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commenced his arguments against a new trial, and occupied the whole day without concluding. The intentions of England relative to the proposed Congress are still unknown. The Russian Ambassador has communicated Prince Gortscha reply. It is in substance that Russia will take part in the Congress, but not until after the pacification of Poland. It is reported that Portugal has resolved to accept the proposal conditionally. The Paris Bourse was depressed. Bentes 67 10 The Index denies authoritatively the recent report of the alleged blockade of Malamoras. It says:"The French blockade of the Mexican coast commences twelve leagues from the southern bank of the Rio Grande, and no cargoes of any kind, an less there exist a reasonable suspicion of their being destined for Juarez, are interfered with by the French cruiser." It is reported that the British naval authorities have given instructions to prevent a suspicion vessel, lying in the Clyde, from going to sea.
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Federal Spy system in great Britain (search)
The Federal Spy system in great Britain We copy the following affidavit from the London Index. It was made by one of the workmen employed by J. & G. Thompson, shipbuilders at Glasgow. It was made in reference to the attempt made by the Yankee spies to suborn them to give evidence that might be used against the steamer Pampero: "On the 17th day of October last Mr. Archibald Brodie, formerly carver and gilder, Buchanan street, Glasgow, called at my house in Govan, proposing to sell carved trusses, &c. On the Tuesday following he called again about the trusses: but before he left he introduced the subject of the steamship Pampero, when he proposed that I should call on him at Balloch to inspect the trusses. I did not go to Balloch. On the evening of the23d of October last, on going home from work, I found him waiting for me at my house. After waiting some time. I accompanied him on leaving, when he proposed we should adjourn to a tavern in Govan. When there he again intr
The situation in Europe. --The London Index, thus pictures the "situation" In Europe at the present moment: At this time every member of the European family stan stormed to the teeth, and each for the last few years has spent a greater proportion of its resources than at any previous epoch in preparing itself for deadly striate against the others. To meet in family council at such a time could at worst precipitate by a very brief period what must inevitably come otherwise; it is far more likely that it would avert the danger.
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], A mammoth swindle — Livingston thrown into the Shade — a Million and a Quarter gone up. (search)
Gen Joe Johnston. A late number of the London Index has a review of a book written by an officer of the British army, who, not long ago, made a tour through the Confederacy, from Texas to Richmond, and who is described as a gentleman of remarkable intelligence, and a writer of no ordinary ability. Though rather inclining to the Northern side when he first visited this country, on account of his prejudices against slavery, personal observation converted him into a warm friend and admirer of the Confederate people, and of their heroic struggles and sacrifices in this war. He speaks with fervor of the unsurpassed courage and devotion of the private soldiers, and is eulogistic of the Sparian firmness of the women who have given their sons and brothers, not only without a murmur, but with pride and joy, to the defence of their country. This officer visited the camp of Gen. Joe Johnston at the time Grant was besieging Vicksburg, and he mentions one fact which we do not recollect to
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1864., [Electronic resource], Position of leading English statesmen. (search)
Position of leading English statesmen. --The London Index, February 4th, in speaking of the position of the leading English statesmen on the American question, remarks thus: Four-fifths of the House wish the Confederacy should be recognized, but do not choose to pass such a vote except on the responsibility of a leading statesman; and no leading statesman is prepared to take the responsibility of recognition. Lord Derby will not do it; and the Tories cannot come without Lord Derby. Lord Russell will not do it, and Lord Palmerston dare not throw him overboard. And in truth, except Lord R Cecil, we doubt if any prospective Cabinet Minister would dare to hazard his position by making the proposal.
The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Appearance of the Georgia and discipline on board. (search)
Busts of President Davis in England. --We find the following advertisement in the London Index: The only bust extant of the President of the Confederate States, modeled by Volk, at Richmond, and the most faithful likeness of this eminent statesman, has been kindly lent by the owner for reproduction for the benefit of the Southern Prisoners' Relief Fund of Liverpool. In conformity with the intentions of the donor, the bust has been registered under the Designs Act, and a numbers of cd (composition of wax and plaster,) 10s 6d. Carriage free to all parts of the United Kingdom. The bust may be seen at the studio of James Redfern, Esq., 29 Clipstons street, Fusroy Square, W, who will also receive orders to execute it in marble, and at the Index office, Bouveste street, B. C. The proceeds of the sale of the 300 castle being for the benefit of the Southern Prisoners' Relief Fund, all orders must be and money orders made payable to, Mr. Henry Hotge, 17 Sevile Row. W.
The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], The ancient boundaries of Virginia. (search)
e English nation too severely, and had it not been inconsistent with the established policy of the British Government, which compels him to let the war go on until both parties shall have become exhausted. As he could not venture openly to take sides, he has taken care to throw all the weight of his influence against that side which he dislikes, and in favor of that which he affects.--During the war between Spain and her revolted American Colonies, as has been pointedly stated by the London Index, a large fleet of privateers was openly built, armed, and manned in the ports of the United States, to cruise against the merchant ships of Spain, and they succeeded so well that, for a time, they almost destroyed the Spanish trade with all parts of the world. During the Texan war many ships were built, armed, and manned for Texas, in New York and New Orleans, and a recruiting station was opened in the very navy-yard of Gosport. During the war of Grecian independence, the Mediterranean swa
The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Lexington Cadets — Presentation of a flag. (search)
no resemblance to those to which they were originally devoted. No man is so famous for this manner of using the Old Testament as Beecher. The whole energies of his mind are devoted to the inculcation of blood and slaughter, and as his doctrine cannot be found in the New Testament, he rejects that portion of the Sacred Writings, virtually, if not directly. By his mode of dealing with the Scripture, it may be made to justify any crime whatever. Knowing the habit of this man, the London Index proposes to him to preach a sermon from the following text: "I will say to the North give up, and to the South, give not back." (Isaiah, chapter XIIII., verse 6th.) We hope he may be induced to try his hand at it. We should like to see what he would make of it. He cannot object that it has been separated from its context, for he himself habitually separates his text from the context. Let him, then, accept the offer, and preach a sermon, after his own fashion, upon this text. Were the words
A Scarcity cotton Threatened. Mr. McHenry, author of the "Cotton Trade," is stated by the London Index to have written a letter to the Standard, in which he says that the total stock of cotton in Europe and the Federal States on 1st January, 1864, amounted to but 2,000,000 of bales, of 400 pounds weight each. Of this stock the Federal States possess 400,000 bales, leaving but 1,600,000 for Europe.--Of these 2,000,000 bales, six-sevenths are of a quality so inferior as to be useless for all kinds of manufactures, unless with the admixture of a large proportion of the better sorts, which it is impossible to obtain.--Such is the supply. As to the demand, it is sufficient to observe that in 1860 the manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic apparently used up 6,000,000 --really but 4,500,000--that is, only the latter quantity was taken by people using and wearing cotton goods, Supposing the wants of the world to be what they were four years ago, and deducting 300,000 bales that
The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Confederate cotton loan in England. (search)
The Confederate cotton loan in England. --the following are the three last quotations of the Confederate cotton loan in London: April 21st54½ April 28th58½ May 5th67 The London Index: says that at the last named quotations there was "a very fine market." It says: The operations have been on London, Liverpool, and French account. It seems that the large houses interested in the cotton trade have at length made arrangements to take quantities of the stock as fast as they can secure it, to make its privileges available in obtaining supplies of the staple. The result is that the few parcels floating in the market have been cleared at the advance, and that it will shortly be difficult to get any quantity, save at a further enhancement. Rumors have been circulated of the prospects of fresh loan engagements. These are authoritatively extradited, and for two very good and sufficient lessons. First, that though more than one offer for a new loan has been made,
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