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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
ny semblance of antagonism to his friend the senator; but Dr. Howe was less considerate in this respect. The commission sailed Jan. 18, 1871, accompanied y Frederick Douglass, General Sigel, and several editors. They remained in San Domingo or its waters from January 23 to February 28, being engaged about five weeks in their obsnd to become a fractional Hart of our republic. I regard it as a mercenary, land-grabbing speculation of the worst type. Yours for sturdy uprightness. Frederick Douglass, writing Jan. 6, 1871, while he objected to Sumner's direct references to the President, paid a tribute to the senator for what he had done to his oppressede gallery, where voice, manner, and action united to give it force and effect. It was a surprise at the time, and the mystery has never been explained, how Mr. Douglass was afterwards brought to the support of a scheme involving the extinction of one, if not two, republics founded by his race. The mystery is all the greater,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 57: attempts to reconcile the President and the senator.—ineligibility of the President for a second term.—the Civil-rights Bill.—sale of arms to France.—the liberal Republican party: Horace Greeley its candidate adopted by the Democrats.—Sumner's reserve.—his relations with Republican friends and his colleague.—speech against the President.—support of Greeley.—last journey to Europe.—a meeting with Motley.—a night with John Bright.—the President's re-election.—1871-1872. (search)
in his newspaper against renowned patriots and philanthropists, Channing, Birney, Father Mathew, Louis Kossuth, and Frederick Douglass,—being by habit always more bitter towards those who believed in his aims but not in his methods. Though in recent pp. 202-204. To one of the San Domingo commissioners he wrote an open letter concerning the discrimination against Frederick Douglass on account of his race while associated with them, which brought out a reply. August 10; Ibid., pp. 205-208. DouDouglass was, apparently by no fault of the commissioners, not allowed a place with them at the supper table on a Potomac steamer, and was not invited to dine in company with them at the White House. Holland's Life of Douglass, pp. 324, .325. Appeals wDouglass, pp. 324, .325. Appeals were made to him from political leaders (Samuel J. Randall among them), and by Southern men, to make addresses in different States; but he was obliged by ill health to decline the service. While still at Washington he received a note from Longfellow,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 58: the battle-flag resolution.—the censure by the Massachusetts Legislature.—the return of the angina pectoris. —absence from the senate.—proofs of popular favor.— last meetings with friends and constituents.—the Virginius case.—European friends recalled.—1872-1873. (search)
t is published in the former's Life by F. W. Palfrey, pp. 246-248. and Joseph Tucker, each of whom lost a leg in battle; A. B. Underwood, severely wounded at Wauhatchie and maimed for life; Charles Francis Adams, Jr., who led the colored troops into Richmond, the first to enter the Confederate capital; and Henry S. Russell, who served in Libby prison as well as in the field. The petitioners were supported by an appeal from other States, in which Chief-Justice Chase, William C. Bryant, Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith, and Governor Noyes of Ohio joined. A remonstrance was sent in, but it contained few signatures, and those not of persons well known in the State. The committee on federal relations, to which the petitions were referred, gave public hearings. At the first one, Ex-Governor William Claflin, who opened the case briefly for the petitioners, was followed by Ex-Governor Emory Washburn the jurist, and by Rev. James Freeman Clarke. An erroneous statement is made in the R
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 59: cordiality of senators.—last appeal for the Civil-rights bill. —death of Agassiz.—guest of the New England Society in New York.—the nomination of Caleb Cushing as chief-justice.—an appointment for the Boston custom-house.— the rescinding of the legislative censure.—last effort in debate.—last day in the senate.—illness, death, funeral, and memorial tributes.—Dec. 1, 1873March 11, 1874. (search)
in brief absences, and often in his room, were H. L. Pierce, Judge Hoar, Schurz, Hooper, and Poore. Many waited in the study,—among whom were observed Mr. Blaine (the Speaker), Senators Morrill of Vermont and Windom, Montgomery Blair, and Frederick Douglass; and in the same room the chaplain of the Senate read passages from the fourteenth chapter of Saint John's Gospel, and offered a prayer. To Johnson and the two colored friends, who were raising him and changing his position, the senator exa day rare even for March in its bleakness, the funeral services were held in the Senate chamber at midday. The procession, moving from the senator's home in the morning, was led by a body of colored people on foot, at the head of whom was Frederick Douglass. The immediate guard in charge from the police of the Capitol was made up in part of that race. The body lay for some hours in the rotunda, where thousands, only a part of those who pressed for admission, took their last view of it. It wa
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1843. (search)
m less than justice. The recollection of this peculiarity in him, whatever may have been its source, added interest to his later career in the army; for it is evident that the grander experiences of life smoothed away some of these roughnesses, and developed in him more comprehensiveness, more tact, and more power of adaptation. After leaving the Divinity School he preached a few times at Albany, New York, and wrote thence: I have been attending a course of anti-slavery lectures by Frederick Douglass, the fugitive slave, and have become greatly interested. Then he supplied the pulpit, for three months, of Father Taylor, the celebrated Methodist sailor-preacher in Boston. He was afterwards settled as minister over the Unitarian Society in Manchester, New Hampshire, then over the New North Church in Boston, and then in Watertown, Massachusetts. In all these positions he worked for years with the zeal of a revivalist; and he also took active part in the usual collateral duties of a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
, Col., II. 4, 35;, 155, 286. Dewey, Orville, Rev. Dr., I. 42. Dexter, J., II. 241. Dillaway, C. K., I. 132; II. 12. Dix, J. A., Maj.-Gen., I. 11. Dixon, James, II. 428. Dixwell, E. S., I. 380; II. 133, 405;. Donnelly, G. K., Capt., I. 106. Doolittle, A., II. 226. Doolittle, H. J., Capt., Memoir, II. 226-228; II. 224-240. Doolittle, J. R., Hon., II. 226, 227;. Doolittle, Mary L., II. 226. Dougherty, Dr., I. 123. Douglas, S. A., Hon., I. 336; II. 81. Douglass, Frederick, I. 75. Downes, H. H., Private, Memoir, I. 177-178. Downes, John, Corn., I. 177. Downes, Maria G., I. 177. Dudley, N. A. M., Brig.-Gen., II. 289. Duff, John, I. 94. Dunlap, Lieut.-Col., I. 127. Dunn, H. S., Lieut., Memoir, II. 382-384. Dunn, J. C., II. 382. Dunn, Monoena, Capt., I. 335 II. 428. Dunn, Sergeant, II. 19. Dunn, Sophia P., II. 382. Dupont, S. F. Admiral, 1. 373. Duryea, R. C., Brig.-Gen., I. 68; II. 328, 354;. Dustin, Hannah,
ns of a campaign; circumstantial account of Manassas, Groveton and Gainesville. United Service Mag., vol. 9, p. 339. Douglas, col. Henry Kyd. Harper's Ferry and Antietam; Stonewall Jackson in Maryland. Century, vol. 32, p. 285. Douglass, Frederick. Colored soldiers recruiting in Massachusetts, March, 1863. Appeal to other men of color. Boston Evening Journal, March 6, 1863, p. 4, col. 1. Dover Road, N. C. Engagement of April 28, 1863. Account by mail; some typographical neral of Massachusetts. Boston Evening Journal, March 21, 1863, p. 2, col. 2. —1863. Bill for promoting and regulating enlistments in the Commonwealth. Boston Evening Journal, Feb. 19, 1863, p. 4, col. 2. — – Colored men; appeal of Frederick Douglass to other men of color. Boston Evening Journal, March 6, 1863, p. 4, col. 1. — – Gen. Order of Gov. Andrew; added bounty; editorial comment. Boston Evening Journal, Oct. 17, 1863, p. 2, col. 1, p. 3, col. 2; Oct. 27, p. 4, col. 1.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
y, C. F., 271 Donnelly, Hugh, 271 Donnison, C. L., Miss, 581 Donohoe, M. T., 177, 413, 465, 521 Dooley, Peter, 271 Doolittle, John, 271 Doran, P. B., 44 Doran, Richard, 44 Dorman, O. M., 413 Dorr, C. H., 581 Dorr, E. L., 271 Dorr, H. G., 271, 465 Dorr, Herman, 44 Dorr, J. C., 413 Dorr, John, 271 Dorson, John, 644 Doten, C. C., 271 Doten, C. W., 44 Doten, S. H., 211, 271, 521 Doty, Albert, 271, 521 Doubleday, Abner, 644 Dougherty, W. E., 644 Douglas, H. K., 644 Douglass, Frederick, 644 Douglass, J. A., 380 Douglass, R. S., 465 Dove, G. W. W., 44 Dow, A. F., 271 Dow, G. C., 271, 465 Dow, J. M., 271 Dow, John, 44 Downe, Romanzo, 44 Downes, C. A., 44 Downes, John, 44 Downs, Moses, Jr., 271 Doyle, John, 44 Drake, G. B., 177, 271, 413, 521 Drake, Ira, 271 Drake, S. A., 465 Dran, F. A., 46 Draper, A. G., 644 Draper, Alonzo G., 177, 211, 413, 488, 521 Draper, E. L. R., 46 Draper, Ebenezer, 271 Draper, F. S., 271, 488 Draper, F. W., 488 Draper,
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Zzz Missing head (search)
it will have the effect of inducing politicians of the rival parties to treat with respect and consideration this new element of political power, from self-interest if from no higher motive. The fact that at this time both parties are welcoming colored orators to their platforms, and that, in the South, old slave-masters and their former slaves fraternize at caucus and barbecue, and vote for each other at the polls, is full of significance. If, in New England, the very men who thrust Frederick Douglass from car and stage-coach, and mobbed and hunted him like a wild beast, now crowd to shake his hand and cheer him, let us not despair of seeing even the Ku-Klux tamed into decency, and sitting clothed in their right minds as listeners to their former victims. The colored man is to-day the master of his own destiny. No power on earth can deprive him of his rights as an American citizen. And it is in the light of American citizenship that I choose to regard my colored friends, as men h
pieces, and civil war is staring us in the face, and the chief cause thereof has emanated from unscrupulous abolitionists at the North, who for years past have been preaching treason against the United States Government, and malignantly denouncing the constitutional institutions of the South, and branding our Southern brethren as pirates, instead of cultivating with them friendship and brotherly love: and, whereas, Syracuse has long been the rendezvous of Jerry-rescue traitors, headed by Fred. Douglass, and the depot of underground railroad, marshalled by negro Conguen; and whereas, our city has often been disgraced by treasonable meetings, instituted by these dangerous men and their followers, in which meetings plots have been formed for sowing the seeds of abolitionism and disunionism abroad, which, in common with the action of other abolition meetings held at the North, gave rise to the bloody raid at Harper's Ferry; and whereas, it is the duty of all good citizens of these United S
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