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Died in Germany. --The New York papers announce the death of Mrs. Charles Astor Bristed, the excellent and accomplished wife of the well-known "Carl Benson." Mrs. Bristed expired at Baden Baden, Germany, on Monday, August 5, of a complicated heart disease. She was a woman of great personal and mental attractions, which she inherited from both her parents, (the late Henry Brevoort, of New York, and Laura Carson, of South Carolina,) as well as of a most enchanting sweetness and gayety of disposition. In Baden she was universally loved and respected. The inhabitants and residents attended her funeral with almost regal honors. Members of the diplomatic corps came from a distance to be present at the ceremony, and ladies of the highest aristocracy followed the procession to the grave. She was but thirty-seven years of age.
our memory, but we can recall nothing in the least resembling it. The whole world is acquainted with the circumstances attending the death of the Duke d'enghien at the beginning of the present century. He was seized upon the neutral territory of Baden, on a charge of conspiring against the life of the First Consul Bonaparte, and shot without trial, and, as has been alleged, without the knowledge of Bonaparte, Be this allegation true or false, the whole world stood aghast at the audacity of thear, which other aggressions, continued from year to year, brought about five years after. Neither of these cases, however, exactly resembles this. The acts in question concerned the neutrality of two feeble nations, as the United States and Baden then were, and they were the acts of the two most formidable powers (the one on land the other on sea) then in existence. Now Great Britain continues to be one of the most powerful nations on earth, and the United States are the scorn and the mo
and fatal to civilization, which is recognized by no Christian nation, unless in cases where no other remedy can be had. In the history of any powerful nation that ever existed, cases may be found of violence not justified upon any principle known to Christian society. To go no farther, the pages of French and English history are full of such. But nobody ever dreamed of laying them down as precedents upon which to found general maxims of law. First Consul Bonaparts invaded the territory of Baden, which was a neutral territory, seized a political refugee by force, and had him shot. Is it to be inferred therefrom that it is lawful so seize refugees upon neutral territory, and is the party so seizing allowed to justify and plead this case as a precedent? England sent a squadron to Copenhagen, a neutral port, took the whole Danish fleet, and bombarded the city. This was clearly a great wrong; but it furnishes a precedent if it be determined to construct a code of international law up
he members of the male sex. In the Leeds Court of Bankruptcy, lately, it appeared that out of fourteen bankrupts who ought to have appeared, five had absconded. In each of the latter cases sentence of outlawry was proclaimed. The scaffolding before the north front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, in Paris, has been removed, and the facade, with the magnificent Gothic window forty feet in diameter, can now be seen to great perfection. The Chamber of Deputies of the kingdom of Wurtemberg has just pronounced in favor of the abolition of capital punishment by fifty-six votes against twenty-seven. A statement comes from Naples to the effect that, on the 16th of last month, an English tourist (name not given) was killed on the cone of Vesuvius in his effort to avoid an enormous rock shot up from the crater. He rolled down the steep declivity, and was picked up at the spot called Pellegrini, ribs fractured and backbone broken. The newest system of robbery announced i
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