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ston. A new volume of Mr. Edward A. Pollard's History of the War has been published. In a Northern paper, which has seen a copy, we find the following extract from it relative to the author's experience in the city of Boston before being incarcerated in Fort Warren: "I passed a week in Boston, entirely unknown and secluded, when an incident occurred that was to open up to me a new and surprising interest in the Yankee metropolis. I was sauntering in the reading room of the hotel (Young's) one evening, when an amiable-looking gentleman came up to me, with a beaming face, and whispered, 'Are you not Mr. Pollard, from Richmond?' I was so taken aback by the plump question that I could not help answering, 'Yes.' 'I thought so,' he replied quickly, 'some detectives here know you; hush, talk low — I want you to let me bring a friend around to see you at nine o'clock this evening.' I signified my assent, and awaited with some interest an interview about which there appeared to be
the 22d. History will be replete with deeds of greater daring, but justice claims a record of the bravery displayed on this occasion. About four o'clock in the morning, a party of Yankees, numbering seventy-three in all, under command of Major Young (falsely representing himself to be a member of Sheridan's staff), passed around the town, and, avoiding the outer picket at Edinburg, dashed upon the reserve at an unguarded point, capturing sixteen men. Their recent successes rendering them ng to their number twenty-five Yankees and as many horses. We have since learned that they fled most precipitately to Winchester, doubtless imagining that the "Saviour of the Valley" was after them with his whole division. The valiant little Major Young barely escaped captured. His horse was shot and he left hors du combat; but, with the characteristic meanness of a Yankee, he compelled one of his men to dismount and give him his horse, and thus succeeded in getting under shelter of his brea
s movements in South Carolina: "A dispatch from Broxton's bridge, about half past-seven o'clock Wednesday night, says: 'The enemy advanced to-day across Whippy swamp, driving our cavalry on our left six miles to this place. They are supposed to be in heavy force. A column of cavalry is on the Augusta road, moving rapidly Her some unknown point.' "Another dispatch states that the enemy had possession of McBride's bridge. Skirmishing was going on in front of Broxton's bridge. Kilpatrick, with one brigade of cavalry, is reported moving in co-operation with the Seventeenth army corps. There can be no doubt the enemy is trying to reach Branchville. All was quiet at Salkebatchic. "A dispatch from Adam's run. February 2d,, says: 'The enemy came up in two barges to Young's island yesterday about noon and drove in our picket. They fired several buildings and plantations and retired this morning. There are three steamers off White Point, and a landing is threatened.'"
th. Capture of Major Harry Gilmour. Major Harry Gilmour was captured in Hardy county, Virginia, last week, by Major Young, of Sheridan's command, who, with twenty-five picked men, repaired to a farm-house where Gilmour staid all night. An floor, the door was gently opened, when Major Gilmour and his cousin, a rebel officer, were found lying in bed awake. Major Young in an instant was at the bedside, seized Gilmour's pistols, which were on a chair, and then asked Gilmour who he was. He replied, "Major Gilmour," and then added to his confronter, "Who the devil are you?" The Major replied, "Major Young, of General Sheridan's scouts." The prisoners were ordered to dress, and in a few minutes were attired in full suits of gre was always attended by a favorite bloodhound, who gave timely notice of the approach of strangers. On the trip, Major Young encountered the rebel Captain Stump, of the Eighteenth Virginia regiment, of Imboden's command. He made a desperate r
recked officers and crew, but were stoutly resisted.--Though a number of shots were exchanged, no one was reported as injured. Two more English blockade-runners, the schooners Augusta and Fanny McRae, captured by the United States steamer Honeysuckle and schooner Fox, had arrived at Key West. The Baltimore American of Friday evening says: The notorious rebel guerrilla, Marry Gilmor, who arrived here at a late hour on Wednesday night, yesterday left here for Fort Warren, in charge of Major Young and three Federal scouts in rebels clothes. Captain Wiegel learned that Gilmor's life was endangered at the Relay House, when he proceeded to that post with an armed guard and protected him from danger. United States Marshal Murray, in obedience to the instructions from Washington, left New York for Montreal, to take charge of twelve of the St. Albans raiders, who will be delivered to him there, and brought to New York by him for trial. Captain J. M. Gillis, superintendent of th
carried off. On the 6th instant, some of his men routed a rebel force engaged in collecting provisions for their army in the vicinity of Charlotte inlet. The St. Albans Raiders. A telegram from Montreal, the 15th says: The rebel messenger from Richmond was examined before the court to-day, when the counsel for the prisoners produced the muster-rolls of the Confederate army, in which the names of the prisoners appear. He also produced copies of a letter of instructions to Captain Young, dated June 18, 1864, signed by-Mr. Seddon, all of which are certified to by Mr. Benjamin, under the "Confederate" seal. This paper, from the Confederate Secretary of State, the witness said he received from the Secretary of State on the 4th instant, and he affixed his signature to it in his presence. The witness also stated that Mr. Davis expressed surprise at the result of the Burley case. The Yankee cotton fleet. The United States steamers Flag and Wayanda, which sailed fro
h, the property of W. G. Blanton. The evidence being insufficient to warrant his further detention, the Mayor dismissed the charge; but, being of the conscript age, turned him over to the Provost, Marshal. Rebecca Chandler, a white woman of bad repute, charged with trespassing upon the premises of H. R. Hendrickson, associating with negroes, and threatening to burn the house of Mr. Hendrickson, was committed to jail in default of security to keep the peace. Maria, slave of Mrs. Young, and Martha, slave of Robt. Green, were charged with stealing one thousand two hundred dollars, the property of Julius Meire, and Lucy, slave of Robert Green, was charged with receiving the same, knowing it was stolen; but there being no evidence against the accused they were discharged. The following cases were continued: Robert, slave of Royal Mason, charged with stealing clothing from Caroline Carter; Edward S. Gentry, assaulting and beating Margaret, a slave; Elihu, slave of Willi
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