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Sardis (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 4
tles a civil war in Caria with one another; they were intrenched in strongholds, and both sides called upon Cyrus for assistance. So while Cyrus himself stayed in Sardis to make siege-engines and battering rams to demolish the walls of such as should refuse to submit, he entrusted an army to Adusius, a Persian who was not lacking th nothing but slings. Accordingly, they were thus engaged in executing these orders.But Cyrus, leaving behind a large garrison of foot-soldiers,Cyrus starts from Sardis started from Sardis in company with Croesus; and he took with him many wagons loaded with valuables of every sort. And Croesus also had come with an accurate inveSardis in company with Croesus; and he took with him many wagons loaded with valuables of every sort. And Croesus also had come with an accurate inventory of what was in each wagon; and as he handed the lists to Cyrus he said: “From this, Cyrus, you may know who renders to you in full that of which he has charge and who does not.” “Aye, Croesus,” answered Cyrus; “you do well to take this precaution. As far as I am concerned, however, those shall have charge of the valuables
the slingers in the world could stand against a very few men who came into a hand-to-hand encounter with them with weapons suited for close combat. On the way to Babylon he subdued GreaterHe marches still conquering to Babylon Phrygia and Cappadocia and reduced the Arabians to submission. From all these he secured armour for not lBabylon Phrygia and Cappadocia and reduced the Arabians to submission. From all these he secured armour for not less than forty thousand Persian horsemen, and many horses taken from the prisoners he distributed among all the divisions of his allies. And thus he arrived before Babylon with a great host of cavalry, and a great host of bowmen and spearmen, and a multitude of slingers that was beyond number. all these he secured armour for not less than forty thousand Persian horsemen, and many horses taken from the prisoners he distributed among all the divisions of his allies. And thus he arrived before Babylon with a great host of cavalry, and a great host of bowmen and spearmen, and a multitude of slingers that was beyond number.
Cappadocia (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 4
o, he required to follow with nothing but slings. And of those who had been made subjects he required all who were unarmed to practise with the sling, for he considered this weapon to be the one most fitting for a slave. For in conjunction with other forces there are occasions when the presence of slingers is of very effective assistance, but by themselves alone not all the slingers in the world could stand against a very few men who came into a hand-to-hand encounter with them with weapons suited for close combat. On the way to Babylon he subdued GreaterHe marches still conquering to Babylon Phrygia and Cappadocia and reduced the Arabians to submission. From all these he secured armour for not less than forty thousand Persian horsemen, and many horses taken from the prisoners he distributed among all the divisions of his allies. And thus he arrived before Babylon with a great host of cavalry, and a great host of bowmen and spearmen, and a multitude of slingers that was beyond number.
Hellespont (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 4
oops or engines; but Adusius answered that even the army he had with him was at the disposal of Cyrus to employ elsewhere. And with those words he started to lead back his army, leaving only garrisons upon the citadels. But the Carians pleaded with him to stay; and when he refused, they sent to Cyrus to petition him to send Adusius to be their satrap. Cyrus had meanwhile sent off Hystaspas inThe conquest of the lesser Phrygia command of an expedition against the Phrygia that lies along the Hellespont. So when Adusius returned, he directed him to march on in the direction Hystaspas had taken, that they might submit to Hystaspas more readily when they heard that another army was on the way. Now the Greeks who dwelt by the sea gave many gifts and secured an agreement to the effect that while they should not receive the barbarians“Barbarians,” from the Greek point of view,; that is, Persians. within their walls, they would yet pay tribute and serve under him in the field wherever Cyrus sho
Then the Carians fell into strife and civil warAdusius settles a civil war in Caria with one another; they were intrenched in strongholds, and both sides called upon Cyrus for assistance. So while Cyrus himself stayed in Sardis to make siege-engines and battering rams to demolish the walls of such as should refuse to submit, he entan army to Adusius, a Persian who was not lacking in judgment generally and not unskilled in war, and who was besides a very courteous gentleman, and sent him into Caria; and the Cilicians and Cyprians also joined most heartily in this expedition. Because of their enthusiastic allegiance he never sent a Persian satrap to govern eittheir native princes. Tribute, however, he did receive from them, and whenever he needed forces he made a requisition upon them for troops. Adusius now set out for Caria at the head of his army; and there came to him representatives from both parties of the Carians, ready to receive him into their walls to the injury of the rival f
Phrygia (Turkey) (search for this): book 7, chapter 4
to petition him to send Adusius to be their satrap. Cyrus had meanwhile sent off Hystaspas inThe conquest of the lesser Phrygia command of an expedition against the Phrygia that lies along the Hellespont. So when Adusius returned, he directed him tPhrygia that lies along the Hellespont. So when Adusius returned, he directed him to march on in the direction Hystaspas had taken, that they might submit to Hystaspas more readily when they heard that another army was on the way. Now the Greeks who dwelt by the sea gave many gifts and secured an agreement to the effect that whilen their walls, they would yet pay tribute and serve under him in the field wherever Cyrus should direct. But the king of Phrygia made preparations to keep possession of his forts and not to submit, and he gave orders to that effect. When, however, hhem with weapons suited for close combat. On the way to Babylon he subdued GreaterHe marches still conquering to Babylon Phrygia and Cappadocia and reduced the Arabians to submission. From all these he secured armour for not less than forty thousand