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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 (search)
ively of the two great wings of the party, and again a dark horse, Garfield, was selected. President Garfield appointed Senator Blaine SecretPresident Garfield appointed Senator Blaine Secretary of State, which post he resigned in December, 1881, soon after the accession of President Arthur. In 1884 Mr. Blaine received the Presidenating him for the Presidency. See protection. Oration on President Garfield.--The following is the concluding portion of Mr. Blaine's oraent, delivered before both Houses of Congress on Feb. 27, 1882: Garfield's ambition for the success of his administration was high. With s to be a source of contention with others, have become. so far as Garfield is concerned, as much a matter of history as his heroism at Chickaonsequences personal to himself. . . . The religious element in Garfield's character was deep and earnest. In his early youth he espoused irit of investigation. . . . The crowning characteristic of General Garfield's religious opinions, as, indeed, of all his opinions, was his
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chickamauga, battle of (search)
h the ridge and gorge. Very soon a greater portion of the Confederate army were swarming around the foot of the ridge, on which stood Thomas with the remnant of seven divisions of the Army of the Cumberland. The Confederates were led by Longstreet. There seemed no hope for the Nationals. But Thomas stood like a rock, and his men repulsed assault after assault until the sun went down, when he began the withdrawal of his troops to Rossville, for his ammunition was almost exhausted. General Garfield, Rosecrans's chief of staff, had arrived with orders for Thomas to take the command of all the forces, and, with McCook and Crittenden, to take a strong position at Rossville. It was then that Thomas had the first reliable information of disaster on the right. Confederates seeking to obstruct the movement were driven back, with a loss of 200 men made prisoners. So ended the battle of Chickamauga. The National loss was reported at 16,326, of whom 1,687 were killed. The total loss
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coffin, Charles Carleton 1823-1896 (search)
Coffin, Charles Carleton 1823-1896 (pen-name Carleton), author; born in Boscawen, N. H., July 26, 1823; during the Civil War was war correspondent of the Boston Journal. His publications include Days and nights on the battle-field; Following the flag; Four years of fighting; Caleb Krinkle, a story of American life; Story of liberty; Old times in the colonies; Life of Garfield, etc. He died in Brookline, Mass., March 2, 1896.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colfax, Schuyler 1823- (search)
Omega*a *t *wVirginia Military Institute1865 Kappa Alpha (south)*k *aWashington and Lee1867 Kappa Sigma*k *sVirginia1867 Sigma Nu*s *nVirginia Military Institute1869 Schuyler his deputy. There he studied law, and finally established a weekly newspaper. In 1850 he was a member of the Indiana State constitutional convention, and the next year was a candidate for Congress, but was not elected. In 1856 the newly formed Republican party elected him to Congress, and he was reelected for six consecutive terms. In December, 1863, he was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, and was reelected in 1865 and 1867. In November, 1868, he was elected Vice-President, with General Grant as President. After his retirement to private life in 1873 he frequently lectured to large audiences upon men he had known and subjects connected with his long career in public life. His best lecture was undoubtedly that on Lincoln and Garfield. He died suddenly, in Mankato. Minn., Jan. 13, 1885.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Corbin, Henry Clark 1842- (search)
Corbin, Henry Clark 1842- Military officer; born in Clermont county, O., Sept. 15, 1842; received an academic education, and studied law. In 1862 he joined the National army as a second lieutenant in the 79th Ohio Volunteers; served through the remainder of the war; and was then appointed to the regular army. He was with President Garfield when the latter was shot, and also present at his bedside when he died. In 1880 he was promoted major and assistant adjutant-general; in 1898, adjutant-general; and in June, 1900, major-general, being the first adjutantgeneral of the regular army to reach that rank.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Edgar, Henry Cornelius, 1811-1884 (search)
Edgar, Henry Cornelius, 1811-1884 Clergyman; born in Rahway, N. J., April 11, 1811; graduated at Princeton College in 1831; became a merchant; was licensed to preach by the Presbyterian Church in 1845. During the Civil War he spoke was forcibly against slavery. His published orations and sermons include Three lectures on slavery; Four discourses occasioned by the death of Lincoln; An Exposition of the last nine wars; Christianity our nation's wisest policy; A discourse occasioned by the death of President Garfield, etc. He died in Easton, Pa., Dec. 23, 1884.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Farman, Elbert Eli 1831- (search)
Farman, Elbert Eli 1831- Jurist; born in New Haven, Oswego co., N. Y., April 23, 1831; graduated at Amherst College in 1855, and studied in Warsaw, N. Y., where he was admitted to the bar in 1858. He studied in Europe in 1865-67, and on returning to the United States was made district attorney of Wyoming county, N. Y. In March, 1876, he was appointed United States consul-general at Cairo, Egypt, and there became a member of the commission to revise the international codes. Later President Garfield appointed him a judge of the international court of Egypt. He was also a member of the international committee appointed to investigate the claims of citizens of Alexandria for damages caused by the bombardment of that city by the British in 1882. It was principally through his efforts that the obelisk known as Cleopatra's needle, which stands near the Metropolitan Art Museum in Central Park, New York City, was secured. When he left Egypt, Mr. Farman received from the Khedive the de
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gardner, Thomas 1724- (search)
Gardner, Thomas 1724- Military officer; born in Cambridge, Mass., in 1724; was a member of the committee of safety in 1775, and in the same year raised a regiment in accordance with instructions from the Provincial Congress. At the battle of Bunker Hill he was severely wounded, and died the next day. Garfield, James Abram
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hinsdale, Burke Aaron 1837- (search)
Hinsdale, Burke Aaron 1837- Educator; born in Wadsworth, O., March 31, 1837; became Professor of the Science and Art of Teaching at the University of Michigan in 1888. His publications include Schools and studies; President Garfield and education; The old Northwest; The American government; How to study and teach history, etc. He also edited the works of President Garfield. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron 1837- Educator; born in Wadsworth, O., March 31, 1837; became Professor of the Science and Art of Teaching at the University of Michigan in 1888. His publications include Schools and studies; President Garfield and education; The old Northwest; The American government; How to study and teach history, etc. He also edited the works of President Garfield.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kentucky, (search)
Tennessee. They occupied an irregular line across Kentucky, parallel with that of the Confederates. General McCook led 50,000 men down the railroad, and pushed the Confederate line to Bowling Green, after a sharp skirmish at Mumfordsville, on the south side of the Green River. In eastern Kentucky Col. James A. Garfield struck (Jan. 7, 1862) the Confederates, under Humphrey Marshall, near Prestonburg, on the Big Sandy River, and dispersed them. This ended Marshall's military career, and Garfield's services there won for him the commission of a brigadier-general. On the 19th, General Thomas defeated Gen. George B. Crittenden near Mill Spring, when General Zollicoffer was slain and his troops driven into northwestern Tennessee. This latter blow effectually severed the Confederate lines in Kentucky, and opened the way by which the Confederates were soon driven out of the State and also out of Tennessee. The Confederate line was paralyzed eastward of Bowling Green, and their chief
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