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to submerge New Orleans by simply making a breach in one of the levees, a Southern contemporary shows very conclusively that the thing cannot be done. It demonstrates that to effectually overflow the delta, alluvial, cane producing region of Louisiana, the enemy would have, first, to build a levee dyke all along its gulf shore for some hundreds of miles — say, from Berwick's Bay round the mouth of the Mississippi, which they would have to dam up, along the borders of Lake Bourne, Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Manchoe, and finally nearly up to the Mississippi State line. Having accomplished this, which would be necessary to prevent the water from running off, they would have to wait for a high stage of water in the Mississippi, and then they could out the levee, and "Louisiana would be drowned out" over about one-sixth of its extent. When a quantity of water overflows, or escapes through a break in the levee, it runs back into the country, and seeks one of the channels mentio
onal" order, for the reason that they have strong nerves and strong confidence in the defensibility of the city against the worst efforts of the enemy. It is suited to the times to inquire as to what work the enemy will have to do, and how long it will take them to do it, before they can march a column upon us from a point of landing on the coast. Supposing that they are undisturbed in making that landing — which is scarcely possible, for we have gun vessels which can come out of Lake Pontchartrain and Mobile into the Sound to play havoc with their launches, their heavily armed, light draught gun-boats not being yet in readiness. Supposing that they are undisturbed, it will take them many days to do the work, to wit: to first land a force of fifteen or twenty thousand men — for they would not make a real demonstration against this well-guarded city of thirty-thousand inhabitants with less — with their horses, batteries, wagons, supplies and equipments generally; and, secondly th<
ive nations, and that the united Brotherhood of the Indian nations might be preserved and perpetuated. Hoping that you will not fail to meet us around our great council fire to smoke the pipe of peace and shake the right hand of brotherly love, Thy friend and Brother,Kooweskoowes. John Ross, P'l Chief C. N. A Brush in the Sound. The New Orleans Picayune, of the 22d, has been courteously permitted to copy the following interesting report: C. S. Steamer Florida, Lake Pontchartrain, Oct. 20, 1861. Sir --I have the honor to advise you of the return of this steamer to the anchorage off this place. We left here on Monday last, and proceeded as far as Pearl river, for the purpose of wooding and filling up our water. In weighing our anchor the following morning we discovered that we had fouled the telegraph wire that spans the river. Before we could extricate it, the posts which secure it in the marsh were drawn from their places.--Every effort was made to ge
much for him, so important are his duties here and at Pensacola. The Alabama portion of the coast of Mississippi Sound is included in Bragg's department, which terminates at the Pascagoula river. Mobile, within his department is in effect menaced by the operations of the enemy in Mississippi beyond the Pascagoula, though they would have to march far inland to get across that river. Therefore, the Mississippi coast should pertain to his department rather than Lovell's, for operations from the sound coast scarcely menace New Orleans in a remote degree, separated as it is by the irrepassable width of Lake Pontchartrain. Something active should be done on the Mississippi coast, for the people have all fled, leaving much of their negro property, etc., exposed to the marauders. Our forces should picket down very close to the shore and not remain too far inland — and the same vigilance generally be observed as is on the coast this side of the Pascagovia by Bragg's forces. Choctaw
The Daily Dispatch: April 15, 1862., [Electronic resource], The approaches to New Orleans from the Gulf — a Yankee description. (search)
are thus described by the Boston Post's army correspondent at Ship Island and Key West: In approaching New Orleans from Mississippi Sound vessels drawing nine feet and under may pass through Lake Borgne, thence by the Cordon river into Lake Pontchartrain to the Reglets, on the South-side of which, at the end of the bayou, is situated Fort Pike. This is a small brick fortification, mounting one tiler of casemate guns and a few pieces enbarbeite. The work is built on the match, and is entiree under its wells. The fort may be easily shelled by the heavy inortars of Commander porter's flotilla. After passing Fort Pike the Federal forces will encounter batteries at Lakeville, the terminus of a railroad and casual connecting Lake Pontchartrain and New Orleans. A second approach to the Crescent City is at Proctorsville, on the southern border of Lake Borgns. Here is the terminus of the New Orleans and Gulf Railroad, which may be approached within shelling distance by vessels
he French and English men-of-war below have entered a protest against shelling the city. It is believed that the Yankee vessels are short both of provisions and ammunition. The city is remarkably orderly, but the excitement is intense, and the feeling of humiliation deep. Further than this, everything is the same as when the vessels first appeared. All are awaiting the shelling of the city, if the Yankees dare do so. [second Dispatch.] Mobile,April 28.--The forts on Lake Pontchartrain were all evacuated on the 25th, in haste, with considerable loss of supplies, and the dismounting, but not the destroying, of the guns. At Fort Pike all the buildings were burned, including the telegraph office. The operator has gone to the limits of the city to open an office if possible. All the gunboats on the lake have been burnt by our own people. The Mobile boats Whitman and Brown, and another, name unknown, with several others, are removing the troops, stores, and ordnance t
. --The Savannah Republican's Corinth correspondent, under date of 1st inst., says that the re-occupation of Decatur by our troops is confirmed. The enemy shelled the town and burned the bridge. We have probably re-occupied Huntsville. The weather is good, and the enemy is slowly moving on our right. The Corinth correspondent of the Mobile Register says that Col. Morgan has taken command of a regiment of infantry. The Mobile Register, of the 30th ult., says it has reason to doubt that the destruction among our gunboats on Lake Pontchartrain was as general as heretofore announced. Atlanta, May 3.--A special dispatch to the Intelligencer says the enemy have crossed the river in small force. They are in considerable force at Bridgeport? We will fight them in the mountains. [Second Dispatch.] Augusta, May 3. --The Chronicle and Sentinel has a letter from Chattanooga, which says that the enemy retired from Bridgeport, and had advanced no further.
Affairs at Mobile --The following is an extract from a recent Mobile letter, published in the Savannah Republican: Considerable change in affairs since my last. New Orleans has fallen, and we expect the infernal Yankees over here daily, as they are reported to have sailed from that city a day or two ago. Some believe they have gone to Lake Pontchartrain; but as they are sneaks, we may find them upon us at any hour. We will give them a pretty good when they come, and I think somebody will be hurt on their side before they get up to our city. Gen. Forney, in command here, intends to defend the city. He is a fighting man, and an experienced military officer. He is not entirely well of a wound in the arm, lately received in a battle, while leading an Alabama regiment. Our gunboats are prepared, and keep up steam continually. So you may hear shortly of hot work, as well as went her, down here. We are not "Impregnable. " as other cities and fortified posts have been, bu
A Court of Inquiry. --The Naval Court of Inquiry in the case of the vessels destroyed on Lake Pontchartrain is still in session in this city, and, we learn nearly through with the testimony. J. Barron Hope, late of Norfolk, is the Judge Advocate in the case.
Holly Springs and Manchaca. --Holly Springs, which is reported to have been captured by the enemy, is the county seat of Marshall county, Miss., and is on the Mississippi Central Railroad, one hundred and twenty miles north of Jackson. Manchaca, Louisiana, (also reported captured,) is a depot on the New Orleans and Jackson road, near the head of Lake Pontchartrain.
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