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Athens (Greece) 228 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 222 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 110 0 Browse Search
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Found 6 total hits in 2 results.

Hellespont (Turkey) (search for this): speech 12, section 16
Our mutual hostility has become so acute that, when I wanted to convey my fleet to the Hellespont, I was compelled to escort it with my army through the Chersonese, because your settlers there were at war with us in accordance with the decree of Polycrates,Unknown; apparently the author of the decree by which the colony was sent out. backed up by your resolutions, and your general was inciting the Byzantines and publicly announcing that your orders were to make war on me, if he got the chance. In spite of this provocation, I kept my hands off the fleets and the territory of your state, though I was strong enough to seize most, if not all, of these, and I have not ceased to appeal to you to have the points in dispute between us settled by arbitration.
Chersonese (Ukraine) (search for this): speech 12, section 16
Our mutual hostility has become so acute that, when I wanted to convey my fleet to the Hellespont, I was compelled to escort it with my army through the Chersonese, because your settlers there were at war with us in accordance with the decree of Polycrates,Unknown; apparently the author of the decree by which the colony was sent out. backed up by your resolutions, and your general was inciting the Byzantines and publicly announcing that your orders were to make war on me, if he got the chance. In spite of this provocation, I kept my hands off the fleets and the territory of your state, though I was strong enough to seize most, if not all, of these, and I have not ceased to appeal to you to have the points in dispute between us settled by arbitration.