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The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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e entire force that has been holding and the country between Corinth and Memphis so long, was concentrated at Memphis, and the entire infantry and artillery, under command of Major General Hurlbut, have gone upon boats down the river. This expedition is splendidly equipped and started off in most excellent spirits, and in numbers that will make the rebellion tremble wherever they may go. Gen. Hurlbut and staff left Memphis on Thursday, on the steamer Hastings. The order of Major-General Hurlbut, organizing the forces for the expedition is also given. The infantry consisted of forty-eight regiments, divided into four divisions, commanded respectively by Gens. Tuttle, Dodge, A. J. Smith, and Veatch--The artillery force was composed of thirteen batteries. No cavalry were alluded to in the order. Gen. Buckland was left in commend of the Memphis district, with "quite a formidable force of well disciplined, drilled, and equipped negro regiments, and some few white troops. "
d was 170. The general result of his expedition, including the Smith and Yazoo river pavements, is about as follows; 150 miles of railroad, 67 bridges, 7,000 treatle, 20 locomotives, 28 cars, 10,000 bales cotton, several steam mills, and over two million bushels of corn were destroyed. The railroad destruction was complete and thorough. The capture of prisoners exceeds our loss. Up wards of 8,000 contrabands and refugees came in with the various columns. After occupying Decatur, General Dodge pushed west to Courtland, and thence to Moulton, driving the enemy and capturing many prisoners and much ammunition. The New York Herald. contains a long account from its correspondent with Sherman, written solely with a view to cover up the disastrous adventure. The following are two extracts: When this portion of the expedition arrived here it was found that General Smith's cavalry had not yet made its appearance.--Several days before information was received from deserter
Yankees Across the Tennessee river. --Will learn from a citizen of Morgan county, in this State, who left there on Wednesday last, that the Yankee Gen. Dodge, with a force of ten thousand men, composed of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, crossed the Tennessee river at day break on Tuesday, coming South. We suppose that our General commanding in that department has been advised of the movement, and has taken steps to drive them back. Our informant says that a command of Confederate troops were skirmishing with them, but was too small to effect much against such a force. Gen. Roddy, whose force embraces between four and five thousand men, and who has been keeping the enemy in check so long in that region, has lately gone to Dalton. The Yankees probably improved the opportunity of his absence to come this side of the river to commit their usual depredations. --Mont, Advertiser, 16th.
The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource], Richmond and Danville R R, Sup's office, Richmond, April 5, 1864. (search)
From the Southwest. Dalton April 5. --News from within the enemy's lines states that two brigades of infantry have gone towards Nashville. By some they are said to have been sent to operate against Forrest, and by others to be en route for the Army of the Potomac. Forty-four regiments of infantry and ten batteries, who returned to Ohio to recruit, raised only five thousand in three months. It is reported that McPherson relieves Thomas, who will be sent to another field; also, that one brigade of cavalry and one of infantry have been sent forward to Chattanooga within the last few days. The Federals who went out on a plundering expedition under Dodge have returned to Decalur. Smith, commanding the other division of Logan's corps, is at Larkinsville picketing Huntsville, and Stevenson on the railroad and river. Nineteen Federals in Confederate uniform came to Triune Factory, near Summerville, and committed numerous depredations on Saturday.
negroes belonging to a neighbor who happened to be with them. But they robbed him of all his provisions and his horse, leaving a large family to suffer. This negro party was said to have been led in their depredations by Tom Campbell, formerly a slave to Judge R. H. Baker. The negro cavalry have now been ordered to Yorktown, and a part of the 5th Pennsylvania cavalry are at Bernard's Mill. There are five cavalry regiments near Portsmouth--11th Penn, 5th Penn, 5th N. Y, 1st N. Y, (Dodge's,) and 20th N. Y. Gen Smith, recently sent to Butler, takes command of this force, and his headquarters are at the farm of Col S. M. Wilson. From the Trans-Mississippi Department. The Mobile Tribune publishes some items of news from the Trans- Mississippi Department, obtained from a gentleman just from New Orleans. The battle at Fort De. Russey, between Major Trogean of our forces, and Brigadier General Smith, commanding a part of Sherman's army, lasted four hours. The exact numbe
The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1864., [Electronic resource], From the Georgia front — latest by mail. (search)
Georgia front — latest by mail. We are in receipt of Atlanta papers of the 13th and 14th, whose news has mainly been anticipated by the telegraph. The Register has the following relative to the situation: All quiet at the front. Sherman is evidently bent upon rebuilding the railroad bridge across the Chattahoochee before he makes a forward movement. The portion of Howard's 4th army corps which was on this side of the river have recrossed, having been relieved by two divisions of Dodge's 16th army corps. One division of Schofield's 23d army corps are also on this side opposite Soap Ford. Girard's division of cavalry are camped on this side about a mile from the river, on the Buckhead road, having thrown up a few rails, &c., as breastworks. They are said to be amusing themselves picking blackberries and frolicking around generally, but keeping a sharp lookout for our cavalry. The enemy have sent a brigade of cavalry and a battery of artillery to the right, o
l. It appears that when Sherman crossed the Chattahoochee he did so with an arrangement of his forces intended for the investment of Atlanta. Our army faced due north.--Gen. Thomas's corps crossed the river above the railroad bridge and in front of Gen. Hood's right, and remained there. McPherson's corps crossed above Thomas and moved around our right to flank it, reaching the Atlanta and Augusta railroad at Stone Mountain Station, thus cutting one communication. Here they were joined by Dodge and Blair's corps, (16th and 17th). Logan's corps is at Decatur, six miles east of Atlanta and nine miles from the force at Stone Mountain. It was apprehended that McPherson's corps, strongly supported, would swing around to their left still further and strike East Point, the junction of the Atlanta and West Point and Macon and Western railroads, which join about ten miles south of Atlanta. It was doubtless while making this movement that Hardee attacked him on the 22d. To cover this mo
desperate resistance at close quarters, and they ran and were shot down in the act, or surrendered. Surprised by the suddenness of the onset, they were put partially prepared with heavy breastworks to meet it — although breastworks were in course of construction — yet with that bravery which characterizes the Western troops, they manfully stood their ground until forced to succumb to the energy and enthusiasm of our attack. The Yankees engaged on this portion of the line were the corps of Dodge, Blair and Logan, with reinforcements from Schofield, who held a position along our centre. The whole were under command of General McPherson. There being three divisions to a corps, the disparity of numbers between the antagonists may be readily observed. It was doubtless "dash" which gave us the victory, for had the Federal been apprised of our approach in time they would have so fortified their left as to have utterly defeated the bold movement of the day. By this hour the entire posit
copy of a New York paper of the 10th instant. We give below some interesting extracts from it. The Situation at Atlanta — the fight of the 28th--Hood's style of fighting — the Siege a Slow business. The New York Times contains the latest news from Atlanta in the form of a very interesting letter. The account of the battle of the 28th of July shows how much the Federals suffered. It appears that it was determined to attack Hood on his left, and for this purpose Logan's, Blair's and Dodge's corps were shifted from the left to the right to make the assault. To cover this movement, a general advance of the Yankee skirmishers along the whole line was made on the 27th and was repulsed, as, the correspondent thinks, was expected. This device, however, did not seem to deceive Hood, who also massed troops where the assault was to have been delivered, and pounced on Logan before he got into position, whipping him and going back to his works. After this disaster, the Yankees determ
s, many of whom afterwards escaped. They remained in the city two hours, during which time they robbed the principal hotels and boarding-houses, and captured portions of General Washburne's and General Hurlbut's staffs. General Washburne escaped to the fort in tolerable good order. From Atlanta. A telegram, dated Nashville, 25th instant, says: Matters in Atlanta are unchanged. The army is engaged in advancing parapets and strengthening works. On the 18th instant, Major-General Dodge was shot in the head by the enemy's sharpshooters, and it is reported that he had died of his wounds. General Lightburn, of Logan's corps, was wounded in the same way three or four days ago. The peace rumors. A semi-official telegram from Washington says; There are no grounds for the rumor, so assiduously reported, that the President proposes to send peace commissioners to the rebels. The rumors that an armistice had been, or is to be proposed, are equally without foundatio
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