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Plato (Colombia) | 66 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Iliad (Montana, United States) | 40 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Meno (New York, United States) | 38 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Phil (Kentucky, United States) | 34 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Found 15 total hits in 3 results.
Otto (Wyoming, United States) (search for this): book 3, section 390e
“By no
means.” “Then they must not chant:
Gifts move the gods and gifts persuade dread
s.v.DW=RA says that some attributed
the line to Hesiod. Cf. Euripides Medea 964, Ovid, Ars Am. iii. 653,
Otto, Sprichw. d.
Rom. 233. Nor should we approve Achilles' attendant
PhoenixSee his speech,
ix. 515 ff. as speaking fairly when he counselled him if
he received gifts for it to defend the Achaeans, but without gifts not to
lay aside his wrath; nor shall we think it proper nor admit that
xix. 278 ff. But A<
Iliad (Montana, United States) (search for this): book 3, section 390e
Ovid (Colorado, United States) (search for this): book 3, section 390e
“By no
means.” “Then they must not chant:
Gifts move the gods and gifts persuade dread
s.v.DW=RA says that some attributed
the line to Hesiod. Cf. Euripides Medea 964, Ovid, Ars Am. iii. 653,
Otto, Sprichw. d.
Rom. 233. Nor should we approve Achilles' attendant
PhoenixSee his speech,
ix. 515 ff. as speaking fairly when he counselled him if
he received gifts for it to defend the Achaeans, but without gifts not to
lay aside his wrath; nor shall we think it proper nor admit that
xix. 278 ff. But A<