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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 20: battle of the Wilderness (search)
SmythFrankBrookeTidball GibbonWebbOwenCarroll10 Batts. BirneyWardHayes60 Guns MottMcAllester Brewster 5TH corps. Warren GriffinAyresSweitzerBartlettWainwright . Hancock's attack upon Hill opened with every promise of success. Birney's, Mott's, and Getty's divisions advanced simultaneously upon Heth and Wilcox, who made r Bratton, after a half-hour's attack, drove off Ward's brigade and a portion of Mott's division, and planted their colors upon the intrenchments. But there were no de combat those who resisted, and sending to the rear those who surrendered. Mott's division was to have supported Upton on the left, but it did not appear. It sBurnside's corps killed by a sharpshooter. Grant believed that the failure of Mott's division to advance had caused Upton's defeat upon the 10th, and on the 11th h wood of low pines, until quite near the enemy. He was in two lines followed by Mott in one. In rear of all stood Gibbon's division deployed. All officers were dis
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 21: the movement against Petersburg (search)
tion in the trenches on Kershaw's left, but it did not become engaged. Humphreys states that about midday the 2d corps made two assaults, both repulsed with severe loss. Later Meade again ordered — assaults by all the corps with their whole force, and at all hazards, and as soon as possible. All the corps assaulted late in the afternoon, and at hours not widely apart: Birney with all his disposable force; Nott from the Hare house . . . supported by one of Gibbon's brigades; Barlow on Mott's left, — but were repulsed with considerable loss. Burnside found the task of driving the enemy [it was but a picket force] out of the railroad cut a formidable one, and, assaulting, established his corps within a hundred yards of the enemy's main line. . . . Warren's assault was well made, some of Griffin's men being killed within 20 feet of the enemy's works, but it was no more successful than the others. His losses were very severe. . . . On the right, Martindale advanced and gained so
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 22: the Mine (search)
ted the advance of the 6th corps so effectively that it failed to reach even the Weldon road, by at least a mile. With Mahone's and Johnson's divisions, he passed through a gap carelessly left between the 2d corps, which was swinging around to its left, and the 6th, which was advancing, and struck Barlow's division of the 2d in the rear. Barlow's and Gibbon's divisions were both badly defeated, losing four guns (which were turned upon the fugitives), several colors and about 1700 prisoners. Mott's division was also routed but retreated so precipitately as to lose few prisoners. Hill returned at night to his intrenchments, and the next morning the 2d corps reoccupied the lines from which it had been driven and the 6th corps formed on its left obliquely toward the Weldon road. Wilson and Kautz were followed in their raid by W. H. F. Lee's division of cavalry which, however, was unable to prevent the tearing up of the Lynchburg R. R. from near Petersburg to Burkeville, and of the
ement; for part of A. P. Hill's corps, rapidly marching in columns by brigades, came up with its usual alacrity and occupied this interval. The attack on the left of the 2d Corps was so vigorous that Barlow's division gave way in disorder; so did Mott's, soon afterwards. The Confederate troops now struck Gibbon on the flank and rear, carried his intrenchments, and captured a battery and several entire regiments of his command. Barlow and Mott; also lost several hundred prisoners. Gibbon's intMott; also lost several hundred prisoners. Gibbon's intrenchments were held by us until the captured guns were removed, when the Confederate column withdrew, carrying with it many standards and nearly 3000 prisoners, including several hundred from the 6th Corps. General Badeau Military History of Ulysses S. Grant, vol. II., p. 384.says the Federal loss on this occasion was four guns and about 1600 prisoners. He rebukes those who give a higher number, and accuses them of always exaggerating the National losses. Mr. Swinton, whose account of this
left. There Crawford has been driven back; there the enemy are pressing in hordes down the turnpike, to gain the junction of the Brock road. Getty has advanced and met them. Hancock has come up at last, and Birney is going in on Getty's right. Mott and Barlow are forming on the left of the line, and Gibbon's division is coming up as a reserve. The enemy are checked, but their concentration continues. Troops are sent to the left from the Fifth corps, and by four o'clock General Hancock is i Crocker's) brigades on the right, and Generals Ward's and Owen's brigades on the left of the thoroughfare. The three brigades of General Getty's division of the Sixth corps, commanded by Generals Eustis, Wheaton, and Grant, were in support. General Mott's division, of the Second corps, adjoined on the left — the whole left of this line being under command of Birney. The divisions of Generals Gibbon and Barlow formed the left of the line, under command of Gibbon. Our cavalry were operating s
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 59. battles of Spottsylvania, Va: battle of Sunday, May 8, 1864. (search)
eft was disposed across the road leading from Spottsylvania Court-house to Fredericksburg, to which latter place our wounded had been sent. A reconnoissance on the left in the morning developed no strong force of the enemy in that direction. General Mott's brigade of Carr's division, Second corps, was detached from the right and sent out on the left of the Sixth corps (now commanded by General Wright) to take and hold a strong position thus weakened. Fighting began in the early morning, and cining. At half-past 4 o'clock Thursday morning, the attack upon this work was prepared. General Barlow's division — Neill's brigade leading — formed in column by battalion, doubled on the centre, and took the advance. The divisions of Birney, Mott, and Gibbon, in two lines of battle, supported the attack. A rain, which had been falling during the night, still continued, and a beneficent fog overspread the field. The storming column advanced silently, and without firing a shot, up to the a
Colonel Egan; on his right Pierce's brigade, and General Mott's brigade on the right of Pierce. The Fourth brs division holds the right of the Second corps line, Mott's the centre, and Barlow's the left. While the disp as he could get without bringing on a heavy fight. Mott and Barlow pushed forward their lines of battle, with a heavy skirmish line in front. Mott was partly in position and intrenching, and Barlow was nearing the cforced retirement of Barlow, the hasty withdrawal of Mott and of part of the left of Gibbon, and the loss of f, and was within a mile and a half of the railroad. Mott's (late Birney's) and Gibbon's Second corps, were iny him, bearing away prisoners, and then falling upon Mott and Gibbon. Officers in the divisions of the latteretween Barlow and the Sixth corps, or behind him and Mott, or Gibbon, it is impossible for me to say. It is pen probably, lost a thousand prisoners yesterday, and Mott's and Barlow's together as many. Beside these is th
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), headquarters Army of the Potomac, South bank of the North Anna river, Wednesday, May 25-- (search)
was swept by rebel artillery. These works were built a year ago, immediately after the battle of Chancellorsville. The island is a perfectly flat and bare plain, and across this it was necessary to advance in order to carry the bridge. The position was held by McLaws' division of Longstreet's corps. To General Birney's division of Hancock's corps was assigned the gloriously perilous task of carrying it. On the left was the brigade of Colonel Egan; on his right Pierce's brigade, and General Mott's brigade on the right of Pierce. The Fourth brigade (the Excelsior, commanded by Colonel Blaisdell, of the Eleventh Massachusetts), came up partly in rear, its left to the right of the redan. To cover the assault, three sections of artillery were put in position, and replied to the artillery fire of the enemy. On the left of Birney's division was Barlow's division, the left of which connected with the right of Gibbon's division, while Tyler's heavy artillery division was held in reser
the remaining divisions of his corps; Hays, on the right, advanced and captured a redoubt in front of the Crow house, taking a gun and over one hundred prisoners. Mott, on the left, on advancing on the Boydton plank-road, found the enemy's line evacuated. Hays and Mott pushed forward and joined the Sixth corps confronting the enMott pushed forward and joined the Sixth corps confronting the enemy. Early in the morning Miles, reporting his return to his position on the White Oak road, was ordered to advance on the Claiborne road simultaneously with Mott and Hays. Miles, perceiving the enemy were moving to his right, pursued and overtook him at Sutherland's station, where a sharp engagement took place, Miles handling hMott and Hays. Miles, perceiving the enemy were moving to his right, pursued and overtook him at Sutherland's station, where a sharp engagement took place, Miles handling his single division with great skill and gallantry, capturing several guns and many prisoners. On receiving intelligence of Miles being engaged, Hays was sent to his support, but did not reach the field till the action was over. At three A. M. of the second of April, Major-Generals Parke and Wright reported no enemy in their fr
forget yourself. In detail we have only this brief record of what she has done, yet what volumes it contains, what a history of labor and of self-sacrifice! After a life spent in benevolence, it was in December, 1860, that Almira Fales began to prepare lint and hospital stores for the soldiers of the Union, not one of whom had then been called to take up arms. People laughed, of course; thought it a freak; said that none of these things would ever be needed. Just as the venerable Dr. Mott said, at the women's meeting in Cooper Institute, after Sumter had been fired: Go on, ladies! Get your lint ready, if it will do your dear hearts any good, though I don't believe myself that it will ever be needed. Since that December Mrs. Fales has emptied over seven thousand boxes of hospital stores, and distributed with her own hands over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of comforts to sick and wounded soldiers. Besides, she supplied personally between sixty and seventy f
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