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fail." France. The Morning Post city article says: "The last advices from Mexico allude to the rumored cession of Sonora to France as a guarantee for the French Mexican debt. A preliminary treaty to this effect was, it is reported, concluded at the latter end of November. The Mexican Government is, however, to keep the sovereignty of Sonora." The immediate occupation of Sonora by French troops is also mentioned, a portion of the same having, it is said, already left Acapulco for that destination. The Paris Bourse was heavy on the 1st instant, and Rentes declined 1-4, closing at 66£95 The French Government has issued stringent orders against interference with the Protestant Missions to the Society Islands. Prussia and Austria. Vienna papers publish an analysis of the Prussian reply to the last note of Austria on the question of the Duchies. Prussia will await the opinion of the legal advisers of the Crown before coming to a decision concernin
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