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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Two Medford buildings of the Fifties. (search)
This sum the town later appropriated and paid. This report was signed by John B. Hatch and James M. Usher. The minority report covers about four times the space of that of the majority, and is si another lot chosen, the price of which was four cents per foot. At that stage of the matter Mr. Usher was in the minority, but by his powerful eloquence in the district meeting this conclusion wass found, the committee meeting soon after to stake out foundation, and fronting it southwest. Mr. Usher was to proceed with the foundation, as he said he had raised money by subscription for that exe, and were adopted, not without his criticism. Then the question of frontage came up again. Mr. Usher wanted it northwest, and here was open war again. Mr. Usher controlled the subscription, sayiMr. Usher controlled the subscription, saying, Unless the house fronts to suit me you can have none of this money. At last Mr. Hatch is quoted as saying that he wanted that style of house, and rather than not have it, would vote to front it
mended for his interest in Medford history and for his contribution to Medford annals. By the publication of the History of Medford, Mr. Brooks preserved this register and completed it to date, a total enumeration of 513. Thirty years later Mr. Usher alluded to the same and said it is too extensive for admission here, but gave an abstract of the same, which shows the number built in each of the seven decades, 1803 to 1873, and totals 567, 483 in the first five, and 84 in the last two, decades. Thirty of these last were named in detail by Mr. Brooks. All Mr. Usher said relative to the other is, The last ship built in this town was launched from the ship yard of Mr. Joshua T. Foster in 1873. He did not even give the name. Thus it appears (except in the above) there were 54 ships built in Medford, of which there is no record of name, owner, builder, style or tonnage, and that, too, in a history paid for liberally by the town, as well as by the purchasers. Referring to thi
The Usher bridge. Usher bridge was named for James M. Usher. He was mainly instrumental in the laying out of the road from High street in Medford to Broadway in Arlington. I signed the petition to the county commissioners for the laying out of the road at Mr. Usher's request. It is that in Medford known as Harvard avenue. The abutments and central pier of the bridge were reinforced with concrete when the river was deepened a few years since by the Metropolitan Commission. J. H. H.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Connecting link in Medford Church history. (search)
n pastor of a Congregational church in Stratfield, Conn., but was just then engaged in journalism upon the Nation, published in Boston by James M. Usher. The latter, recognizing his ability, was instrumental in bringing him to West Medford. Mr. Usher, in the history above quoted, says truly of the Union, As there was no church organization the arrangement was not wholly satisfactory. Mr. Charpiot preached twice on Sunday, attended and conducted a class in the independent Sunday school in tsummer vacation had just come in vogue, the project was laid over till autumn. The executive committee found that in the raising of funds people were not ready to accept the idea of a Union church with no recognized denomination to sustain it. Mr. Usher, in the history already quoted from, said, several plans for a church (meaning organization) were considered and given up, when a few citizens thought a Congregational church could be supported if an organization was effected. Some others, of
ing, from one of the teaching staff of the High School of today. We quote the following from Zion's Herald of last June, a paper whose clientage is all New England—and more:— A message from a friend. For you the college doors swing open wide; Begin your quest for Truth with open mind; With courage high and purpose true and fine, Cease not, while life is yours, to seek To ‘know yourself,’ your ‘neighbor’ and your God. No matter if you never gain the goal! 'Tis what you do while striving on the way That makes your growth of character and soul The real objective in this world today. Hila Helen Small. note.—The picture of Mr. Charles Cummings in this work is a reproduction of an original photograph. The electrotypes from which are printed the Primer Title-page and the High Schoolhouse of 1866 are loaned to the Association by the heirs of our late fellow-member, Hon. James M. Usher. The article History of the Medford High School is also reprinted from plates
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., History of the Medford High School. (search)
of girls had been allowed in it since 1776, but, till 1790, only for two hours each day after the dismissal of the boys. At the latter date the town voted them the privilege of attending the master-school during three summer months. The master-school, so called, seems to have been kept through the year, while the primary schools, which were probably established after 1807, did not become annuals till 1837. The Awakening. It was in the fourth decade of this century that, according to Usher's History of Medford, a wave of unusual interest in educational matters was passing over many of the States and attained its greatest height in Massachusetts. In 1830 the American Institute of Instruction was organized, which, though national in name and object, was largely composed of Massachusetts men. It aimed at reform and progress, and proved itself most efficient in accomplishing its exalted purpose. A royal impulse was imparted to the educational machinery of our State, which from t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., Development of the business section of West Medford. (search)
e property came into the hands of his grandson, James M. Usher, 2d. The former Usher mansion was moved in three sections up Playstead road (then opened), and the broom over Macy's and became a tonsorial parlor. Not content with this, young Mr. Usher had a one-story skyscraper built of wood on Playstead road with five small shtiations were in progress for the post office to be in this new building when Mr. Usher, 2d, forestalled matters and kept Uncle Sam as tenant by tearing down the oldores with very large plate glass, and when completed was at once occupied. The Usher wooden block, after taking fire so many times that it acquired the name of the n, was damaged beyond repair by fire on December 24, 1921. The house where Mr. Usher last lived was moved twice, lastly near to Warren street, and a one-story stre of which has been preserved. After the removal of the old station house to Mr. Usher's land (between the Whitmore-Usher house and the Wyatt house), Wilber moved i
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