M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 67 (search)
ied; another from the height
' Fell headlong down upon the unpitying earth,
' And from the encrimsoned victor snatched his death:
' One built his funeral pyre and oped his veins,
' And scaled the furnace ere his blood was gone.
' Borne through the trembling town the leaders' heads
' Were piled in middle forum: hence men knew
' Of murders else unpublished. Not on gates
' Of Diomedes,Diomedes was said to feed his horses on human flesh. For Antaeus see Book IV., 660. OEnomaus was king of Pisa in Elis. Those who came to sue for his daughter's hand had to compete with him in a chariot race, and if defeated were put to death. tyrant king of Thrace,
' Nor of Antaeus, Libya's giant brood,
' Were hung such horrors; nor in Pisa's hall
'Were seen and wept for when the suitors died.
' Decay had touched the features of the slain
' When round the mouldering heap, with trembling steps
' The grief-struck parents sought and stole their dead.
' I, too, the body of my brother slain
' Thought to remove,