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Found 13 total hits in 4 results.

Attica (Kansas, United States) (search for this): book 2, section 379e
war in Hom. Il. 4.84.“But as to the violation of the oaths Iliad 4.69 ff. and the truce by Pandarus, if anyone affirms it to have been brought about by the action of Athena and Zeus, we will not approve, nor that the strife and contentionE)/RIN TE KAI\ KRI/SIN is used in Menexenus 237 C of the contest of the gods for Attica. Here it is generally taken of the Theomachy, Iliad xx. 1074, which begins with the summons of the gods to a council by Themis at the command of Zeus. It has also been understood, rather improbably, of the judgement of Paris. of the gods
war in Hom. Il. 4.84.“But as to the violation of the oaths Iliad 4.69 ff. and the truce by Pandarus, if anyone affirms it to have been brought about by the action of Athena and Zeus, we will not approve, nor that the strife and contentionE)/RIN TE KAI\ KRI/SIN is used in Menexenus 237 C of the contest of the gods for Attica. Here it is generally taken of the Theomachy, Iliad xx. 1074, which begins with the summons of the gods to a council by Themis at the command of Zeus. It has also been understood, rather improbably, of the judgement of Paris. of the gods
Iliad (Montana, United States) (search for this): book 2, section 379e
n Homer, nor does Plato explicitly say that it is. Zeus is dispenser of war in Hom. Il. 4.84.“But as to the violation of the oaths Iliad 4.69 ff. and the truce by Pandarus, if anyone affirms it to have been brought about by the action of Athena and Zeus, we will not approve, nor that the strife and contenI\ KRI/SIN is used in Menexenus 237 C of the contest of the gods for Attica. Here it is generally taken of the Theomachy, Iliad xx. 1074, which begins with the summons of the gods to a council by Themis at the command of Zeus. It has also been understood, rather improbably, of the judgeme
war in Hom. Il. 4.84.“But as to the violation of the oaths Iliad 4.69 ff. and the truce by Pandarus, if anyone affirms it to have been brought about by the action of Athena and Zeus, we will not approve, nor that the strife and contentionE)/RIN TE KAI\ KRI/SIN is used in Menexenus 237 C of the contest of the gods for Attica. Here it is generally taken of the Theomachy, Iliad xx. 1074, which begins with the summons of the gods to a council by Themis at the command of Zeus. It has also been understood, rather improbably, of the judgement of Paris. of the gods