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throughout the year, the number of rainy days is generally greater than in lower latitudes. There are six maximum points of rainfall in Europe, estimated in rainy days, not quantity, — Norway, Scotland, S. W. Ireland and England, Portugal, N. E. Spain, Lombardy. In Ireland it rains 208 days in the year. In England it rains 150 days in the year. In Kazan it rains 90 days in the year. In Siberia it rains 60 days in the year. On the Dofrefelds of Norway it rains and mists nearlyauthorities in meteorology generally concur in the opinion that the tendency of cutting down the woods is to cause an absolute diminution of the rainfall. The plains of Babylonia, once so fertile, now an arid desert; the elevated plateaus of Central Spain, which in the time of the Romans yielded abundant harvests, and now afford but a scanty subsistence to sheep, — appear to owe their present sterility to this cause; while it is stated that, in Central America, lakes situated in tracts former
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 11: (search)
Chapter 11: Journey through Southern Spain. Aranjuez. Cordova. visit to the hermits. Granada. the Alhambra. Malaga. Gibraltar. Cadiz. Journal. on the evening of September 13, after dining with a few friends at Mr. Erving's, I mounted my post-horse at his door, to leave Madrid. It would be very ungrateful in me to say I left it without regret. I had come there with sad and dark thoughts; but, instead of the solitary, melancholy life I had imagined I was to lead, I found myself, on the whole, more pleasantly situated there, and passed my time, as I think, in some respects, more profitably, than I have done anywhere in Europe. All these thoughts were present to my mind, with the recollections of the many kind and excellent friends I had made there, as I rode slowly and sadly down Calle de Alcala; passed for the last time the Prado, in all its splendor and gala, where I regretted even to the king's coach that was just entering; and forcing my way through
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
Henry, Jeff. T. Hudgins, W. J. Hite, W. T. Harris, Robert Hudgins, Littleton Hudgins, R. B. I'Anson, Charles W. Jones, James Jamieson, George W. Jones, Henry C. King, R. P. Lambeth, G. W. Livesay, B. Lufsey, Edward Lufsey, George W. Ledbetter, Thomas Lufsey, —Lewis, W. T. Mason, O. T. Mingea, Samuel D. Mann, W. H. Meredith, Benjamin T. Miles, T. B. Mize, George C. Owen, W. B. Perkinson, I. B. Perkins, T. E. Parish, Phocean Rolfe, Herbert Snoddy, J. C. Snoddy, William Spain, G. O. Spain, H. E. Spain, Abraham Spain, A. B. Spain, W. H. Spain, Henry Spain, Simon Seward, James Smith, Cannon Stewart, W. W. Tate, R. W. Tally, D. A. Traylor, James Tatum, A. Tucker, Mack Watts, E. B. Wright, George W. Watson, Jeff. Watson, G. W. Williams, W. P. Williams, Albert Williams, W. C. Woodson, P. W. Wells, William Weeks, Henry Winfield, W. R. Wilkes, William H. Widgins, J. W. Williams. Editor Times-Dispatch: Sir—Referring to a statement in a recent issue of your paper, that the battleflag of th
The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], List of appointments by the Virginia annual Conference of the M. E. Church South. (search)
Hoyle; Mecklenburg. Thos. A. Pierce; Charlotte. Joseph Lear; Colored Mission, J. D. Southall; South Staunton, Jno. W. White; Halifax, J. J. Lampkin; South of Dan, David Wallace; Ringgold, Bedford B Shelton; Randolph Macon College, W. A. Smith, President; Danville Female College, James Jamieson, President. Farmville District--William H. Christian, Presiding Elder. Farmville, Nelson Head; Prince Edward. D. J. C. Slaughter, James W. Connelly; Colored Mission to be supplied; Powhatan. W. W. Spain; Chesterfield, John W. Howard, J. K. Powers; Coal Field, W. C. Allen; Amelia, Alfred Wiles; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Nottoway, I. R. Finley; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Lunenburg, P. Whitehead; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Brunswick J. S. R. Clark, B. F. Woodward, sup; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Greensville J. K. Littleton; Northampton. W. L. Dalby, J. C. Garlick, sup; Colored Mission, William Grant. Petersburg District.--R. O. Burton, P. E.--Petersburg: Washi
best. Wm. A. Smith presented the report of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of Randolph Macon College, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Education. Wm. H. Camper, John G. Bayley, Jas. W. Grant, Jacob H. Proctor, Jas. C. Watson, Wm. W. Duncan, Edgar H. Pritchett, L. H. Greyhill, Joseph A. Crowder, Geo. C. Vanderslice, Wm. E. Allen, Geo. E. Booker, Chas. V. Bingley, Larkin H. Crenshaw, James A. Crowder, Wm. J. Hunter, Jas. C. Martin, John W. F. Jones, and Wm. W. Spain, who were continued on trial at the last Conference, passed in examination of character, were severally admitted into full connection, and with the exception of Geo. C. Vanderslice and Geo. E. Booker, elected to Deacon's orders. The remarks of Bishop Andrew to the young men thus examined and elected to a higher grade in the ministerial office, were singularly impressive and appropriate. During the delivery of this fatherly and affectionate address, which was noted, as well for general
. C. Spiller, Union and Clarksville, S. V. Hoyle; Mecklenburg, James C. Watson; Charlotte, John J. Lafferty; Charlotte Mission, John D Southall; South Staunton, John W. F. Jones; Halifax, James J. Lamkin; South of Dan, Wm. Carter and — Wallace; Ringgold, W. A. Valden; R. M. College, W, A. Smith, President; Danville Female College,--Jameson, President. Farmville District.--J. R. Finley, P. E. Farmville, Nelson Head; Prince Edward, M. M. Dance; Colored Mission to be supplied; Powhatan, W. W. Spain; Chesterfield, Alfred Miles, and nominally, J. W. Connelly, T. S. Campbell; Coalfield, Jesse K. Power; Amelia, John W. Howard; Colored Mission to be supplied; Nottoway, Lemuel S. Reid, J. L. Spencer, supernumerary; Colored Mission to be supplied; Lunenburg, Paul Whitehead; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Brunswick, D. J. C. Slaughter; Colored Mission, to be supplied; Greensville, Wm. B. Rowzie; also; agent of Murfreesborough Female College; Northampton, W. E. Allen; J. C. Garlick, supern
ley, Larkin H. Crenshaw, James A Crowder, William J. Hunter, and John W. F. Jones, passed their examination of character and were graduated to elders' orders. Friday (to-day) was appointed as a day of fasting and prayer, and from 12 to 2 o'clock a prayer meeting will be conducted by the Bishop. Revs. Thos. C. Wise, Thos. M. Beckham, Wesley Hammond, Francis M. Edwards, and Wm. S. Williams, were admitted into the Conference on probation. The following ministers were continued as deacons, viz: James W. Grant, J. M. Anderson, Jas. P. Garland, W. W. Spain, James C. Martin, Geo. F. Booker, George W. Robertson, James W. Connelly, Robt. L. Scott, John S. Lindsey, James L Shipley, and J. W. Compton. On motion of Rev. J. E. Edwards, Monday morning was appointed for secret session, for the examination of charges against some one or two members of the Conference, involving their integrity. Rev. D. J. C. Staughter was, at his own request placed on the supernumerary list.
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Army of Tennessee, Missionary Ridge, Nov. 22. (search)
idgewater-- Chas V Bingley. Elk Run. J. M. Anderson. Farmville District.--Nelson Head, Presiding Eider. Farmville --W E. Judkins. Prince Edward--Jacob Manning, T. M. Beckham. Charlotte-- J F. Poulton, W. S. Williams, J. D. Southalt, superun merary. Lunenburg — R. Michaels, Jas S. Merritt, Randolph Macon and Boydton — J. L. Shipley, P W Archer, Randolph Macon Circult — Jas C. Watson. Union and Clarksville — W. C. Vaiden, James Jamieson. Mecklenburg — Thos J Boynton, H. C. Bowices, W. W. Spain, supernumerary. Nottoway --W. G. Cross, J. L Spencer, supernumerary. Amelia — Oscar Littleton, W. H. Starr, supernumerary, W. J. Norfleet, supernumerary. Powhatan — Jas W Blincoe. Brunswick-- L S Reld, R Compton.--Randolph Macon College--Wm A Smith, President. Fredericksburg District.--Culpeper------ Jas F. Brannin, sup'y. Warrenton — Jacob H. Proctor. Stafford — J. H. Crown. Spotsylvania — J. P. Brock. To be supplied — Fauquier, Rappahannock, Loudon and Leesbur