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The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Partition of territory in the Old Union. (search)
e thus flings the whole responsibility of the Hessian defeat upon Gen. Scott. Mr. Moses H. Grinnell does Secretary Cameron great injusticecretary Cameron has accepted regiments that have been refused by Gen. Scott, who, with his peculiar it ration of manner replied, "I don't wance to the President and Cabinet that the country should know that Gen. Scott has had full control of all the war movements, and also organizedbinet Revelations. At the close of an article asserting that Gen. Scott was overridden by the Cabinet and the New York Tribune in making led, that there is in the Cabinet an element of intense hatred to Gen. Scott. Perhaps Mr. Blair embodies and represents it more thoroughly thas quite time that the President should make his choice between General Scott and those members of his Cabinet who would substitute for his edent should forth with either dispose of this Mr. Blair, or of General Scott. If a Cabinet officer cannot hold his tongue, in derogation of
hat it commanded the respect of all with whom he came in contact. --Scott was, in a word, a fool, and Taylor a man of sense. As a soldier, SScott assumes to be the "great Captain of the age," but except in his Falstaffian proportions, he has never made good the pretension. Taylor,an enlogium to himself, and yet he had better claims to it than General Scott. He succeeded in Florida when Scott had notoriously failed, andScott had notoriously failed, and he accomplished with volunteers what Scott would never so much as attempt without regulars. If Scott had been at Buena Vista, he would haveScott would never so much as attempt without regulars. If Scott had been at Buena Vista, he would have retired, as he advised Taylor to do, after he had deprived him of his regular soldiers. But old Zack understood the volunteer character andScott had been at Buena Vista, he would have retired, as he advised Taylor to do, after he had deprived him of his regular soldiers. But old Zack understood the volunteer character and capacity, stood his ground, defeated five times his numbers, and thus made the march of Scott to Mexico an easy consummation of a conquest aScott to Mexico an easy consummation of a conquest already achieved. No mere martinet could ever have gained the battle of Buena Vista; none but a man who combined military knowledge with a kn
of the 1st and 12th Georgia, (Col. Ramsey's regiment;) Col. Taliaterro's command consisted of the 23d, 25th, and 44th (Col. Scott's) Virginia regiments, and Shumaker's and Rice's batteries. Col. Rust's command consisted of the 3d Arkansas regiment his brigade, but the reputation with all portions of the army here of being a splendid officer. The 44th regiment, (Col. Scott's,) except Company A and a portion of Company B, detatched from the regiment and under the command of Major Jones, was unt of the constant and heavy fire to which they were subjected without flinching, and with anxiety to meet the enemy. Col. Scott, this staff, officers, and men, behaved with extraordinary coolness and gallantry, as did Lieut. Col. A. G. Taliaferro, commanding the 23d regiment, his officers and men. We predict for Cols. Scott and Taliaferro a brilliant military career. Too much praise cannot be awarded to Capts. Shumaker, Rice, Deshier, Anderson, Lieut. Wooding, Sergeant Jones, and private Br
tfield, 25; a lady, (Mrs. J. G. B.,) 2; Miss Josephine elecon, 2; N. C. Barton, 2; Cash 5; Alfred Moses, 5; R. W. Powers, 5; P. H. Starke 5; Jno. Blair, 5; Purcell, Ladd & Co., 50; Richardson & Co., 5; Christian & Lamrop, 10; R. C. Howe, 5; E. Gathrigut, 5; Bulkley & Co., 5; Jas. Woodhouse & Co., 5; John T. Gray, 5; P. J. Wright, 5; H. T., 1; J. R. F., 1; W. K. Watts, 5; J. W. handolph, 10; R. L. Dickinson, 5; mitchell & Tyler, 10; Wm Greanor, 5; J. A. Clarkson & Co., 5; J. W. Wright, 5; Jas. A. Scott, 5; Belvidere Manufacturing Co., W. R. Whitfield, 10; S. S. Cottell, 10; C. R. D., 1; Miss N. Cassell, 5; And. Johnston, 5; Thos. R. Price, 5; John C. Page, 5; P. K. W., 1; Williams & Elliott, 5; Mrs E. A. Jones, 5; Johnson & Bransford, 5; West & Johnson, 5; G. & A. Bargamin, Jr., 5; Ragland & Bro, 5; T. H. Wynne, 5; L. W. Glazebrook, 5; Meade & Baker, 10; J. D. Hammersly, 5; J. H. Williams, 5; J. A. Hobson, 5; Ellett & Weisiger, 5; N. T. Pate, 5; Chambers & Donnelly, 5; R. L. Owen, 5; W
s, Wm. H. Macon, New Kent, Michael Gretter, Lewis Webb, Theo. Robertson, Orange Bewnet, George W. Smith, Peyton Johnston, Geo. W. Gilliam, P. K. Whith, C. J. Sinton, Ed. S. Forneyhough, Wm. H. Bocook, Jas. P. Heath, Wm. K. Watts, Wm. Gray, John W. Wright, A. A. Farlet, Wm. H. Roberts, of Richmond Howitzers, P. A. Hazall, I. H. Walse, Wm. Smith. miles Turpin, Milms C. Hggleston, Elijah Baker, Wm. L. Mc Inn, H. T. Pate, D. M. Robertson, Jas. A. Scott, Jas. Walsh, Samuel C. Donnan, For themselves and others. Richmond, January 28, 1862. Gentlemen: Sincerely grateful for the call which you, and many others of my fellow-citizens, have made upon me, I do not hesitate to annouce myself a candidate to represent our District in Congress. My duties in Congress will not permit me to go through the District a under other circumstances I would gladly do. I content myself with announcing my inextinguishable devotion to our ca
be obtained, amounted to about 38,000. ours had been increased by eight Southern regiments. On the 15th of July, Col. Stuart reported the advance of Gen. Patterson from Martinsburg. He halted, however, at Baker's Hall, nine miles from Winchester, where he remained on the 16th. On the 17th he moved to his left, to Smithfield. This created the impression that he intended to attack us on the south, or was merely holding us in check, while Gen Beauregard should be attacked at Manassas by Gen. Scott. about one o'clock on the morning of July 18th, I received from the Government a telegraphic dispatch, informing me that the Northern army was advancing upon Manassas, then held by General Beauregard, and directing me, if practicable, to go to that officer's assistance, sending my sick to Culpeper Court-House. in the exercise of the discretion conferred by the terms of the order, I at once determined to march to join General Beauregard. The best service which the army of the She
. B. Magruder, at Williamsburg: The forces from the counties of Charles City, New Kent, James City, King William, King and Queen, Gloucester, Mathews, Elizabeth City, and Warwick. The Militia of the following counties will not report at present, but will hold themselves in readiness to obey orders when issued by Gen. H. Heth, or Gen. H. Marshall: The counties of Giles, Monroe, Green brier, Mercer, Tazewell, McDowell, Smythe, Wythe, Wyoming, Washington, Russell, Wise, Buchanan, Scott, and Lee. To rendezvous at Monterey, in Highland county, and to report their presence there, for orders, to General Edward Johnson, who is at Camp Alleghany, Highland county: The forces of the counties of Highland, Pendleton, and Pocahontas. To rendezvous at the New Fair Ground, near Richmond, and to report to General Winder. The forces of the county of Henrico, and the city of Richmond. The Enquirer, Whig, and Dispatch, publish daily for one week, and all the countr
ck, for the purpose of considering the Tax bill. There were present--Messrs. D. J. Saunders, Thos. H. Wynne, Nath. B. Hill, Larkin W. Glazebrook, Fendall Griffin, Peachy R. Grattan, David J. Burr, Wm. Helt Richardson, Richard O. Haskins, and James A. Scott. The ordinance "Imposing taxes for the support of the City Government" was read by section, discussed, amended, and passed. The 1st section makes the tax on all real estate not exempt from taxation $1 on every $100 value thereof; the 2d seal of the city. It provides that the same shall be in custody of the Chamberlain, who shall be known as Keeper of the Seal, and charge $2 tax whenever said seal is affixed to any document at the request of outside parties. On motion of Mr. Scott, a resolution was passed authorizing the committees on the two markets to confer with the military authorities about the expediency of abolishing the present tariff established for articles of country produce in the markets. Mr. Hill offer
The Daily Dispatch: July 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], The enemy's fleet — Movements of McClellan's army. (search)
body was field at the City Hall at 5 o'clock on Monday evening. Present — D. J. Sanners. S. D. Denoon, N. B, Hill. R. O. Haskins, Thos. C. Epps, Gen. K, Crutchfield, L. W. Glazebrook. Thos. H. Wynne, Jas M. Talbott, Fleming D. J. Burr, and Jas. A. Scott. The President subsisted the following report as indicating the object of the call of the meeting; which, on motion of Mr. Glazebrook, was need and referred to the Finance Committee: The report of the President was in reference to t Resolved, That the committee to whom was referred the resolution of the Council to inquire into the expediency of sinking wells in the city be authorized to keep in repair such wells owned by citizens as may be thrown open to public use. Mr. Scott, from the committee appointed to sink wells, reported that, believing that it would be highly beneficial to have wells located at proper points, the committee had made arrangements to that end, and asked an appropriation of $3,000 for the purpo
there that the Confederates were retreating to Hall's Gap, where a great battle would be fought. They had burnt the bridge behind them. A later telegram, sent at midnight, says: Lexington is mostly evacuated by the rebels, there being only one hundred remaining. They took and carried to Camp Dick Robinson 7,000 barrels of pork from Chenault & Co., packed on their own account and for other parties, mostly Secessionists. They also took $90,000 worth of jeans and linseys from Oldham, Scott & Co., which they have manufactured into clothing. The rebels paid for these goods in Confederate scrip, unless owners refused to receive it, in which event no consideration was given. Reliable individuals from Lexington, who have conversed with rebel soldiers, are confident that a battle must ensue before the rebels leave Kentucky. Rebel soldiers tell them they prefer being killed, or captured and paroled, rather than march over the mountains again. This seems to be the conclusion of th
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