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he Peninsula, General J. E. Johnston was assigned to the command of that department. After spending a day on Magruder's lines, he returned to Richmond, recommended the abandonment of the Peninsula, and that a position nearer Richmond should be taken. The recommendation was held for consideration, and the President proposed to invite to the conference the Secretary of War, George Randolph, and General Lee, then stationed in Richmond. General Johnston asked that he might invite General Longstreet and General G. W. Smith to be present, which was assented to. After hearing the views expressed by the several officers named, the President decided to resist the enemy on the Peninsula, and, with the aid of the navy, to hold Norfolk and keep command of the James River. The Confederates numbered, when General Johnston took command, over 50,000 men. On April 16th, an assault was made upon the Confederate lines at Warwick, but was repulsed with heavy loss. The month of Ap
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 26: the gun-boats in the James River-battle of seven Pines. (search)
the conjunction of the two it was expected to double him up. Then Longstreet was to come on the Mechanicsville Bridge and attack him in front.the main road which led to the Mechanicsville Bridge, I found General Longstreet, walking to and fro in an impatient, it might be said fretfulth theNine-mile road. The wing consisted of Hill's, Huger's, and Longstreet's divisions, with light batteries, and a small force of cavalry; For the operations on the right he referred to the report of General Longstreet, who was in chief command. From this report, published by thke the works Hill's division had captured the day before. General Longstreet was ordered to attack on the morning of the 31st. The divisiim, we rode together to the Williamsburg road, where we found General Longstreet, his command being in front, and then engaged with the enemy s, killed wounded, and missing, was 6,804; of which 4,851 were in Longstreet's command on the right, and 1,233 in Smith's command on the left.
o Harrison's Landing, and he had so many hours the start that, among the general officers who expressed their opinion to me, only one thought it possible to pursue effectively. That was General T. J. Jackson, who quietly said, They have not all got away, if we go immediately after them. General Lee was not given to indecision, and they have mistaken his character who suppose caution was his vice. He was prone to attack, and not slow to press an advantage when he gained it. He ordered Longstreet and Jackson to advance, but a violent storm which prevailed throughout the day greatly retarded their progress. The enemy, harassed and closely followed by the cavalry, succeeded in gaining Westover, on the James River, and the protection of his gun — boats. His position was one of great natural and artificial strength, after the heights were occupied and intrenched. It was flanked on each side by guns of his shipping, as well as by those mounted in his intrenchments. Under these circu
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 34: campaign against Pope.—Second Manassas.—Sharpsburg.—Fredericksburg. (search)
his army to join General Jackson. After several engagements the enemy was forced to withdraw, and the next morning Longstreet resumed his march to join Jackson. At this time a Federal critic said: The truth is, the rebel generals strip their esultory fighting took place on August 29th; but on the 30th the enemy made a determined attack on Jackson's front, and Longstreet ordered his whole line forward to the charge, and defeated Pope's army. The career of General Pope was as brief, bo on to South Mountain Pass, where D. H. Hill had been left to guard the rear, while Jackson went to Harper's Ferry and Longstreet to Hagerstown. Hill made a heroic defence, but being outflanked, fell back toward Sharpsburg during the niclht. Onhe Confederates from first to last had but barely 14,000 men. The centre had been fiercely assailed, but was held by Longstreet with Miller's guns of the Washington Artillery, General Lee's report of the battle. and a thin gray line of infantr
Chapter 37: Chancellorsville. In the latter part of April, 1863, General Hooker crossed the Rappahannock, above Lee's position at Fredericksburg, with the intention of flanking and forcing him toward Richmond. His army numbered, by his own report, 132,000 men, and upon reaching Chancellorsville he proceeded to throw up intrenchments. Lee's army, in the absence of Longstreet's corps, numbered 57,000 of all arms. General Jackson had not entirely recovered from an attack of diphtheria and was too weak to have been in the field, but he felt the importance of being present at the impending engagement. The Federals under General Hooker made a stand near Chancellorsville, and the west wing of Hooker's rested at Melzi Chancellor's farm, about two miles from Chancellorsville. General Jackson formed his corps into three columns for attack and, as he wrote in his last despatch to General Lee, trusted That an ever-kind Providence will bless us with success. The Confederates ru
Lee, General. General A. P. Hill with his three divisions followed in his rear. General Longstreet covered these movements with his corps, then passing into the valley, he too crossed the Pee, he too crossed the Potomac. On June 27th, General Lee was at Chambersburg, while Hill, Longstreet, and Ewell were within supporting distance. Stuart with the cavalry was absent, and the la, to Round Top on the left. Here they confronted Lee on July 2d. At four o'clock on July 2d, Longstreet's corps, except Pickett, who had not yet arrived, assailed the extreme left of the Federal line. Longstreet gained ground up to the Emmettsburg road, and captured artillery and colors. General Hood was wounded, and Generals Barksdale and Semmes were killed. Ewell's divisions (at 8 P. M.)e heard bidding each other good-by from rank to rank. General Pickett galloped over to General Longstreet. and said, General, shall I advance? Receiving no reply, he saluted and said, I am going
advance was designed to compass. The tone of the public press and the sentiment of the country indicated dissatisfaction with the result of the campaign, from which grander achievements had been expected than the number of troops and extent of our resources justified. General Lee could not remain entirely indifferent or unaffected by such expressions. As he paced before his camp-fire on the night of July 4th, when his army was marching by on its way to the Potomac, he said to General Longstreet in the presence of other officers: It is all my fault. So at Camp Orange, with manly dignity and generosity as remarkable as it is rare, denying no responsibility, indulging in no censures, he took upon himself alone the soul-depressing burden of the day, and wrote to the President the following touching and noble letter: camp Orange, August 8, 1863. Mr. President: Your letters of July 28th and August 2d have been received, and I have waited for a leisure hour to reply, but I fear
r. In this situation, General Grant was assigned to the command in Tennessee. On October 23d he arrived at Chattanooga. By his own report he found Rosecrans practically invested. Army supplies had to be hauled over almost impassable roads for sixty to seventy miles. The artillery horses and mules were starving. Grant's first movement was to supply the army by a shorter route, and to that end he captured Lookout Mountain. The Confederate force, rendered weaker by detaching Longstreet to Knoxville, was overpowered by its multitudinous assailants, and after a bloody battle retreated during the night toward Tunnel Hill. General Grant pursued but a short distance beyond Chattanooga. This disaster depressed the hopes of the Confederates greatly; misfortunes had of late crowded so thick upon them. General Bragg felt, like Sidney Johnston, that success should be in a measure the test of a military man's merit, and he asked to be relieved. The President knew that Gen
lieved, and were not prepared for the enemy's assault, were overpowered and compelled to retire, just as the advance of Longstreet's column reached the ground. The defeated divisions were in considerable disorder, and the condition of affairs was exeneral Lee fully appreciated the impending crisis, and, dashing amid the fugitives, called upon the men to rally. General Longstreet, taking in the situation at a glance, immediately caused his divisions to be deployed in line of battle, and advancthusiastic frenzy, gave vent to loud yells, pushed the enemy before them, and re-established the Confederate lines. Longstreet having the enemy much shaken, now received the necessary orders to pursue; but at the moment when a turning movement wa he and the officers with him were mistaken, by a flanking party of his own troops, for the enemy, and fired into. General Longstreet was seriously wounded, and General Jenkins, who was riding by his side, fell dead. The forward movement was check
ought daily for the trains, was now transferred to the front. Next morning, April gth, before daybreak, he, with Fitz Lee's cavalry, moved forward to the attack. He was confronted by Sheridan's cavalry, and he drove them steadily before him, and captured two pieces of artillery. All seemed going well, when Sheridan withdrew from the field, and then, like the lifting of a curtain, Gordon beheld the army of the James advancing through the trees with ten times his number. At the same time Longstreet, covering the rear, being threatened by Meade with a superior force, found it impossible to reinforce Gordon, who, stained with powder and exhausted by his recent battle, reared his knightly head and said, Tell General Lee my corps is reduced to a frazzle. Lee then said, There is nothing left but for me to go and see General Grant. And a flag of truce was raised to suspend hostilities pending the interview between the commanders. An eye-witness thus describes General Lee's appeara
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