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d climbed to the top, and seemed to stop a moment to rest and look down on the valley. July, 27 The Colonel left for Ohio to-day, to be gone two weeks. I came from the quarters of Brigadier-General Schleich a few minutes ago. He is a three-months' brigadier, and a rampant demagogue. Schleich said that slaves who accompanied their masters to the field, when captured, should be sent to Cuba and sold to pay the expenses of the war. I suggested that it would be better to take them to Canada and liberate them, and that so soon as the Government began to sell negroes to pay the expenses of the war I would throw up my commission and go home. Schleich was a State Senator when the war began. He is what might be called a tremendous little man, swears terribly, and imagines that he thereby shows his snap. Snap, in his opinion, is indispensable to a military man. If snap is the only thing a soldier needs, and profanity is snap, Schleich is a second Napoleon. This General Snap will
as then that men from the same town or neighborhood got together Drafting. and exchanged home gossip. Each one would produce recent letters giving interesting information about mutual friends or acquaintances, telling that such a girl or old schoolmate was married; that such a man had enlisted in such a regiment; that another was wounded and at home on furlough; that such another had been exempted from the forthcoming draft, because he had lost teeth; that yet another had suddenly gone to Canada on important business — which was a favorite refuge for all those who were afraid of being forced into the service. And when the draft finally was ordered, such chucklings as these old schoolmates or fellow-townsmen would exchange as they again compared notes; first, to think that they themselves had voluntarily responded to their country's appeal, and, second, to hope that some of the croakers they left at home might be drafted and sent to the front at the point of the bayonet, intercha
ad no interest in the cause, and could not be expected to have. These men were called bounty-jumpers, and, having deserted, went to some other State and enlisted again, to secure another bounty. In this manner many of them obtained hundreds of dollars without being detected; but many more were apprehended, and suffered for it. I knew of three such being shot at one time, each having taken three bounties before they were finally captured. The greater part of these bounty-jumpers came from Canada. A large number of reliable troops were necessary to take these men from the recruiting rendezvous to the various regiments which they were to join. The mass of recaptured deserters were put to hard labor on government works. Others were confined in some penitentiary, to work out their unexpired term of service. I believe the penitentiary at Albany was used for this purpose, as was also the Old Capitol Prison in Washington. Many more were sent to the Rip Raps, near Fort Monroe. On t
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 14: (search)
river, and were evidently very active in erecting fortifications, marching and countermarching small bodies of troops, and in communicating with other parts of their lines by signal-flags. Night was far advanced when we returned to our headquarters, where we found, to our great delight, a pleasant addition to our little military family in an English guest, Captain Phillips, of the Grenadier Guards, who was profiting by a short leave of absence from his battalion, stationed at the time in Canada, to witness some of the active operations of the war on our side. The next day there was a review of the South Carolina Brigade of General Jenkins, in an open field within half an hour's walk of our camp, and I had the gratification of taking our new guest to see it. General Jenkins received us with his habitual courtesy, and manifestly felt great pride in showing off his magnificent brigade, which consisted of about 3500 men, veterans who had participated in nearly all the great battles o
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 19: (search)
continuously from amidst the camps, and the bands of all the different regiments played merrily every evening. A theatre even was erected, where the performances of negro minstrels and other entertainments afforded immense delight to officers and men, and attracted all the young ladies of the neighbourhood. About the middle of the month some interruption to the usual monotonous routine of our camp was made by the visit of Colonel Bramston, of the battalion of Grenadier Guards stationed in Canada, with whom I, with great pleasure, shared the accommodation of my tent. The shortness of his furlough, however, deprived us of his presence a few days after his arrival. Just at this time a pressing invitation came to the General and myself from our friends at Dundee, in Hanover County, where Dr P.‘s eldest daughter was to be married to Dr Fontaine, one of our comrades then acting as surgeon to Fitz Lee's brigade. That we could accept it seemed impossible; for on the very same day a revie
nots, they would gloomily discuss the prospect of emigration, as if that were the sole good the future held. There can be little doubt that had the ability been theirs, a large majority of the young men of the South would have gone abroad, to seek their fortunes in new paths and under new skies. Luckily, for their country, the commander at Richmond failed to keep his agreement with the paroled officers; and-after making out rolls of those who would be granted free permission and passage to Canada, England or South Americathose rolls were suddenly annulled and the whole matter given up. Thus a number of useful, invaluable men who have ever since fought the good fight against that outrage — the imposition of negro dominance over her — were saved to the South. 24 And that good fight, begun in the natural law of self-preservation, has eventuated to the interests of a common country. For no one who does not intimately understand the character of the negro-his mental and moral, as
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. (search)
oaming, it had swelled to two or three thousand men. Those things will happen sometimes to the bravest of men. We were again able to send General Lee's army about a thousand beef cattle, and some few other supplies, which served to keep up the spirits of our much enduring men. The weather we had had for this expedition was unusually mild and favorable for that season when, in the section into which we went, the climate is usually as harsh among the mountains as it is in that part of Canada bordering on the Lakes. Shortly after our return, the troops were moved further up the valley, the two infantry brigades going into camp near Harrisonburg, and the cavalry going to Rockbridge and the railroad west of Staunton where forage could be obtained, a small force being left to picket down the valley. Major Gilmor subsequently made a raid down the valley, and captured a train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. After the troops had been located, in company with Captain Hotch
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Appendix: the testimony of letters. (search)
spirations. I do not believe that I shall become a Bonaparte or a Bolivar, but he who never aspires, never rises. I have confined this letter to one subject because my whole soul is taken up with that subject. General Early returned from Canada to the States in 1869; that winter was devoted to visits among his relatives and friends from whom he had been so long parted. His father died in 1870. In the autobiography he writes of his father as still living: it is therefore presumable that his manuscript was, at least, commenced while he was in Canada. Previously he had published at Toronto (in 1866), A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence, which was written, he states, under a solemn sense of duty to my unhappy country, and to the brave soldiers who fought under me, as well as to myself. His correspondence was very large and in many cases continued during years. Through this runs the story of his unflagging interest and industry in endeavoring to confirm
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
11, 413, 419, 420 Burke's Station, 50 Burnside, General (U. S. A.), 104, 1.05, 106, 131, 132, 150, 151, 158, 165, 166, 169, 180, 189, 192, 341, 343, 348, 356, 358, 477 Burton's Mill, 242 Butler, General (U. S. A.), 40, 341, 344, 364 Butterfield (U. S. A.), 218 Cabell, General, 198, 210 Calf Pasture River, 326 Callahan's, 327, 330 Callaway, Lieutenant, Wm. G., 187, 209, 250, 464 Camden, 184 Cameron's Depot, 408 Campbell Court-House, 376 Camp Walker, 6, 12 Canada, 472 Capital, 90, 159, 160 Carlisle, 255, 263 Caroline, 184 Carpenter, 206 Carrington, 176, 179 Carter, Colonel, 445 Carter House, 26, 27 Carter, Lieutenant T. H., 422, 460 Cash, Colonel, 27, 28 Cashtown, 256, 257, 264, 266, 267, 276, 278, 279 Castleman's Ferry, 164, 396 Catharpin Creek, 237 Catlett's Station, 110, 114 Catoctan Mountain, 386 Cavetown, 254 Cedar Creek, 242, 368, 369, 398, 406, 407, 417, 418, 430, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 44
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
cupying their principal cities, would give the Yankees so much employment that they would be unable to spare many men for Canada. He acknowledged that in Mississippi, General Grant had displayed uncommon vigor, and met with considerable success, con that he intended to run the blockade this evening for Bermuda, from whence he should find his way to the Clifton Hotel, Canada, where he intended to publish a newspaper, and agitate Ohio across the frontier. Major Norris found him much elated by tnjust, was already as intense as it could possibly be. I then alluded to the supposed ease with which they could overrun Canada, and to the temptation which its unprotected towns must offer to the large numbers of Irish and German mercenaries in theen the inevitable smash came-and that separation was an accomplished fact — the State of Maine would probably try to join Canada, as most of the intelligent people in that State have a horror of being under the thumb of Massachusetts. He added, that
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