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ut in no case will we discriminate among our soldiers in the hands of the enemy by selecting any one for special exchange, nor will we allow the enemy to say who we shall send in exchange for any officer or man sent to us by them. Mr. Clark, of Missouri, had good reason to believe the passage of this resolution was unnecessary, as the probabilities were very strong that there would speedily be a general exchange of prisoners. The resolution was adopted. A resolution, offered by Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, fixing Monday, February 20th, as the day for the adjournment of Congress sine die, lies over under the rules. Mr. Bell, of Georgia, offered a resolution inviting Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell, our returned peace commissioners, to address the members of Congress and the people generally on the subject of substitute of the country and the duties of the hour, in the Capitol Square, at such time as they may select. Adopted. Mr. Aiken, of Georgia, introduced a b
Confederate Congress. Senate. Friday, February 10, 1865. The Senate met at 12 o'clock M. Mr. Hunter, of Virginia, in the chair. Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, introduced a bill providing that it is the true intent and meaning of the fourth paragraph of the fifth section of the tax in kind act that the reduction on the bject of the quality of the tobacco furnished the army as rations, requesting that the same be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On motion, by Mr. Garland, House resolution providing for the adjournment of Congress on the 28th instant was taken up, and, after a long discussion, was lost by a tie vote. Mr. Maxto secret session. House of Representatives. The House meet at 11 A. M. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Duncan. The House took up the resolution offered by Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, fixing Monday, February 20th, for the adjournment of Congress. The resolution was amended so as to read Tuesday, the 28th, instead of Monday,
Confederate Congress. Senate Monday, February 20, 1865. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, introduced a joint resolution to provide for the appointment of a disbursing clerk of the War Department. Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Semmes, of Louisiana, introduced a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide that certificates of indebtedness, issued under the currency law, shall be receivable for taxes. Referred to the Finance Committee. Senate bill to provide for the enrollment of reserves who are refugees from their homes was considered and passed. House bill making appropriations to defray the expenses of Government from the 1st of January, 1865, to 1st June, 1865, , was considered, and passed with slight amendments. Senate bill to abolish the office of all officers engaged in discharging the duties of provost- marshals, except within the lines of an army in the field, was con
the taxes to be paid by the citizens of the State, in such manner as may be agreed upon between him and the proper authorities of the State." House bill for the relief of agriculturists exempted and detailed under the act of February 17, 1865, in certain cases, was considered and passed. Senate bill providing that the first Monday in October, 1865, shall be the day for the next regular meeting of Congress was reported back favorably from the Judiciary Committee, and on motion of Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, its further consideration was postponed. House bill for the redemption of old issue treasury notes held by certain Indian tribes was considered and passed. Senate bill to establish a general staff for the army in the field, sent back from the House with amendments, was referred to the Military Committee. Senate bill to abolish the office of quartermasters and commissaries, also sent back from the House with amendments, was referred to the same committee. Ho
Negro soldiers — the question disposed of. The Confederate Senate, on yesterday, removed the injunction of secrecy from the proceedings on the Senate bill, introduced by Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, to provide for raising two hundred thousand negro troops. It appears that the bill was lost in the Senate on Tuesday, the 21st instant, by a vote of eleven to ten. Those who voted for an indefinite postponement of the bill — which amounts to its defeat — were Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Caperton, Garland, Graham, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Orr and Wigfall. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Haynes, Henry, Oldham, Semmes, Simms, Vest, Walker and Watson. In official circles, this is considered as disposing of the question of putting negro soldiers into our armies finally. The House negro soldier bill, which is very similar to the Senate bill, has not been, and it is now believed will not be, acted upon by the Sen
ceased. Re-open Buford's, Bedford county, Va., and appoint Miss Lucy C. Butler postmistress, vice Wm. J. Parker. At Dranesville, Fairfax county, appoint C. W. Coleman postmaster, vice Wm. Dyer, declined. The Supreme Court test oath. Mr. Garland, of Arkansas, formerly a member of the Supreme Court, moved the Court to restore him to practice without taking the required oath, that he did not willfully give aid and comfort to the rebellion. The Court holds the matter under advisement. [Our previous reports of this case, it will be remembered, state that Mr. Garland would argue the question on the 15th instant, and test the constitutionality of the oath requirement.] The Public Printing. An idea of the large amount of printing and binding during the current year is furnished by the fact that the Superintendent of Public Printing asks Congress for an additional appropriation of $600,000. Committee on the Southern States. The Republican Representatives from Ne
e associated press. A similar proposition was introduced in that body during the preceding Congress and discussed, as was the resolution to-day, but without, at that time, any result. It seems to be the opinion of some of these gentlemen that they can be best represented to the country through such arrangement by a reporter responsible only to themselves. Sentence commuted. Edward Lambert, of the Twenty-eighth Louisiana infantry (Confederate), who was sentenced to be hung, for murder, on Friday next, had his sentence commuted to-day by the President to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary. The United States Supreme Court Test oath. It is believed that Messrs. Garland, of Arkansas, and Marr, of Louisiana, are the only two who have applied to the United States Supreme Court to be re-admitted to that bar without being required to take the oath of loyalty as prescribed by Congress. The question as to the constitutionality of the oath will be argued on Friday.
ourt and ordered Commodore Craven to return to duty. Washington, December 15.--The United States Supreme Court to-day was crowded with attorneys to hear the important argument of Mr. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, advocating the re-admission of Mr. Garland to practice on the ground that the President's pardon restored the petitioner to all his civil and political rights. Although he (Carpenter) sustained the President in suppressing the rebellion, now that the war was over, he was perfectlyst oath was unconstitutional. Attorney-General Speed, replying, argued that Congress has the right to fix the qualification for office, and that though a pardon removed the consequences of crime, it was not a key to unlock the Government offices. Mr. Garland was no more restored to pardon than were those who took part in the rebellion to the offices they previously occupied under the United States Government. Reverdy Johnson will continue the argument next Friday for the petitioner.
ll take a recess till the 15th of January without electing Senators. He thinks that the President will be pleased with the inaugural of Governor Jenkins, and that there will be complete harmony between the State and Federal Executives. The Garland case. The Supreme Court of the United States has ordered that Robert H. Marr have leave to file a printed argument, asking, as does Mr. Garland, that he may be re-admitted to practice without taking the oath prescribed by Congress. The rMr. Garland, that he may be re-admitted to practice without taking the oath prescribed by Congress. The recent Swindle. Last week we took occasion to expose the transactions of a certain "claim agency" established in Washington, which had swindled discharged soldiers out of over twenty thousand dollars by making false representations to the effect that, for twenty-five dollars, they would agree to procure for a soldier sixty acres of land on the line of the great Pacific Railroad Company. Recent developments indicate that the fraud was more stupendous than was supposed; instead of one, there
General Grant had publicly expressed sympathy with the Republican cause, that General Logan was appointed Minister to the Government of Jaurez, that Sheridan's army was on the Rio Grande, and was being reinforced. The French officers and soldiers in the Imperial army openly express strong hatred for the United States, and desire to fight Americans. [Bravo!] Two important decrees were lately issued by Maximilian--one of them extending for fifteen days from the 29th November the time in which the soldiers of President Jaurez's Government are allowed for laying down their arms to be granted amnesty; and another ordering a general draft for his army throughout Mexico. The postponement of the argument of Reverdy Johnson in the case of Garland, an applicant for readmission to the bar of the United States Supreme Court without taking the test oath, causes a good deal of speculation among those interested. Opinion is gaining ground that the application will be successful.
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