William Frederick 1846- (search)
Cody, William Frederick 1846- Scout; born in Scott county, Ia., Feb. 26, 1846. In 1857-58 he was under contract to supply the Kansas Pacific Railroad with all the buffalo meat needed during its construction, and in eighteen months he killed 4,280 buffaloes, on account of which he received his widely known sobriquet of Buffalo bill. During the Civil War he was a guide and scout for the national government; in 1868-72 was scout and guide in all the movements against the hostile Sioux and Cheyenne Indians; in 1876 was scout of the 5th Cavalry, and in the action at Indian Creek, in a personal encounter, killed Yellow Hand, the Cheyenne chief. He has been in more Indian fights than any other living man. He is coauthor of The Great Salt Lake trail.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coinage, United States (search)
s was to weigh 270 grains, the parts in the same proportion; all of the fineness of 22 carats. The silver dollar, of 100 cents, was to weigh 416 grains, the fractions in proportion; the fineness, 892.4 thousandths. The copper cent was to weigh 264 grains; the half-cent in proportion. In 1793 the weight of the cent was reduced to 208 grains, and the half-cent in the same proportion. Assay offices were established at New York in 1854; at Denver, Col., in 1864; and at Boise, City, Ida., in 1872. In 1873 Congress made the mint and assay offices a bureau of the Treasury Department, the title of the chief officer of which is Superintendent of the Mint. An act was passed in June, 1834, changing the weight and fineness of the gold coin, and the relative value of gold and silver. The weight of the eagle was reduced to 258 grains, and the parts in proportion, of which 232 grains must be pure gold, making the fineness 21 carats. The silver coinage was not then changed, but in January,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colwell, Stephen 1800-1872 (search)
Colwell, Stephen 1800-1872 Author; born in Brooke county, Va., March 25, 1800; graduated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1819; admitted to the Virginia bar in 1821, and practised in Pittsburg and Philadelphia. After the Civil War he was appointed a commissioner to examine the national system of internal revenue. He gave much time to this work, and his conclusions largely determined the financial policy of the country. His publications include Letter to members of the legislature of Pennsylvania on the removal of deposits from the Bank of the United States by order of the President; The relative position in our industry of foreign commerce, domestic production, and internal trade; Position of Christianity in the United States, in its relation with our political system and religious instruction in the public schools; The South: a letter from a friend in the North with reference to the effects of disunion upon slavery, etc. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 15, 1872.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Comanche Indians, (search)
nd the tribes on the central plains, like the Pawnees, felt their power in war from an early period. They called themselves by a name signifying live people, believed in one supreme Father, and claim to have come from towards the setting sun. The tribe is divided into several bands, and all are expert horsemen. The French in Louisiana first penetrated their country in 1718, buying horses from them, and in 1724 made a treaty with them. They were then numerous. One village visited by the French had 140 lodges, containing 1,500 women, 2,000 children, and 800 warriors. Until 1783, they had long and bloody wars with the Spaniards, when, their great war-chief being slain, a peace was established. They numbered 5,000 in 1780. In 1816 they lost 4,000 of their population by small-pox. As late as 1847 their number was estimated at 10,000, with over 2,000 warriors; in 1872, a little over 4,000. They have always been troublesome. In 1899 there were 1,553 at the Kiowa agency in Oklahoma.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Credit Mobilier, (search)
capital of $2,500,000. In 1867 its charter was purchased by a company formed for the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. The stock was increased to $3,750.000, and soon rose in value to a very great extent, paying enormous dividends. In 1872 it was charged that a number of members of both Houses of Congress were privately owners of the stock. As legislation concerning the matter might be required, and as grants of land had been made to the railroad company, Congress ordered an investroughly subdued them, and, in fact, destroyed the nation. Their last stand against the United States troops was made at Horseshoe Bend in March, 1814. Some of them had already settled in Louisiana, and finally in Texas, where they remained until 1872, when Fort Mims (from an old print). the government took steps to reunite the nation in the Indian Territory. They had ceded all their lands east of the Mississippi. With those who had removed there was trouble at times. Some favored remova
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Crooks, George Richard 1822-1897 (search)
Crooks, George Richard 1822-1897 Clergyman; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 3, 1822; graduated at Dickinson College in 1840; ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1841; professor in Dickinson College in 1842-48, when he returned to the pastorate until his election in 1860 as editor of The Methodist, the organ of the supporters of lay representation. The paper was discontinued when their efforts were successful in 1872, and Dr. Crooks again returned to the pastorate. He died in Madison, N. J., Feb. 20, 1897.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Curtin, Andrew Gregg 1817-1894 (search)
Curtin, Andrew Gregg 1817-1894 War governor; born in Bellefonte, Pa., April 22, 1817; was an active lawyer and politician, and governor of his native State when the Civil War broke out. He had been secretary of state from 1855 to 1858, and superintendent of common schools in 1860. Andrew Gregg Curtin. He was re-elected governor in 1863; was minister to Russia in 1869-72, and Democratic Congressman in 1880-86. He died in Bellefonte, Oct. 7, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895 (search)
eacher of mathematics in the United States navy, and was mineralogist and geologist of Wilkes's exploring expedition, 1838-42 (see Wilkes, Charles). For thirteen years afterwards Mr. Dana was engaged in preparing the reports of this expedition and other scientific labors. These reports were published by the government, with atlases of drawings made by James Dwight Dana. Mr. Dana. He was elected to the chair of Silliman Professor of Natural History and Geology in Yale College in 1850, entered on his duties in 1855, a place he held till 1890, and was for many years associated with his brother-in-law, Benjamin Silliman, Jr., in editing and publishing the American journal of Science and art, founded by the elder Silliman in 1819. Professor Dana contributed much to scientific journals, and was a member of many learned societies at home and abroad. In 1872 the Wollaston gold medal, in charge of the London Geological Society, was conferred upon him. He died in New Haven, April 14, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Darien ship Canal, (search)
us of Darien; and the other, under Captain Shufeldt, of the navy, to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Three routes were surveyed across the narrow part of the Isthmus of Darien by Selfridge, and he reported all three as having obstacles that made the construction of a canal impracticable. He reported a route by the Atrato and Napipi rivers as perfectly feasible. It would include 150 miles of river navigation and a canal less than 40 miles in extent. It would call for 3 miles of rock cutting 125 feet deep, and a tunnel of 5 miles, with a roof sufficiently high to admit the tallestmasted ships. Selfridge estimated the entire cost at $124,000,000. The whole matter was referred in 1872 to a commission to continue investigations. A French company undertook the construction of a canal between Aspinwall and Panama in 1881, under the direction of Ferdinand De Lesseps (q. v.). After expending many millions of dollars, the project was abandoned in 1890. See Clayton-Bulwer treaty; Panama Canal.
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