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Italy (Italy) 20 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White). Search the whole document.

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your efforts and by the help of the gods. As we have paid you all that we promised for your former exploits and have rewarded your fidelity with abundant gifts, so for this greater battle we will, under the favor of the gods, provide you a reward worthy of it. And now, to increase the zeal with which you already advance to your task, and in remembrance of this assembly and of these words, we will make an additional gift from this platform -- to each soldier 1500 Italic drachmas,This is the only place in Appian where we find the phrase "Italic drachmas." What is meant is the Roman denarius, equal to sixteen American cents. to each centurion five times that sum, and to each tribune in proportion." Having thus spoken and having put his army in good spirits by deed and word and gifts, he dissolved the assembly. The soldiers remained a long time heaping praises on Cassius and Brutus and promising to do th