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public land to them. The best part of this land around Capua,This land had been public domain ever since the second Punic war. ( Velleius, ii. 44.) which was leased for the public benefit, he proposed to bestow upon those who were the fathers of at least three children, by which means he bought for himself the favor of a multitude of men. Twenty-thousand, who had three children each, came forward at once. As many senators opposed his motion he B.C. 59 pretended to be indignant at their injustice, and rushed out of the Senate and did not convene it again for the remainder of the year,"Appian and Dion are wrong in affirming that he ceased to assemble the Senate; for he called them together several times, among others to make them swear to observe his law and to declare Ptolemy and Ariovistus friends of the Roman people," etc. (Duruy, iii. 206.) but harangued the people from the rostra. In a publi
his political expenses. He was reported as saying that he needed 25,000,000 sestercesAbout $1,250,000. in order to have nothing at all. However, he arranged with those who were detaining him as best he could and proceeded to Spain. Here he neglected the transaction of public business, the administration of justice, and all matters of that kind because he considered them of no use Y.R. 694 to his purposes, but he raised an army and attacked the B.C. 60 independent Spanish tribes one by one until he made the whole country tributary to the Romans. He also sent much money to the public treasury at Rome. For these reasons the Senate awarded him a triumph. He was making preparations outside the walls for a most splendid procession, during the days when candidates for the consulship were required to present themselves. It was not lawful for one who was going to have a triumph to enter the city and then go