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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 34 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 26 0 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 24 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs) 18 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter) 18 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 16 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 41 (search)
It happened that, as the sun rose, the priestess entered the god's prophetic shrine; she saw the baby and marvelled that some girl of Delphi had dared to cast her secret child into the house of the god; she was eager to take it away from the shrine; but she let the harsh intent gave way to pity—and the god worked with her, so the child might not be hurled out of his house—she took up the child and raised it. She did not know that Phoebus was the father, nor who the mother was, nor did the child know about his parents. When young he played round the shrine, and was nourished there; but when he grew to manhood, the Delphians made him guardian of the god's treasures, a trusted steward of all; and here in the temple of the god he has lived a holy life. But Creusa, the mother of the child, married Xuthus in these circumstances: a wave of war came over Athens and the Chalcidians, who hold the land of Euboea; he joined their efforts, and with them drove out the enemy by his spear; for th
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 650 (search)
anquet, then lead you to Athens as a pretended visitor, not as my son. For I do not want to grieve my wife, who is childless, while I am fortunate. I will seize the right occasion and induce my wife to let you hold the scepter of the land together with me. Ion I name you, as befits your fortune, since you were the first to meet me as I came out ot the god's shrine. But assemble a full number of your friends, greet them at the sacrifice with pleasure, since you will soon leave the city of Delphi. And you, slaves, I tell you to be silent on these matters, or it will be death for those that tell my wife. Ion I will go. But one part of my fortune is lacking; if I do not find my mother, my life will not be endurable, father. If it is right to pray for it, my mother would be an Athenian, so that from her I might have freedom to speak my mind. For one who bursts as a stranger into a city unmixed in race, even if he is called a citizen, must keep a slavish mouth closed, and does not feel
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 544 (search)
nlawful bed? Xuthus Yes, in the folly of youth. Ion Was that before your marriage with the daughter of Erechtheus? Xuthus Yes, never afterwards. Ion So did you beget me then? Xuthus The time agrees. Ion Then how did I arrive here— Xuthus I cannot account for that. Ion Coming a long way? Xuthus That perplexes me also. Ion Have you come to the Pythian rock before? Xuthus To the torch-processions of Bacchus. Ion You stayed with one of the public hosts? Xuthus He, with the girls of Delphi— Ion Brought you into their company, or what are you saying? Xuthus The maenads of Bacchus. Ion Were you sensible, or under the influence? Xuthus In the pleasures of Bacchus. Ion It was then that I was conceived. Xuthus Fate has discovered you, my son. Ion How did I come to the temple, then? Xuthus Perhaps you were exposed by the girl. Ion I have escaped from slavery. Xuthus Now receive your father. Ion It is reasonable not to distrust the god, at any rate. Xuthus Now you are in
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 401 (search)
about the begetting of children? Xuthus He did not think it right to anticipate the answer of the god; but he said one thing, that neither you nor I would go home from the oracle childless. Creusa O revered lady, mother of Phoebus, may we have come here auspiciously, and may our former engagements with your son fall out better! Xuthus It shall be so. But who is the interpreter of the god? Ion I am, outside; within, it belongs to others seated near the tripod, stranger, the best men of Delphi, chosen by lot. Xuthus Good; I have everything I need. I will go inside; for, as I hear, the victim has been sacrificed for foreigners in common before the shrine; I want, on this day—for it is propitious—to receive the answer of the god. But you, lady, take these laurel twigs around the altars and pray to the gods for me to bring from Apollo's temple oracles that give hope of children.Xuthus, after giving the laurel boughs to Creusa, enters the temple. Creusa It shall be so, it shall. I
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 82 (search)
Ion Already this radiant four-horse chariot, the sun, flames over the earth, and at this fire of heaven the stars flee into the sacred night; the untrod Parnassian cliffs, shining, receive the wheel of day for mortals. The smoke of dry myrtle flies to Phoebus' roof. The woman of Delphi sits on the sacred tripod, and sings out to the Hellenes whatever Apollo cries to her. But you Delphian servants of Phoebus, go to the silver whirlpools of Castalia; come to the temple when you have bathed in its pure waters; it is good to keep your mouth holy in speech and give good words from your lips to those who wish to consult the oracle. But I will labor at the task that has been mine from childhood, with laurel boughs and sacred wreaths making pure the entrance to Phoebus' temple, and the ground moist with drops of water; and with my bow I will chase the crowds of birds that harm the holy offerings. For as I was born without a mother and a father, I serve the temple of Phoebus that nu
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 1 (search)
sun is about to rise. Hermes enters. Hermes Atlas, who wears away heaven, the ancient home of the gods, on his bronze shoulders, was the father of Maia by a goddess; she bore me, Hermes, to great Zeus; and I am the gods' servant. I have come to Delphi, this land where Phoebus from his central throne chants to mortals, always declaring the present and the future. For Hellas has a famous city, which received its name from Pallas of the golden lance; here Apollo forced a union on Creusa, the chind Phoebus, as my brother, asked me this: “O brother, go to the native-born people of glorious Athens, for you know the city of the goddess; take the new-born baby from the hollow rock, with his cradle and baby-clothes; bring him to my shrine at Delphi, and place him at the very entrance of my temple; The rest—know that the child is mine—will be my care.” To gratify my brother Loxias I took up the woven basket and brought it here, and placed the boy at the base of this temple, opening up the
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 1132 (search)
He took the calves and left. The youth reverently built the round tent on pillars, without walls, taking good care of the rays of the sun, setting it neither towards the middle beams of heat nor in turn towards the ending ones. He measured a length of 100 feet for a square, having its whole area ten thousand feet, as the wise say, so that he might call all the people of Delphi to the feast. From the treasuries he took sacred tapestries, and shadowed over the tent, a wonder for men to see. First, overhead he spread out wings of cloth, a dedication of the son of Zeus, which Herakles brought from the Amazons as spoils for the god. These pictures were woven in it: Heaven gathering the stars into the circle of the sky. The Sun was driving his horses to the last flare, drawing on the light of Evening. Dark-robed Night was shaking her two-horse chariot by means of the yoked pair, and stars attended her. A Pleiad hastened through the middle sky, with Orion and his sword; above, Arktos tur
Euripides, Ion (ed. Robert Potter), line 1320 (search)
As Ion and his followers are about to tear Creusa from the altar, the Priestess of Apollo enters from the temple. Priestess Hold back, my child; for I have left the oracular tripod and crossed the threshold, I the priestess of Phoebus, who keep the ancient law of the tripod, chosen from all the women of Delphi. Ion Welcome, you who are a dear mother to me, though not my parent. Priestess Then may I be called so; the name is not bitter to me. Ion Have you heard that this woman was trying to kill me with her plots? Priestess I have; but you are going astray in your cruelty. Ion Shouldn't I requite those who would kill me? Priestess Wives are always hostile to former offspring. Ion But we suffer greatly from stepmothers. Priestess Do not do these things; leaving the shrine and going to your country— Ion What must I be advised to do? Priestess Go pure to Athens, with good omens. Ion All those that kill their enemies are pure. Priestess Do not do it! Hear what I have to sa