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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 2 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 2 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 2 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 2 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies. 2 0 Browse Search
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ould have been the first servant of the State as at this moment its most dangerous enemy. They thought he was undoing all that they had achieved, bringing back the rule they had overturned, defying the decision of the faithful North, installing sedition in the place of loyalty. On the 7th of June Grant wrote to Sheridan as follows: I was absent from here on my way to West Point when the correspondence commenced between you and the Secretary of War which culminated in the removal of Governor Wells. I knew nothing of it, except what was published in the papers, until my return here yesterday. The Secretary's dispatch was in obedience to an order from the President written on Saturday before starting South, but not delivered to the Secretary until Monday after I left my office. I know Mr. Stanton is disposed to support you, not only in this last measure, but in every official act of yours thus far. He cannot say so because it is in Cabinet he has to do this, and there is no telli
ts on account of rumors of removal. Such an act will not reflect on you. Encouraged thus by his immediate superior, Sheridan persisted in his obedience to the spirit and the letter of the law; and Grant persisted in his encouragement. On the 3d of June Sheridan removed the Governor of Louisiana, that official having made himself an impediment to the faithful execution of the Reconstruction Act; and Grant immediately wrote to Sheridan: I have no doubt myself that the removal of Governor Wells will do great good to your command, if you are sustained, but great harm if you are not sustained. I shall do all I can to sustain you in it. You have acted boldly and with good judgment, and will be sustained by public opinion as well as your own conscience, no matter what the result. It has been my intention to order you to Washington as soon as your command is in a condition that you can leave it for a few weeks, to give you an opportunity of taking a run up North. A little relaxat
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.3 (search)
ennettsville, and early next morning met our men at Cheraw, where a hot skirmish was going on. A battery was placed in position to shell the town, and while Generals Hampton and Butler were consulting in the street a shell killed the horse of Sergeant Wells, of the Charleston Light Dragoons. This gallant company had been so badly cut to pieces in Virginia that only fifteen or twenty men were left, and, while at Columbia, General Butler detailed these brave boys as his escort, and the first shel whom quite a number were killed and captured. Here is a copy of General Hampton's letter complimenting those gallant boys who followed him: Headquarters cavalry, 19th March, 1865. Lieutenant: I take great pleasure in commending to you Privates Wells, Bellinger, and Fishburne of your company, who, with Private Scott and one of Wheeler's command, whose name I regret I don't know, acted with conspicuous gallantry in charging and driving from the town of Fayetteville that portion of the enem
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
triot). Maury, Robert H. Montague, John H. Purcell, John Perkins, E. T. Paine, Robert A. Palmer, George S. Peachy, Dr. St. G. Quarles, Benj. M. Randolph, Joseph W. Richardson, R. P. Royster, George W. Spence, E. B. Starke, P. H. Starke, Marcellus T. Sutton, William M. Snead, William W. Staples, W. T. Smith, George W. Smith, Samuel B. Scott, James A. Tucker, John R. Tyndall, Mark A. Valentine, Mann S. Wright, Philip J. Wells, Alex. B. Wilson, Edward Wilson, John J. Worthan, C. T. Wortham, C. E. Weisiger Powhatan Whitlock, Chas. E. Whitlock, John E. Wynne, Chas. H. Walker, Isaac H. Honorary members. Dr. W. A Carrington, Dr. J. E. Claggett, Dr. James Cammack, Thomas Clemmitt, Harvie A. Dudley, James H. Grant, George W. Lowndes, Colonel Robert Ould, and J. A. Cowardin, of the Dispatch. Committee officers. The officers of the committee were: John Enders, President; William
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument to Mosby's men. (search)
at Donelson. Sheridan's cavalry knew by experience about as much about the character and composition of my command as I did. There were then serving in the Shenandoah Valley a great many who had in 1863 been captured by us and exchanged. So Torbert—Merritt— Custer—and Lowell couldn't plead ignorance. Major Russell, A. A. G., of the cavalry corps, had been captured by one of my men, Bush Underwood, in July, 1863. We had a few minutes conversation before he was sent off to Richmond. General Wells commanded a cavalry brigade. We had captured him and a large portion of his regiment—the 1st Vermont cavalry—and their commanding general —Stoughton. He wrote me a very cordial letter when I was nominated by Hayes as consul at Hong Kong, and said that he had informed Senator Edmunds of the manner he and his men had been treated by us, and asked him to vote for my confirmation. I received cards of invitation to his daughter's wedding a few days ago. We had many collisions with Co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.44 (search)
B. Hofman, C. H. Jelks, William A. Jameson, W. A. Johnson, R. H. Jones, R. E. Jordan, Orris F. Kenney, Robert Kevan, William C. Kinsey, Levi A. Kull, Mark E. Lacy, William P. Lee, E. B. Lilly, William E. Lipscomb, Hersey Lufsy, H. Lewis Lyon, Daniel Robertson, J. T. R. Roberts, John P. Ruffin, Theo. B. Sandford, Paul W. Simmons, N. B. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, W. C. Smith, Robert L. Snead, John W. Summerville, J. B. Spottswood, Jos. E. Steel, Alexander Stone, Jordan Stywalt, Hiram Styles, Waverly R. Tally, George A. Talley, Peyton Taliaferro, J. B. Taylor, George A. Tatum, L. Tomlin, C. B. Topham, J. H. Totty, William G. Vaughan, Lycurgus Waller, Thomas J. Webb, Robert T. White, George R. Wells, Robert M. Wills, O. L. Williams, Wm. J. Weeks, E. The names in italic type indicate those who were present and surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, James Peirce (search)
situated with an attached and encouraging congregation. During his residence here, he distinguished himself by various publications on the controversy between the church and the dissenters. His first appearance on this arena was in reply to a Dr. Wells, a clergyman in Leicestershire, who had published A Letter to Mr. Donley, a dissenting minister, containing many unfounded statements and gross misrepresentations of the principles and character of the dissenters. This pamphlet being circulated with great activity, Mr. Peirce, in 1707, published A Eight Letters to Dr. Wells, in which he convicted him, not only of various mistakes, but of gross and unjust calumnies. But his most remarkable and valuable work, in connexion with this controversy, was occasioned by the appearance of a Latin treatise by Dr. Nichols, Foreign Secretary to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and more particularly submitted to the judgment of divines in the foreign Protestant churches. As this w
am, potter, h. Cross. Walker, Samuel, tailor, h. on street leading from Prospect school. Watson, John, bleachery. Wiggin, James M., carpenter, h. Milk. Wason, James, provision dealer, h. Cambridge. Waugh, Chandler, teamster at bleachery. Washburn, David, brickmaker, h. Derby. Welch, Abram, surveyor of roads, h. near Milk. Webster, Daniel C., engineer, h. leads from Beacon. West, Henry N., lumber merchant, h. Summer. Weston, Israel A., on railroad, h. Medford. Wells, William, h. Medford. Wellington, Henry S., yeoman, h. Broadway. White, John, b. harness maker, h. Garden court. White, William F., h. Linden. White, Artemas, dealer in real estate, h. Elm. White, William A., b. machinist, h. Cherry. Wheeler, George W., carpenter, h. Central. Whitton, Moses, bookbinder, h. Mt. Vernon. Whitton, John R., daguerreotype artist. Willard, William, b. architect, h. Cross. Willard, David D., b. dentist, h. Joy. Willard, Samuel L., ca
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 5. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Margaret Smith's Journal (search)
er trial at the Court of Assistants. This last Court, I learn from mine uncle, did not condemn her, as some of the evidence was old, and not reliable. Uncle saith she was a wicked old woman, who had been often whipped and set in the ducking-stool, but whether she was a witch or no, he knows not for a certainty. November 8. Yesterday, to my great joy, came my beloved Cousin Rebecca from Boston. In her company also came the worthy minister and doctor of medicine, Mr. Russ, formerly of Wells, but now settled at a plantation near Cocheco. He is to make some little tarry in this town, where at this present time many complain of sickness. Rebecca saith he is one of the excellent of the earth, and, like his blessed Lord and Master, delighteth in going about doing good, and comforting both soul and body. He hath a cheerful, pleasant countenance, and is very active, albeit he is well stricken in years. He is to preach for Mr. Richardson next Sabbath, and in the mean time lodgeth a
ple repeatedly wrote to his heirs. No answer was received; and such commissioners as had authority from 1647-8 Europe gradually withdrew. There was no relief for the colonists but in themselves; and the inhabitants of Piscataqua, Gorgeana, and Wells, following the 1649. July American precedent, with free and unanimous consent i. Mass. Hist Coll. i. 103. formed themselves into a body politic for the purpose of self-government. Massachusetts readily offered its protection. The great chd to all inhabitants; and the whole eastern country gradually, yet reluctantly, submitted to the necessity of the change. When the claims of the proprietaries in England were urged before Cromwell, many inhabitants of the towns of York, Kittery, Wells, Saco, and 1656 Cape Porpoise, yet not a majority, remonstrated on the ground of former experience. To sever them from Massachusetts would be to them the subverting of all civil order. Documents in Maine Hist Coll. 296. 299. Ms. Letter of G
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