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would be arrested and probably put to death as a spy. It stands me in hand to give them the slip before I take the back track. After spending a very pleasant day at the camp, he returned to Memphis on the latest boat that night, informing Dr. Burton that he was going to Chattanooga to look up a brother whom he had not seen in twelve years. You'll come back? said the Doctor, as he wrung his hand. Oh, certainly, was the cheerful response. I'll be with you again before long. Colonel Gaines, of the artillery, who heard this conversation, now grasped the scout's hand. Webster, you'd make a good soldier, he said, bluntly. Hang me if I wouldn't like to have you on my force. Webster smiled good-naturedly. I have some family business to attend to before I could think of entering the army. After that I may remind you of your remark. All right, said the Colonel, any time that you are ready, come; I will make room for you. On his way down the river Webster found,
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 22: battle of Chancellorsville (search)
lery, took care of Sickles's whole line. Thus, Hooker's movement toward the Furnace carried away from my flank all immediate support to be expected from Barlow, Sickles, and Slocum; and, further, these troops were looking, moving, and fighting in an opposite direction. They were engaged, not as Hooker telegraphed, with Lee in full retreat, but with Lee himself staying behind after Jackson's departure. He was then controlling the smaller wing of his army. Lee took great risks as he did at Gaines's Mill before Richmond, where 25,000 men only held in check the whole of McClellan's army, while he himself crossed the river and defeated Porter and all the supports that McClellan dared send him. This time Lee took the smaller force himself. Stonewall Jackson continued his march until he ordered a temporary halt. At this halt Fitzhugh Lee, who from a wooded knoll had discovered my flank, returned to Jackson and asked him to go and see. The two generals then rode to the wooded knoll.
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, Woman's rights. (search)
e time is spent in the courts, until he knows nothing of what is going on in the streets. 0 no! But as for woman, her time must be all so entirely filled in taking care of her household, her cares must be so extensive, that neither those of soldiers nor sailors nor merchants can be equal to them; she has not a moment to qualify herself for politics! Woman cannot be spared long enough from the kitchen to put in a vote, though Abbott Lawrence can be spared from the counting-house, though General Gaines or Scott can be spared from the camp, though the Lorings and the Choates can be spared from the courts. This is the argument: Stephen Girard cannot go to Congress; he is too busy; therefore, no man ever shall. Because General Scott has gone to Mexico, and cannot be President, therefore no man shall be. Because A. B. is a sailor, gone on a whaling voyage, to be absent for three years, and cannot vote, therefore no male inhabitant ever shall. Logic how profound I how conclusive! Yet th
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 8: arrival in New York. (search)
finds one Expends half his capital upon clothes Searches for employment Berated by David Hale as a runaway apprentice continues the search goes to church hears of a vacancy Obtains work the boss takes him for a dam fool, but changes his opinion Nicknamed the Ghost practical jokes Horace metamorphosed dispute about commas the shoemaker's boarding-house grand banquet on Sundays. He took the canal-boat at Buffalo and came as far as Lockport, whence he walked a few miles to Gaines, and stayed a day at the house of a friend whom he had known in Vermont. Next morning he walked back accompanied by his friend to the canal, and both of them waited many hours for an eastward-bound boat to pass. Night came, but no boat, and the adventurer persuaded his friend to go home, and set out himself to walk on the tow-path towards Albion. It was a very dark night. He walked slowly on, hour after hour, looking anxiously behind him for the expected boat, looking more anxiously befo
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: strategic Reconnoissances. (search)
n which have marked throughout my intercourse with this able officer. Our plans of action have been matured by mutual consultation and have been carried into execution by mutual help. Of the many National defences that had fallen into the hands of the Confederates upon the secession of the Southern States, the National flag was first hoisted over Fort Clinch; it was soon flying over all the others, save Jackson at Savannah, Moultrie and Sumter at Charleston, Caswell below Wilmington, and Gaines and Morgan at Mobile. The Ottawa, Lieutenant-commanding Stevens, made a reconnoissance up the St. Mary's, as far as navigable for vessels of ten feet draught, fifty miles to Woodstock, and placed notices at various points that all peaceable citizens would be protected in their persons and property. While returning, at a narrow stretch known as the Brick-yards, he was fired on with field artillery and small arms. Of this intended attack he had been given warning, and replied with grape,
t, April 27, 1862. The troops engaged in the defense enlisted in the city, except the cannoneers. Capt. J. B. Anderson, of Company E, Louisiana artillery, although wounded early in the conflict, continued to render the most gallant service to the end. Of the same company, Lieutenant Baylor, of the 42-pounder barbette battery, and Lieutenant Agar deserve mention. Among those who acted coolly during the six days, were Lieutenants Ogden, Kennedy and Mumford, of the Louisiana artillery; Lieutenant Gaines, in command of the 32-pounder on the river front; Captain Jones, Company I, Twenty-third regiment Louisiana volunteers; Captain Peter, Company I, Twenty-second regiment volunteers; Lieut. Thomas K. Pierson, Twentythird regiment, who was killed while gallantly fighting his guns; Capt. M. T. Squires, senior officer at Fort St. Philip; and Lieut. Thomas B. Huger, of the McRae, who was seriously wounded. Speaking of the deserters, General Duncan, three weeks later, said: Scores of them
iments were united with the Second, Fifth and Eighth, lately forming Perry's brigade, to constitute the brigade of General Finegan. The average effective strength of the regiments was about 200 men. The brigade went at once into active service. After a march of 30 miles they halted before Deep Bottom on the line before Richmond, where, after digging trenches, finding them not tenable, they fell back one mile. There was skirmishing on May 31st, the enemy shelling our lines. Falling back to Gaines' farm the brigade intrenched as a reserve. On the morning of the 3d of June the Florida brigade recaptured the breastworks that had been temporarily lost by Breckinridge's command, and brilliantly repulsed two assaults of the enemy. In the battle of Cold Harbor, the Ninth lost 100 men killed and wounded. Among the killed were Maj. Pickens B. Bird, Captain Reynolds, Lieutenant Lane; and Adjutant Owens, Captain Tucker and Lieut. R. D. Harrison were severely wounded. On this line the en
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Old South. (search)
r allegiance to Great Britain. This is the statement of a Northern writer, and not the fabrication of an enemy. How did the belief start among the British people that New England wished to return to its allegiance to the Mother country? Hence, in this war, the old South furnished more than her proportion of troops. Southern troops flocked North, and, in the battles in Canada, a large number of general officers were from the old South: Harrison, Scott, Wilkinson, Izzard, Winder, Hampton, Gaines, Towson, Brooke, Drayton, etc. Kentucky sent more men for the invasion of Canada than did any other State. All honor to the United States sailors of the North, who had no sympathy with the Hartford Convention, and nobly did their duty— Perry, Bainbridge, Stewart, Lawrence, Porter, Preble, &c. The Don't Give up the Ship of dying Lawrence is a precious legacy to the whole American people. But the unmaritime South claims, among the naval heroes of that period, Decatur, of Maryland; MacDo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
as, Stephen A., 152. Draft of troops in the North, 99. Drury's Bluff, Explosion at, 33. Early, Gen. Jubal A., 382. Ellerson's Mill, Battle of, 378. Emmett, Dan, 212 English Sympathy, 171. Ewell, Gen. R. S., his veneration for General Jackson, 26, 225. Examiner, Richmond, Va., cited, 362. Falling Waters, Battle of, 368. Five Forks, Battle of, 76. Floyd C. H Va., 345. Forrest, C. S. N., Master's Mate, 293. Forts, Fisher, gallant defence of, 257; plan of, 283: Gaines, 291; Haskell, 72; Magruder, 108; McGilvray, 72; Morgan, 291, 294. Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 160, 378. Fredericksburg, Assault of, 377. French, Gen. S. G., 315. Fry, Gen. B. D., 308. Fulmore, Judge Z. F., 283. Gaines's Mill, Battle of, 126, 378. Garland, Gen., Death of, 129. Georgia Infantry, The 44th, 165. Gettysburg, An incident of, 337; the battle of, 368, 376 Giraffe, The blockade runner, 264. Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Mo., cited, 226. Goldsborough, Major
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.37 (search)
onin, S. D.; Crumby, John, discharged; Dickerson, John T.; Dixon, John T.; Daniels, George C., wounded at Gettysburg; Driscoll, C., killed at Gettysburg; Ellington, Branch, killed at Cold Harbor, June, 1864; Elliott, Robert, killed at Gettysburg; Gaines, John C.; Gaines, William B., wounded at Sharpsburg; Green, William T.; Guill, John, died since the War; Garrison, John R.; Garrison, Joseph; Hill, James R.; Holt, Thomas, killed in seven-days' fight before Richmond; Holt, R. I., killed in seven-Gaines, William B., wounded at Sharpsburg; Green, William T.; Guill, John, died since the War; Garrison, John R.; Garrison, Joseph; Hill, James R.; Holt, Thomas, killed in seven-days' fight before Richmond; Holt, R. I., killed in seven-days' fight before Richmond; Holt, John Lee, killed at Gettysburg, 1864; Holt, J. P., killed at Drury's Bluff; 1862; Holt, R. M., wounded at South Mountain, 1862; Holt, B. N. M., wounded at Five Forks, 1865; Harvey, Wyatt C., teamster; Hamlett, E. W.; Hamlett, Jesse; Harvey, W. D., died since the war; Harvey, Thomas, died since the war; Hardiman, John E., wounded at Gaines's Mill and at Gettysburg; Hammersley, Richard, wounded at Gettysburg; Hamlet, Thomas; Irwin, Powhatan I.; Johnson, Clemm; Jo