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From Mexico. New York Jan. 25. --The steamer Ariel has arrived from Aspinwall. She brings Mexican advices. Gen. Woll, a Miramonist fugitive, had reached San Blas. Gen. Weller, U. S. Minister, had arrived at Acapulco. Gen. Alvarez tendered him an escort to the city of Mexico.
From Mexico. New Orleans, Feb. 25. --The steamship Tennessee, Captain Forbes, from Vera Cruz, has arrived. She brings a large number of passengers and $6,000,000 in specie. Her dates are from Vera Cruz to the 21st, and Mexico the 17th inst. The Constitutional Government continued its reorganization. The Federal army was to be thoroughly organized, also the Courts.--The Church property was to be confiscated. --Regulations were to be made as to its disposition. Mr. Runken has been left in charge of Mr. Pickett's Consulate, at Acapulco.
nder the command of John K. Mitchell, arrived at Honolulu, from Panama, via Hilo and Lahama, in search of the sloop-of-war Levant, supposed to be lost. The Honolulu Advertiser of the 24th, has the following speculation on the subject. "There is every reason to believe that the U. S. sloop-of-war Levant has met with some serious disaster, soon after leaving Hilo. It was Capt. Hunt's intention to have taken a northerly course from the Islands, till he judged he could fetch the port of Acapulco, where he purposed going first to forward his dispatches to Washington. "If this plan was followed, the Levant probably ran North to about lat. 34 deg., then tacked and headed for the Mexican Coast.--The brig Consort was dismantled in a gale, about October 15th, according to one account, and October 20th, according to another. "In looking back over our shipping memoranda, we find that the whaling barks Emerald, Robert Morrison, Florence and Bragansa, and ships Republic, Coral and
to the Admiral of the character indicated. The United States steamship-of-war Saranac, Captain Robert Ritchie, and the British steam corvette Mutine are still in port. The United States steamer Wyoming, now on her way from San Francisco to Acapulco, has been directed by Capt. Ritchie, senior officer in command, to cruise between the latter and Panama, in order to protect the American California mail and passenger steamers against any privateers that may have been sent in these waters under orders from the revolted States of the United States. The United States sloop Cyane will probably cruise between San Francisco and Acapulco for the same purpose. On the 19th of April General Mosquera started for Chipaquira, to reinforce Colonel Santos Gutierres, who was fearing an attack from General Paris, as he had been sent from Bogota to meet him, soon after the defeat of Canas in Tunja. Lino Pena, who at the same time made an attack on the division at Mesa, was totally beaten, five
orn. They are well supplied with ammunition and stores, and are waiting orders. The secession prisoners, about forty in number, are still on board the Powhatan, and are exceedingly well treated. Several of the regiments here have for some nights past been ordered to hold themselves in readiness for duty at a moment's warning. There is much anxiety here on their part for forward movements. Commander Bissell, in his letter to the Secretary of the Navy, on board the ship Cyane, at Acapulco, May 18th, after referring to the treason which has been so rife in the Navy, says: "I deem it but just to those I have the honor to command, to remark that they are loyal and true to their oath and duty, and deeply sympathize with the Government. As evidence of the deep seated love of our common country in the hearts of all Americans abroad, it may interest you to know that among the thousands now passing to and from California in the mail steamers, no sooner does one of these vesse
vessel Lancaster is at Panama. Last Sunday one of her men on shore stabbed a Jamaica negro in altercation, but I believe the negro is out danger. The sailor was thrown into prison, escaped, and was arrested again on Monday. The razee Macedonian arrived at Aspinwall on the 17th. She is now at Porto Bello, taking in water. The United States brig Bainbridgt is also at Aspinwall. Surgeon Johnson, of the Bainbridge, has been transferred to the United States sloop-of-war Cyane, last at Acapulco. The Sumter off for Brazil. The privateer Sumter left Surinam on the 5th ult., for the coast of Brazil, followed closely by the United States steamer Powhatan. Heavy guns Versus iron-clad ships.[from the New York Tribune.] The question, long and warmly contested in Europe, as to whether iron-clad ships-of-war can be made impregnable to the heavies land batteries seems not unlikely to be decided in the negative. If so, it will be a great triumph to our naval engineers; for
the suspicious which more recent events have awakened to be utterly unreasonable. Important from Mexico — French Reinforcements, 10,000 strong expected at Acapulco — all the Mexican Ports to be Garrisoned 7,000 French troops reported to be Marching on Matamoros. Advices from the City of Mexico are to June 25th. Gen. Alvarez, from whom accounts are received to the 30th inst., was expecting the arrival at Acapulco of the French fleet, with 10,000 soldiers. This force is to come from the Gulf of Mexico across Tehuantepec, and from Acapulco will be dispatched for garrisons for all the Mexican Pacific port. A letter, dated Matamoras, June 16th; sayAcapulco will be dispatched for garrisons for all the Mexican Pacific port. A letter, dated Matamoras, June 16th; says: There is a rumor here that seven thousand French soldiers are on the way here from Vera Cruz. It needs confirmation. If true, the authorities will endeavor to meet and fight them with such force as they can collect. They will surely dispute with an earnest struggle for the possession of Tamaulipas and of course this mo
From New Orleans. Atlanta, August 7. --New Orleans dates of the 3d instant are received. The steamer Continental had arrived from Vicksburg with 600 sick and wounded prisoners, inc Gen. M. I. Smith, Col. Edward , Major John Devereux, and J. F. Giranit. A few prisoners remain at Vicksburg, unable to be removed. Secretary Chase gives orders to clear beats' cargoes at St. Louis for New Orleans, except prohibited articles, and giving bonds not to land goods at intermediate points except under permit. Small lots of cotton are selling at auction at 43½ cents. Coroner's Inquests have been held upon several negroes who died of starvation. The latest dates from New York are to the 23d ult., by river. Shipments of powder to California for Acapulco have been stopped by request of the French Consul.
ter, lasted three or four hours. The reported conclusion arrived at is that the restoration of peace and the re-establishment of the Union can only be brought about by the organization of the conservative elements of the North upon a platform similar to that of the Union Democracy of Kentucky. Letters from Ex- President Fillmore and other distinguished men were read. About thirty delegates were present. From Mexico. A San Francisco telegram gives news from the City of Mexico, via Acapulco, to the 22d of July. General Forey was issuing decrees daily. The French-Mexican newspapers urge the recognition of the Southern Confederacy. The Government paper says the Northern States are in favor of Juarez, while the Confederates are for a Mexican monarchy, and everything looks to the immediate recognition of the Confederacy by Mexico. The guerillas were fighting on the road leading to the city of Mexico. The Mexicans take no prisoners, but slay all they capture. they wage
The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], "Now, by St. Paul, the work Goes Bravely On!" (search)
l brush them away like cobwebs. He is determined not to have implements in the way of plans touching Mexico, at least from the Yankees. In further pursuance of his policy of the important positions on the Gulf, he is also about to throw a proper force into Tampico, the second largest seaport of Mexico. Having already occupied Vera Cruz and Matamoras, he leaves no commercial or military point of importance on the Gulf unoccupied, and we shall soon hear that those of the --Mazatlan. Acapulco, San Blas, etc — have not been overlooked. Maximilian will find his house pretty well in order by the time he arrives; but it is not improbable that he will find some roubles already matured to his hand in his relations with the Yankee Government. But the Emperor of France will settle them for him, and in that way the more effectually perpetuate his office of friend and protector of the Mexican Empue deriving in turn such consideration, political and commercial, as will amply compensate h
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