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Cavalry is the terror of the Hessians. They firmly believe the corps numbers thousands of desperate riders. The following complimentary notice, which we copy from the Warrenton (Va.) Flag, does no more than justice to the men and their commander: Too much cannot be said in praise of this gallant company. In the late Bull Run battle they took a most active part in pursuing the enemy, and labored from the evening of the 21st until sunrise the next morning in breaking the blockade of Cub Run that was formed by the retreating teamsters and artillerymen, besides making several charges on the enemy and taking many prisoners. Led by their valiant Captain, the Ivanhoe of 61, this brave company are winning laurels to grace their brows through all coming time Enduring hardships cheerfully, and battling unflinchingly for their dearest rights of home and country, old Virginia may well be proud of such sons — true sons to a true mother.--Many a maiden's heart throbs with pride, and
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation. (search)
The war tax has raised the rates of everything. In Philadelphia the price of beer has been increased, causing much dissatisfaction among the Germans. A flag of truce visit to the battle-field of Manassas. A letter to the New York Tribune gives an interesting account of a visit to the battle-field of Manassas with a citizen committee from Washington, who went for the purpose of attending to the wounded. The route taken by the writer was the old Warrenton Turnpike, over the ford at Cub Run, the identical spot where the famous Yankee stampede look place July 21st, last year. He says: The ambulances, preceded by the white flag, and accompanied by an unarmed cavalry escort, wound deviously down the broken slope into the Run, overlooked by a platoon of Southern cavalry — the pickets of their army. But a short distance from the river large bodies of their horsemen came in sight. The 1st Virginia was halting alongside the road — a fine body of men, evidently all of the bet
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1863., [Electronic resource], Gen. Lee's Official report of his recent operations. (search)
ned, he retreated across Broad Run. The next morning he was reported to be fortifying beyond Bull Run, extending his line towards the Little River Turnpike. The vicinity of the entrenchments around Washington and Alexandria rendered it useless to turn his new position, as it was apparent that he could readily retire to them, and would decline an engagement unless attacked in his fortifications. A further advance was therefore deemed unnecessary, and after destroying the railroad from Cub Run southwardly to the Rappahannock, the army returned on the 18th to the line of that river, leaving the cavalry in the enemy's front. The cavalry of the latter advanced on the following day, and some skirmishing occurred at Buckland. General Stuart, with Hampton's division, retired slowly towards Warrenton, in order to draw the enemy in that direction, thus exposing his flank and rear to General Lee, who moved from Auburn and attacked him near Buckland. As soon as General Stuart heard
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