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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill) 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 1 1 Browse Search
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terrible on both sides. In the midst of the battle our batteries were turned upon the gun-boats whenever they showed themselves around the bend above. It was plain that several of our balls from Maj. Stewart's battery struck the boat, but the amount of the damage was not known at the time.--These gentlemen now bring the report, which is confirmed, that the gun boat Lexington has since sunk from the effects of her injuries. The wounded soldiers. The H. R. W. Hill, in command of Capt. Newell, arrived here soon after one o'clock, yesterday, (says the Memphis Appeal, of the 12th,) with a considerable number of the soldiers wounded at the battle opposite Columbus. The following is a list of their names and condition, as near as could be obtained; Badsher P S, shot in the leg; Brown G. A, shot in the leg; Berre John, shot in the foot; Butler P C C, shot in the leg; Burke Lawrence, shot in the leg; Bowles G C, wounded in the shoulder; Carroll Robinson, shot in the arm, and s
The City Auditor reports the receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year, from 1st March, 1861, ending 28th February, 1862.--Balance in Chamberlain's hands, including that on hand at end of previous year, $41,010,75. Aggregate receipts for same time, $866,841.91. Aggregate disbursements for same time, $825,831.16. Estimated receipts for present year, $242,235.75. Deficiency, $521,017.67. Estimated disbursements, $497,212.42. City debt on March 1st, 1862, $1,926,792.72. Pearson and Newell's bill for building a repository for stolen goods, certified to by the Mayor, and amounting to $25, was ordered to be paid. The Police reports were returned and referred to the Committee on Police. Reports from the 3d, 4th, 5th, and 8th officers, were not sent in, owing to neglect. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Arms to furnish uniforms and other clothing to such members of the R. L. I. Blues as may be citizens of Richmond, as they may deem expedient. C
most likely the one at Dey's Point. It is reported that the steaming A. J. While Captain Tobias, was sent from the city early yesterday morning to bring up a schooner which a -inch Columbian had been and instead of doing so, the Captain boat over to Old po t and gave informs probably that our forces were evacus Sewell's Point. Tobins, we man, and has been in charge of ever since the war began. The White longed to the and Chesapeake nal Company. We learn from persons from Newell's P that the bombardment, as heavy as it was done the works there go harm w There were none of our men killed, tho Lieut Wall ce of the Norfolk County Janson Grays, received a slight wound in ankle, and Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the ankle, and Private Cooper, of the same , was severely wounded in the Besides these, we learn that a young man who was on the Sewell's Point road probably a mile from the battery, received a slight wound on the neck from a piec
me of our guns might not be brought off, hence we were ordered to throw off all baggage, thus leaving some thirty of the men without blankets and overcoats. The batteries engaged in this part of the field were Capts. Jordan's, Rhett's, Woolfolk's, Moody's and Parker's. Of some 300 men engaged about 80 casualties occurred. Parker's battery suffered the most, and as it is from Richmond, I give you the names of killed and wounded: Killed.--Privates Robert Bryant, J M Richardson, and Wm T Newell. Wounded.--Lt J C Parkinson, severely in the knee, but will not lose his leg; privates Warburton, leg carried away by cannon shot, amputated and doing well; Trueman, very badly in the knee, leg not yet amputated; Cook, in leg, not very severely; Tumbridge, through the hand; Corp'l Duffey, in leg, flesh wound; Washington Bolton, in leg, also flesh wound. The rest were slightly wounded, and will in a few days be fit for duty.--All were brought across the river, and are either at Shepherd
Arrival of Surgeons. The following Surgeons arrived in the flag of truce boat yesterday; Surgeons Cooper, Priolean, and Whitfield, Assistant Surgeons Leverett, Carvis, Hill, McQueen, Newell, Wallace, Whitfield, and Monton. These gentlemen have been in attendance upon the wounded and sick at Sharpsburg, Boonsboro, and South Mountain.
The Daily Dispatch: July 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], Wounded Yankees from Savage's Station. (search)
hey remained last night, and suffered greatly for want of attention — most of their own surgeons having deserted them and repaired up town. One or more of them died.--Among the wounded officers brought here since Monday evening from Savage's Station, are the following, the list including also their medical attendants. Chas H Hatch, 2d Lieut 4th N J; Wm P Russell, Surgeon 5th Vt; Geo B Cogswell, Assistant Surgeon 20th Mass; Wm Pattle, Assistant Surgeon 49th N Y; J D Brumley, 7th Mass; T Newell, Surgeon 1st R I Cavalry; Chas M Ellis, Assistant Surgeon 6th Pa; C Munson, Assistant Surgeon, 5th N Y; A Lanbry, 2d Lieut 26th Pa; Jno H Donovan, 1st Lieut 69th N Y; Wm. Deltz, Capt 1st N Y; Jno T Bell, Capt 62d Pa; Jno Doherty, 2d Lieut 9th Mass; N S Bull, 1st Lieut 61st Pa; Osro Miller, Major 18th Mass; B M Barbour, 2d Lieut 5th Vt: Chas Wheeler, 1st Lieut 10th Mass; D McMicken, Jr, 2d Lieut 5th Pa; J L Smith, 2d Lieut 4th Mich; GMallory, Capt 71st Pa; C S Newtin, Capt 71st Pa; J B Moore,
The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1863., [Electronic resource], Return of Confederate Surgeons from the North--Yankee treatment of prisoners. (search)
the wounded were seized as prisoners of war and sent off to prison, leaving only five surgeons to labor with and care for two hundred men, not one of whom was able to do anything for himself. This force, of course, was wholly insufficient for the care of so large a number, and much suffering ensued from want of proper attention, and a number of deaths resulted where the patient might have recovered if properly cared for. Finally the Surgeons themselves were sent off to Fort McHenry. Dr. Newell was the last who left Hagerstown. He was informed that he would have to walk to Chambersburg, a distance of twenty-one miles. He told them at once that he was unable to walk so great a distance, being then, as he had been for some time previous, quite unwell. They insisted, however, that he should try it, and he was started off under guard.--He had not gone far until he became well nigh exhausted, and entirely incapable of making the speed required of him by the guard. To accelerate his
accurate table of members, many districts not having been reported, and a few being very close. We lose one in Delaware and one in Maryland. The Copperheads in Pennsylvania are trying hard to keep out soldiers' votes that will defeat Coffroth and Dawson, but all will come out right at Washington. Brooks, of this city, will probably get the certificate, but his seat will be contested. Humphrey, Raymond, Darling, Ketcham, Griswold (War Democrat) and Conkling are clear gains. We also gain Newell in New Jersey. In Ohio, the soldiers' vote elects Delano, giving us seventeen of the nineteen members. So far, we have in Illinois ten members sure, and one district is still in doubt. This is a gain of five. In Michigan, we defeat Baldwin in the Fifth district--a gain of one for us. In Wisconsin, we have a reported gain of two members. Missouri will probably give a Union gain of two members. So there is no doubt of a two-thirds vote for the Union and Emancipation in the next House of
tchum, of New York; Blane, of Maine; Kitgraves, of Kentucky. On Naval Affairs.--Messrs. A. H. Rice, of Massachusetts, chairman; Griswold, of New York; Pike, of Maine; Kelly, of Pennsylvania; Brundage, of Connecticut; Eldridge, of Wisconsin; Phelps, of Maryland; Darling of New York; Libloud, of Ohio. On Foreign Affairs.--Messrs. Banks, of Massachusetts, chairman; Raymond, of New York; Orth, of Indiana; W. H. Randall, of Kentucky; Dawson, of Pennsylvania; Patterson, of New Hampshire; Newell, of New Jersey; Callum, of Illinois; Winfield, of New York. On Elections.--Messrs. Dawes, of Massachusetts, chairman; Schofield, of Pennsylvania; Upson, of Michigan; Marshall, of Illinois; Paine, of Wisconsin; Shellabarger, of Ohio; McClung, of Missouri; Radfield, of New York. On Ways and Means.--Messrs. Morrill, of Vermont, chairman; Hooper, of Massachusetts; Brooks, of New York; Garfield, of Ohio; Wentworth, of Illinois; Conkling, of New York; Moorhead, of Pennsylvania; Allison,
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