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Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 1 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 8: battles of Chancellorsville, Thoroughfare Gap and Gettysburg.--wounded at Gettysburg and ordered home. (search)
the top of the ambulance, part on the floor. Damon and I would come together hard enough to drive the breath out of each other; but we were only passengers having a free ride, so we could not complain. When at last we reached our destination I expected we were both jelly, and would have to be taken out in a spoon, but we had held together, that is, I had, but Damon's leg was all broken up, and was soon amputated. They laid us on the ground on the side of the hill, near a stream called Cub Run. This was the field hospital of the 2d corps, Dr. Dyer, my regimental surgeon, in charge. He soon visited me, and found that one bullet had entered my groin and had not come out, the other had passed through my right hip. I asked him what he thought of it and he said, It is a bad wound, John, a very bad wound. Officers of the regiment began to come in, and soon there were seven of us lying side by side. They told the story of the battle. Lieutenants Robinson and Donath had been killed,
of cannonading beyond Centreville, it was near sunset when we marched over the heights at that place, and pushed on toward Bull Run. In the wooded plain beyond Cub Run, we met a most singularly mixed crowd of infantry, wagoners, ambulances and cavalry, moving helter skelter toward Centreville. What's this? asked some one of use had been steadily moving forward through an incongruous mass of humanity, when our column, probably in pursuance of orders, countermarched and moved back toward Cub Run. It was ludicrous, that crossing of the run. There was a bridge we had passed over, but on the return, some crowded upon it, some passed below, others above it; ed, and that the battle was renewed on the 30th, lasting all day. It was further averred that, despite the appearance of the curious crowd which we encountered at Cub Run, Pope's force, that was engaged all day upon the 30th, retired in good order during the night, from before a foe doubly outnumbering them. While this conversatio
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
ding the Centreville ridge from Centreville up to Blackburn's Ford, withdrew his troops from these positions, uncovering the passage of the stream to the Confederates, and exposing the whole retreating mass to capture or destruction,—a fate which was averted by the arrival of General McDowell, who ordered back Miles' troops to their position, and by the inactivity of the Confederates. Nothing like systematic pursuit was made, although a small party of cavalry followed the retreat as far as Cub Run. By sundown, most of the army was safe behind the Centreville ridge. There was, however, no question of halting there; for the condition of the army and the absence of supplies left no alternative but to fall back; and during the night the army made its way to the Potomac. The retreat was marked by great disorder, all semblance of military organization being lost. Many did not even stop on reaching the camps south of the Potomac, but fled by the bridges and ferries to Washington. This,
Early's; at Blackburn's ford, one mile farther up, Longstreet's brigade; at Mitchell's ford, about a mile farther up stream, Bonham's brigade, which also covered another ford about three-quarters of a mile still farther up and near the mouth of Cub run. Cocke's brigade held the line from Bonham's left, covering Island, Ball's and Lewis' fords, for two miles up the stream to the mouth of Young's branch, three-fourths of a mile below the stone bridge, while Evans' half brigade, under Cocke's coConfederate brigades at the lower fords, directing them to cross and strike the retreating enemy on the line of the Washington turnpike; that under these orders, Bonham's brigade advanced, with instructions to strike the enemy at the crossing of Cub run, about midway between stone bridge and Centreville; while Longstreet's brigade crossed at Blackburn's ford, with instructions to strike the enemy at Centreville. Obstructions in the road to Cub run diverted Bonham toward Centreville; so both th
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
ssville, Tenn. 24, 3; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, H10 Crow Creek, Ala. 97, 1 Crow's House, Va. 66, 9; 74, 2; 76, 5; 77, 3; 93, 1; 94, 9 Crow's Nest, Va.: Lookout and signal tower, Sept., 1864 67, 10 Crump's Creek, Va. 16, 1; 19, 1; 20, 1; 21, 9; 74, 1; 81, 3; 92, 1; 96, 6; 100, 1; 137, E8 Crump's Landing, Tenn. 78, 3 Fort Crutchfield, Tenn.: Plan 112, 6 Crystal Springs, Miss. 51, 1; 155, D9 Cuba, Mo. 47, 1 Cubero, N. Mex. 98, 1 Cub Run, Va. 3, 1, 3, 2; 7, 1; 10, 7; 22, 6; 27, 1; 74, 1; 111, 1; 137, A7, 137, C4 Culpeper Court-House, Va. 21, 13; 22, 5; 23, 4, 23, 5; 43, 7; 44, 3; 45, 1; 74, 1; 84, 9; 85, 1, 85, 3; 87, 2; 100, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 137, B6 Culpeper Ford, Va. 44, 3; 45, 1; 81, 1; 87, 2; 94, 6; 96, 1 Cumberland, Md. 82, 3; 85, 1; 136, D4; 171 Attack on, Aug. 1, 1864. See Pleasant Hill, Md. Cumberland, Army of the Campaigns, 1861-1865 24, 3; 118, 1 Cumberland, Department of the (U):
Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908, Company E, 39th Massachusetts Infantry, in the Civil War. (search)
amous battlefield several times in the course of this season. The entire regiment was ordered on picket, and Company E was ordered to follow the Run until they met the pickets of the Sixth corps (Sedgwick's). We went about three miles, crossing Cub Run, but not finding any pickets, the division officer of the picket Major Leavitt (of the Sixteenth Maine) went ahead alone on horseback and left us in a field. Returning in less than an hour, he reported a rebel cavalry camp in our front. We retood shepherd he brought them all in. After that no one ever heard a word uttered against this officer; not many majors in the service would have done as much for their men. October 15. The pickets were drawn in at 11 a. m., and we marched to Cub Run. Orders came for our regiment to take a position to support the pickets on our front, as heavy firing was going on in close proximity to the picket line. It will be remembered that this came near to being a third Bull Run, but we had the bette
. 80. Convent Hill, 11. Conwell, Leon M., 75. Coolidge, Eunice, 49. Cooper-Shop Eating House, 18. Cotimore Katharine. 29. Cow Commons, 25, 26, 30. Cradock House, 79. Cradock, Matthew, 78. 79, 80. Crater, The, 72. Crawford, General, 45. Crosby, Elkanah. 18. Cross Street, 9, 29, 39. Crosswell, Andrew. 51. Crosswell, Benjamin, 51. Crosswell, Caleb, 51. Crosswell, Joseph, 51. Crosswell, Thomas, 51. Crowell,, 30. Crow, John, 30. Crow, Yelverton, 30. Cuba, 41. Cub Run, 23. Culpeper, 44. Culpeper, C. H., 21. Cutler's Division, 63. Cutter, Ammi, 52, 53. Cutter, Charlotte W., 53. Cutter, Ebenezer F., 53. Cutter, Edward, 53, 55. Cutter, Ephraim, 53. Cutter, Fitch, 53, 55. Cutter, Francis, 53. Cutter, Lydia, 52, 53. Cutter, Rebecca, 53. Cutter, Richard, 53. Cutter, Samuel, 53. Cutter, Samuel, Jr., 53. Cutter. William, 53. Dane, Osgood, 15. Dane, Osgood B., 16. Daniels. Granville W., 13. Danville, Vt., 1. Da
Cross Keys, Va.: I., 310, 311, 366; IV., 102. Cross Lanes, W. Va., I., 350. Croxton, J. T.: III., 252; IV., 140; X., 297. Cruft, C., II., 31S; X., 87, 293. Cruisers: Confederate, captured vessels fitted out as, VI., 82; destruction wrought by, VI., 20, 25, 36; first to get to sea, VI., 80; prizes of, VI., 290 seq.; the first built with Confederate funds, VI., 291, 292, 293, 299. Crump Hill, La., II., 350. Crump's Landing, Tenn., I., 200, seq., 206. Cub Run, Va., II., 45; V., 20 seq. Culbertson's Art., Confederate, I., 356. Cullmann, F., quoted, X., 124. Cullum, G. W., VII., 330. Culpeper, Va.: I., 39; II., 39, 57, 228, 344; Meade's headquarters at, II., 345; streets of, III., 31; IV., 101; V., 34 seq.; mansion of J. M. Botts, VII., 195 seq.; John M. Botts and family, VII., 197; VIII., 124. Culpeper Court House, Culpeper, Va. : II., 16, 21, 26, 28, 229; III., 17, 28, 30, 34; IV., 92, 106, 118, 233; V., 32 seq.; Con
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
he had been ordered to watch, he had hastened to summon all the troops under his command to Centreville, where he had himself remained. McDowell, who displayed great energy and self-possession in that terrible emergency, hastened to remedy the error. While the regulars and the cavalry were covering the flight of the army, and were the last to cross the little river which was to give its name to that fatal battle, Blenker's German brigade, which had not been in action, took a position on Cub Run, to the right and left of the road followed by the fugitives, whom it could not hope to arrest. Its excellent behavior succeeded, toward twilight, in checking the parties of Confederate cavalry who were pursuing the retreating Federals, and picking up prisoners and trophies of every kind, which were abandoned to them without any attempt at resistance. When night came at last to the assistance of the vanquished, this brigade fell back upon Centreville, where the whole of Miles's division,
or Scott extorted the confession that the most important part of the train had passed straight down the turnpike. So over the fence we went into the turnpike again, and at a breakneck speed forward, until we spied the train descending a hill at Cub Run. We charged with such a terrible clatter that we suppose the attendants thought we numbered thousands instead of about fifty, and (at the first fire) off they scampered, leaving artillery, wounded men, baggage and everything. The Major, accomp-cloth coats, bottles of cologne, a fine guitar, and all the other fixings of some calico exquisite, who was no doubt anticipating an elegant campaign in Virginia, and much chagrined at the way in which he got himself be-draggled running through Cub Run and the adjoining swamp and thicket. Another carriage seemed to belong to a more substantial character, as it was found to contain hermetically sealed meats, vegetable soup, and oh! a box of elegant liquor — whiskey, brandy, champagne, and oth
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