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s, Polignac's, Forney's and M. M. Parsons' divisions were assembled in the vicinity of Camden. Parsons' Texas cavalry was extended from Monticello, Drew county, to Gaines' landing; Wharton's cavalry from Spring Hill to Shreveport; Logan's (Eleventh) Arkansas, mounted, was scouting up through Clark and Saline counties, Hill and Burk north of the Arkansas. November 18th, Churchill's division had moved to Louisville, in La Fayette county, on Red river—Camp Lee. From Price's headquarters, November 30th, General Clark in command of Marmaduke's division, and General Thompson in command of Shelby's, were ordered to Laynesport; and Gurley's Texas cavalry in that direction to cooperate with General Maxey. By direction of General Smith the Ouachita and Little Missouri were made the true line of defense. Colonels McCray and Dobbin were sent into northeast Arkansas. General Magruder, having transferred his headquarters to Washington, Ark., wrote to General Price on the subject of the reor
a severe fight. Maj. Charles Hill had a spirited combat at Cedar bayou, St. Joseph's island, November 23d, in which he was killed. The Federal brigade, whose advance he had contested, then moved up on Matagorda island and invested Fort Esperanza. The force there, under Colonel Bradfute, successfully sustained an assault and bombardment through the 29th, and in the night spiked the guns, blew up the magazines, and made a safe retreat. It is learned from a report of General Banks of November 30th, that upon the capture of Fort Esperanza he stated that if he was furnished with another division he would capture Houston and Galveston. And in his report of December 1st, he announced his intention to move up the Matagorda peninsula to the mouth of the Brazos, and after capturing the forts at that place, make it his base for supplies in the movement against Houston and Galveston. But this movement had been anticipated, and General Magruder had collected a large force of Confederate a
ted a loss of 45 out of 101 in action. Lieut. J. P. Bates was killed among the foremost, far in advance of the enemy's third line, near their main fort. Sergt. C. E. Dale, who was among the first to mount the works, was shot dead. Lieut.-Col. Abram Harris, Fourteenth, reported a loss of 49, having in action but 87 guns. Such instances of fruitless heroism characterized the remainder of the history of the army of Tennessee. Franklin and Nashville. Granbury's brigade at Franklin, November 30th, lost its division commander, General Cleburne, and its brigade commander, General Granbury. Lieut.-Col. R. B. Young, Tenth, was also killed, and Maj. W. A. Taylor, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth, Capt. J. W. Brown, Seventh, and Capt. R. Fisher, Sixth and Fifteenth, commanding their respective regiments, were reported missing. On December 10th, Capt. E. T. Broughton was in command of the brigade; the Sixth and Fifteenth regiments were under Capt. B. R. Tyus; the Seventh under Capt. O. P
s born in Tennessee in 183. He entered the United States military academy in 1849, was graduated in 1854 as brevet second lieutenant of infantry, and in the following year was promoted to second lieutenant, First dragoons. His service in the United States army was mainly on frontier duty, in the course of which he engaged in combats with the Indians; against the Apaches, near Fort Bliss, in 1855, and near the Almagre mountains, New Mexico, in April, 1856, and again near the Gila river, November 30th of the same year. He resigned February 27, 1861, and in the war between the North and South bore a conspicuous part as leader of Texas troops. In 1862 he had command of a brigade of Texas cavalry, McCulloch's division, and was on duty in the district of Arkansas. He proved himself a very efficient officer and, like many others, was in command of a brigade long before he received a commission as brigadier-general. At the battle of Milliken's Bend, during the siege of Vicksburg, Randal
ear Flint river the brigade moved to Jonesboro, where they participated in the battles of August 31st and September 1st. On the retreat they skirmished at Lovejoy station, Bearcreek and Palmetto. During Hood's campaigns against Sherman's communications the Florida soldiers assisted in the capture of Dalton and the blockhouse in Mill Creek gap, skirmished at Decatur, Ala., and Columbia, Tenn., and under the command of Colonel Bullock took a gallant part in the bloody battle of Franklin, November 30th. In this fight Lieutenant-Colonel Badger, commanding the First cavalry and Fourth infantry, was wounded three times before he left the field, exemplifying the determined heroism of his fellow-soldiers. The brigade was with Bate's division in the campaign against Murfreesboro, and in a gallant fight at Overall's creek Colonel Bullock was wounded. Another severe fight followed on the Wilkinson pike, near Murfreesboro, and the brigade moved to Nashville in time to do gallant service as H
its masterly defence of Knoxville and repeated repulses of Longstreet's assaults upon that place, are deserving of the gratitude of their country; a meed which their country did not fail to bestow. Grant had given all his generals in East Tennessee repeated and positive orders to drive Longstreet's army completely out of the state. His whole plan was, either to annihilate that command, or to place it where it could do no further mischief to any part of his military division. On the 30th of November, he said to Foster, then at Cumberland gap: If Longstreet is retreating up the valley, would it not be well to strike for Abingdon? To Sherman, on the 1st of December, he wrote: When you start upon your return to this place, after it is known that East Tennessee is cleared of all formidable bodies of the enemy, etc. To Foster, on the 2d: Sherman will reach Knoxville to-morrow, or the day following. His force is large, and Longstreet must retreat before it, without much fighting. I d
Nashville immediately, and I presume he will be here by to-morrow morning.—Thomas to Halleck, November 30. In his official report, dated January 20, 1865, Thomas puts this force at 5,000; perhaps is place.—Thomas to Schofield, Nashville, Nov. 29, 11 P. M. Accordingly, at midnight of the 30th of November, the army was withdrawn from the trenches, and crossed the river without loss. Hood broughg the 1st of December they assumed position in front of Nashville. At 11.30 P. M. on the 30th of November, Thomas announced the result of the battle to Grant, and the arrival of A. J. Smith's last abandoned Wilmington, as well as Fort Fisher, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river. On the 30th of November, Grant notified Butler that Bragg, who had been in command at Wilmington, had set out for Gee's cavalry had been sent to Georgia, to aid in the resistance against Sherman, and on the 30th of November, Grant said to Meade: Try to ascertain how much force Hampton has taken from here with him.
Mr. White to Secretary Stanton.—(telegram.) Chicago, November 7, 1864. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Colonel Sweet, by his energetic and decisive measures last night, has undoubtedly saved Camp Douglas from being opened, and the city from conflagration. I respectfully suggest that you send him a word of commendation. Horace White. Statement showing the strength of the army under the immediate command of Major-General George H. Thomas on the 31st of October, 20th and 30th of November, and 10th of December, 1864, as reported by the returns on file in the office of the Adjutant-General. October 31, 1864. commands.present for duty.present for duty, equipped.present and absent.aggregate. Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men.Commanding Officers.Enlisted Men. 4th Corps71911,61268511,2261,38525,37726,762 23d Corps46110,16346110,16393821,107,22,045 Cavalry2275,8642135,31546310,98911,452 District of Tennessee74817,91371517,9181,22227,74828
e. Colonel Bowles in command of regiment, November 30th. No. 55—(658) Detached with Longstreet'1, 1864, Colonel Bowles in command. (1238) November 30th, Capt. A. D. McInnis in command. (1364) Dent as above, Colonel Lightfoot in command, November 30th. (1364) Battle's brigade, Second army corort, 5 wounded. (452) Assignment as above, November 30th. No. 55—(658) Same assignment, army of . A. Ashford killed in battle of Franklin, November 30th. No. 98—(1063) First Alabama (consolidanteenth regiment lost heavily at Franklin, November 30th, and at Nashville, December 13th to 16th. ee, and fought with gallantry at Franklin, November 30th; at Nashville, December 13th to 16th, and fought with its usual valor. At Franklin, November 30th, it was again engaged, and at Nashville, ler 1st. It opened the battle at Franklin, November 30th, where it suffered fearfully, by a fight m E. Pinckard commanding regiment. (1 246) November 30th, Col. William G. Swanson commanding. (1364[10
ames S. Negley (Union) as near Lafayette, September 8th. No. 53—(500) In Russell's brigade, Martin's division, Wheeler's corps, army of Tennessee, August 15, 1863. (545) Scouts ordered to rejoin their commands, August 24th. (632) Mentioned in General Hindman's general orders, September 10th. No. 54—(445) Mentioned by Col. Wm. J. Palmer (Union), Flat Gap, December 23, 1863. (453) Gen. John T. Morgan's brigade, Martin's division; troops in east Tennessee, under General Longstreet, November 30th. No. 56—(891) In Russell's brigade, Morgan's division, forces in east Tennessee, December 31, 1863. No. 58—(642) Same assignment under General Longstreet, January 31, 1864. No. 59—(283) Col. Jos. S. Gage (Union), Cottonville, Ala., says: The Fourth regiment, Alabama cavalry, 900 men strong, arrived at Warrenton on the night of April 5, 1864, a part of Wheeler's command from Blue Hills. (870) In Morgan's brigade, Martin's division, army of Tennessee, Johnsto
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