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nywhere about Atlanta. It is one hundred and thirty-eight miles from Atlanta to Chattanooga; one hundred and seventy one from Atlanta to Augusta; eighty-four to West Point, one hundred and sixty-eight to Montgomery, and one hundred and ten from Atlanta to Macon. East Point is six miles west off the west Point road. The Macon and Western and the Atlanta and West Point Railroads form a junction at East Point, but trains of either company run into the heart of the city. At one place Peachtree creek runs within five miles of the city. At last accounts the enemy were all along this insignificant little branch. Fulton county is bounded on the east by DeKalb, on the south by Fayette, on the west by Campbell, and on the north by Cobb counties.--It is oddly shaped, for whilst its extreme length from north to south is thirty miles, its width from east to west is only ten. It is drained by the Chattahoochee and Peachtree creek on the north, and another little creek in the southwest
From Atlanta. Atlanta, August 6. --Brisk skirmishing continued throughout yesterday and last night on our left. A. lively artillery duel took place last evening between our batteries on Peachtree creek and the enemy — Comparative quiet reigned in the city last night. The enemy continued to concentrate their forces on our left, Palmer's corps occupying the extreme right, with his headquarters on the Sand Town road and Stally's on the left, with his pickets extending to the Georgia railroad. About seventy-five prisoners, including a captain and lieutenant, were brought in yesterday and last night. General Wheeler has issued a congratulatory order to the cavalry on the defeat and rout of the enemy's raiding party. All quiet save some sharpshooting this morning.
ry on the 8th and intrenched. Lieutenant-General Stuart took command of the corps on the 7th. The character of Peachtree creek and the numerous fords in the Chattahoochee above its inouth prevented my attempting to defend that part of the riveproached the town — this in the event that we should be unsuccessful in attacking the Federal army in its passage of Peachtree creek. After the armies were separated by the Chattahoochee, skirmishing became less severe. On the 14th, a divisionGeneral Hood's request, I continued to give orders until afternoon, placing the troops on the position selected near Peachtree creek. In transferring the command to General Hood, I explained my plans to him: First, to attack the Federal army while crossing Peachtree creek. If we were successful, great results might be hoped for, as the enemy would have both the creek and the river to intercept his retreat. Second, if unsuccessful, to keep back the enemy by intrenching, to give time for
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